my experience on istock is pretty strange,i started in 2018,after a couple of months i created a content which took me 3 days to make,which after only 2 months came first among about a million similar contents,so first content on first page.
I started selling this content daily up to 30 times a day in its best days,from Monday to Friday and 0-5 times in Saturday and Sunday.
Frankly I have never read such experience from someone else and I was clearly extremely happy,and maybe someone with more experience than me could tell me more about how this was possible,
i also want to point out that I have only sold the same content on SS 2 times and on Adobe 12 times in 5 years!
So i had a fantastic 2019,to then earn three times less in 2020,because this content after a strong year started to go down,and so at the end of 2020 my earnings on Istock stabilized,and since then is always the same,with max variations of 50 usd more or 50 less,even though in 2022 my portfolio has thousands more content I still kept earning the same thing.
even SS in 2022 went pretty bad but this year is much better,in short,all the agencies have had better and worse years up to now, except Adobe which improves more and more year after year.
Istock is always the same,despite all my efforts it is always the samea deadly bore!
sorry I rambled on a bit!