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Author Topic: Can't find my portfolio  (Read 15095 times)

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« on: March 10, 2017, 17:09 »
Maybe I'm not too smart, but it's typical that this happens at iStock and nowhere else. Where on earth do I find my portfolio om iStock. Is there any way at all to see the performance of each image?

Interestingly, I can now log in to ESP with my old password (through iStock) and my new password (through Getty). Is there some deeper purpose of this that is beyond my comprehension as well?

Yes, I have stopped uploading there, and I guess it's time to leave.

« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 23:02 »
Maybe I'm not too smart, but it's typical that this happens at iStock and nowhere else. Where on earth do I find my portfolio om iStock. Is there any way at all to see the performance of each image?

Interestingly, I can now log in to ESP with my old password (through iStock) and my new password (through Getty). Is there some deeper purpose of this that is beyond my comprehension as well?

Yes, I have stopped uploading there, and I guess it's time to leave.

Total mystery what name or password, what data or what. I can't login to DM2 anymore to check stats. I'm tired of this.

« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2017, 05:19 »
cant find my portfolio or any stats either. istockphoto is nightmare.
have you written to them?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2017, 05:51 »
cant find my portfolio or any stats either. istockphoto is nightmare.
have you written to them?

Can't you find your port via

« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2017, 05:12 »
thank you!
yes I found my portfolio this way - but cant find stats etc. anymore.
I have to say I havent been on istockphoto for years because I was so annoyed.

also i got a letter that the tax authorities withheld 300 dollar federal income tax ..
haventt had any problems like that with any other american agency (Im european) :(

« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2017, 08:36 »
cant find my portfolio or any stats either. istockphoto is nightmare.
have you written to them?

Can't you find your port via

Yeah, well... kind of. I can see all my photos. They come in some strange sequence of course, and when I click on "Most Popular" the photos that come first some that never or rarely sell. But most important of all, it's apparently not possible to see which photos have sold and what the commission was for each sale. I'm getting a feeling that they hide that on purpose, so that we won't see how we're being screwed. Time to close the account I suppose.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2017, 10:30 »
cant find my portfolio or any stats either. istockphoto is nightmare.
have you written to them?

Can't you find your port via

Yeah, well... kind of. I can see all my photos. They come in some strange sequence of course, and when I click on "Most Popular" the photos that come first some that never or rarely sell. But most important of all, it's apparently not possible to see which photos have sold and what the commission was for each sale. I'm getting a feeling that they hide that on purpose, so that we won't see how we're being screwed. Time to close the account I suppose.

That's certainly an option.
Real-time Stats of credit sales (only) are available via F5 in Deep Meta 2), but only if you already have DM2 installed - I couldn't find a link to download DM2, only DM3, which is really only an upload tool ATM.
Other than that you have to get stats via ESP once a month. They are pretty useless and the text file needs to be loaded into a third-party app called Todayis20 to see the actual files which sold (esp provides only the file number) and for how much etc and generally make some sense out of the mass of foetid dingoes kidneys which Getty is throwing at us.


« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2017, 10:52 »
Maybe I'm not too smart, but it's typical that this happens at iStock and nowhere else. Where on earth do I find my portfolio om iStock. Is there any way at all to see the performance of each image?

Interestingly, I can now log in to ESP with my old password (through iStock) and my new password (through Getty). Is there some deeper purpose of this that is beyond my comprehension as well?

Yes, I have stopped uploading there, and I guess it's time to leave.

You can get to your portfolio through ESP. ESP->My Account->View ESP profile->iStock username: click the link, it will take you to the same istockphoto link that was posted above.

Data on sales are provided once a month from now on. You can process them by either simple excel macros or submit (thus automatically disclosing) to a competitor on Todayis20.


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