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Author Topic: Considering Exclusivity  (Read 30270 times)

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« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2009, 22:32 »
Anybody feel Vetta is a big extra incentive to go exclusive? 

I have to admit I would like to try some files in there, but won't ever get the chance unless they allow independents to upload exclusive images to it. 
I have a hard time believing that buyers will embrace Vetta prices. I guess only time will tell, but I have serious doubts about whether buyers will really pay that much more for the Vetta collection. Until the collection proves to be successful, I don't think it can be considered an added perk.

« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2009, 00:03 »
This is so not true.  My best seller on DT which has made over 500$ just there and also sold 100s of times over multi sites was rejected by IS.
No because if they were rejected, they most likely aren't any good.  
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 00:12 by fotografer »

« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2009, 01:26 »

No because if they were rejected, they most likely aren't any good.  

what utter garbage

« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2009, 02:09 »
I like ISTOCK very much. But how do you know that you will not encounter an egocentric individual who will frustrate you just as much as Fotolia?

Well, I would say iStock has multiple ways of dealing with complaints. From my personal experience (and those issues of other contributors that I had to deal with), you will always find more than one person willing and able to (re-)consider a problem. I really don't think that "an egocentric individual" will be able to cause problems. Though, honestly, I also doubt that this is the case very often at other professional agencies.

However, there are cases where the policy just says "no" and no matter how good you think your arguments are (including the often heard "but other similar images are online...") and how irrational you judge the decision, you will find most agencies to be pretty strict on those matters.

With regards to the "using bought 3D models" issue: I would recommend NOT basing a decision to go exclusive on iStock solely on the assumption that iStock will accept all 3D renders built on bought models forever. 3D rendering still is in a pretty early stage compared to the photo and vector illustration parts and you see changes to policies all the time in those areas as well. So at any point in the future, iStock might change their policies in this regard as well (as they did with using public domain NASA images last year, for example)

« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2009, 02:20 »
This is a very pertinent point Michael. As one who is entering the 3D arena I'm increasingly aware of how fuzzy the rules are, and that they might change at any time. One step removed from purchased models is using a parametric modelling app to generate models. Hard to provide a MR for that, and istock will probably require one if it looks like it could be based on a real person (as any such model obviously will). As I'm on the verge of going exclusive on istock (except that they have stopped selling my images) I really have to reconsider.

BTW Michael, when are you available for a tie-breaker?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 02:24 by averil »

« Reply #55 on: July 01, 2009, 03:05 »
BTW Michael, when are you available for a tie-breaker?

Two lypses ahead and a relocation in September... I'd say ask me again end of October.  ;D

« Reply #56 on: July 01, 2009, 03:39 »
BTW Michael, when are you available for a tie-breaker?

Two lypses ahead and a relocation in September... I'd say ask me again end of October.  ;D
I'll make a note in my diary. Suemack is about to crush me at the moment. But one more win and I have the mask of El Platano de Oro Loco which my son (who speaks Spanish) says has something to do with crazy bananas.

« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2009, 09:07 »

No because if they were rejected, they most likely aren't any good.  

what utter garbage

If the rejected file were any good and you were exclusive, the likelihood of it getting rejected is a lot less than if you weren't exclusive.  Don't forget that the iStock system is built to foster exclusive content, thats how they justify prices and such

I'm not saying that its always the case, and I've had files rejected by IS that made good money on other sites, but honestly, I'm not feeling the pinch after exclusivity.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2009, 12:00 »

If the rejected file were any good and you were exclusive, the likelihood of it getting rejected is a lot less than if you weren't exclusive. 

I see nothing from my own experience (pre and post exclusivity) which backs up that assertion.

« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2009, 14:46 »

If the rejected file were any good and you were exclusive, the likelihood of it getting rejected is a lot less than if you weren't exclusive.

I see nothing from my own experience (pre and post exclusivity) which backs up that assertion.

I agree - my acceptance rate has varied from month to month but I see no significant difference between pre and post exclusivity, nor would I expect there to be any.

« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2009, 17:58 »

I agree - my acceptance rate has varied from month to month but I see no significant difference between pre and post exclusivity, nor would I expect there to be any.

This is what I have heard from exclusives on my CN.  That exclusivity does not affect acceptance rates. 

Now I am confused because Ichiro17 seems to be saying that exclusives get higher acceptance. 

Wonder if an IS admin or inspector could weigh in?  Pieman?

« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2009, 18:38 »
Maybe I'm wrong then and I just became awesome when I got accepted into exclusivity and/or my files were just better.

Hopefully I am wrong, but in the end, I'm enjoying myself now a lot more and I at most lost $150 US to the switch, just due to complications and such in the month of May. 

What doesn't really matter to me is what anyone else does, whether they believe me or not, or whether anyone cares what I do.  So good luck to you all, and if you like what you are doing, keep doing it!

« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2009, 18:53 »
Maybe I'm wrong then ...

Well, that would follow a regular and consistent pattern to date.

Maybe you could try basing your future 'findings' on some actual, real, genuine data rather than just the ridiculous musings that seem to be generated adhock in your head without any basis on fact.

« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2009, 21:37 »
He probably knows what his acceptance rate is (and was).

« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2009, 21:42 »
He probably knows what his acceptance rate is (and was).
Yes, should anyone be criticized for commenting about his own experience?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2009, 07:07 »
He probably knows what his acceptance rate is (and was).
Yes, should anyone be criticized for commenting about his own experience?
Not if they state it as their own experience and not state it as a general fact.
My experience is that my acceptance rate has shot up, but that was to do with a bad initial month when I didn't realise that USM was causing most of my rejections. After that, and before I went exclusive, my acceptance rate went up. But there's no room for complacency: after a good run of acceptances I recently had three rejections in a row, all different shoots/three different reasons (one I've sent to Scout, one I redid (an isolation) and it was accepted this morning and one I accept fully).

« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2009, 07:36 »
Edited because I don't feel like publicly saying things to gostwyck.  I'm sick of his attitude, but I guess you attract those types of "people" when you have a popular forum.  Its just one of the things you need to live with (unfortunately)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 07:41 by ichiro17 »


« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2009, 14:41 »

No because if they were rejected, they most likely aren't any good.  

what utter garbage

Yup, that has to be the single most idiotic statement I have ever read on these boards, bar none.

« Reply #68 on: July 02, 2009, 17:46 »

No because if they were rejected, they most likely aren't any good.  

what utter garbage

Yup, that has to be the single most idiotic statement I have ever read on these boards, bar none.

really? then either you can't read very well or you haven't been on the forum lately.  however worthless your opinion actually is, i'm glad that that there is a place that you can write it

perhaps that there are rejections for files on every site even though the file might have some value, however, IN MY EXPERIENCE (to satisfy those idiots here who hate when people try to generalize or will interpret everything as a generalization) my rejected files on ISTOCK, apart from technical blunders, have been files that were not good and I've moved on...i'm not going to be some whiny bitch about that stuff anymore... and if you really think your precious files are all that, then re-submit again and see what happens

i would say something about artifacting rejections and them disappearing, but i would have to prove through calculus and some derivative formulas to some people here that this is the case.  Or perhaps I've become technically awesome...who knows...

I do know that if it wasn't for me being bored at work, I would probably never come to this forum anymore because its a far cry from where it was when I joined up many years ago, and thats disappointing.

« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2009, 18:49 »

No because if they were rejected, they most likely aren't any good.  

what utter garbage

Yup, that has to be the single most idiotic statement I have ever read on these boards, bar none.

really? then either you can't read very well or you haven't been on the forum lately.  however worthless your opinion actually is, i'm glad that that there is a place that you can write it

perhaps that there are rejections for files on every site even though the file might have some value, however, IN MY EXPERIENCE (to satisfy those idiots here who hate when people try to generalize or will interpret everything as a generalization) my rejected files on ISTOCK, apart from technical blunders, have been files that were not good and I've moved on...i'm not going to be some whiny bitch about that stuff anymore... and if you really think your precious files are all that, then re-submit again and see what happens

i would say something about artifacting rejections and them disappearing, but i would have to prove through calculus and some derivative formulas to some people here that this is the case.  Or perhaps I've become technically awesome...who knows...

I do know that if it wasn't for me being bored at work, I would probably never come to this forum anymore because its a far cry from where it was when I joined up many years ago, and thats disappointing.

In case you hadn't noticed, your opinions and absurd generalisations appear to generate almost unanimous derison and hostility. Maybe the problem is not with everyone else, as you seem to think, but possibly with that bloke you see in your mirror?


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