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Author Topic: Downloads At iStock 12% Lower Than 2012  (Read 31821 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2014, 15:45 »
The 70% and 75% came from investors considering investing in Getty debt.

It seems almost incredible that corporate investors at that level would would be sharing inside gossip with a blogger whilst, presumably, under NDA. But okay.

Straight question: How did it go from being 70% of revenue to being 70% of sales ? Previously you said revenue. Now you are saying sales.

Revenue and sales are the same thing for Getty aren't they?

Could well be, but Jim's article cites "70% of sales" and then "75% of all downloads", so if "sales" means "revenue" the two figures are not comparable (though Jim has obviously taken sales to be the same as dls otherwise he wouldn't have put them in the same sentence). 

« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2014, 15:59 »
Revenue and sales are the same thing for Getty aren't they?

The OP here also references 'downloads'. 75% of downloads is unlikely to necessarily represent 75% of revenue.

Sales and downloads would be the same thing - except that many buyers actually buy a large credit pack rather than an individual image. So then what is a sale exactly ? And the relationship between the prices of exclusive and non-exclusive content is further complicated by the different royalty rates.

Sales, downloads and revenue are 3 subtly different things. The percentages are unlikely to be casually interchangeable. You could say for example that exclusive content represents x% of the total content used (downloads). The money that content generates may represent a completely different %age of the total income.

So no - I don't think that % of sales and % of revenue are the same. And probably different again from % of downloads.

ETA: yet again Baldrick gets in first with a simple answer as I try to clarify what I mean !
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 16:15 by bunhill »

« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2014, 16:30 »
In business "sales" generally means a cash total. A "sales target" is a cash target, not a target to sell a certain number of items of variable value.

The link between DLs and cash value will be quite tenuous for iS, because of all the different prices and the changes they make. A large Vetta dl is worth a tremendous number of small inde dls and if they push customers en masse from one collection to another then the average value of a dl may also shift sharply.

« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2014, 16:37 »
As far as I'm concerned Sales and Revenue are the same thing, both being common accounting terms expressed in $'s, whereas Downloads are another thing entirely. I see what you mean though, the OP does need to clarify what he is referring to.

I'm not sure that these extrapolations ... upon guesstimates ... upon 3-year-old data are particularly helpful anyway. I think most of us have a fair idea from our own numbers and the monthly reports from others how agencies are generally doing.

I'm not even sure I care much any more about how IS is doing. Last month they dropped to below 10% of my microstock earnings for the first time ever and were beaten into 3rd place by DT, also for the first time in over 9 years of microstock. After the latest series of price increases I can only see them accelerating downwards ever faster.

« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2014, 16:47 »
I'm not sure that these extrapolations ... upon guesstimates ... upon 3-year-old data are particularly helpful anyway.

Yep. And definitely not worth paying for IMO.

These threads are a sales pitch IMO. Just like Mike's poodle pictures.


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