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Author Topic: Any good for first 3??  (Read 15689 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2013, 20:31 »
seriously! could you have a little respect for what's going on right now? I've got a small port, I'm nobody, and I am outraged. you are being all smiley and cheerful whilst others are deleting their ports and along with it, their livelihoods. we won't make a difference if we don't band together. people like you are the prime reason for why unions (something I detest) are compulsory. I'm sorry, but I can't understand how you can be so insensitive to post this - IN TWO THREADS - at a time like this.

I think you should have better manners as well....
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 20:45 by emblem »


« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2013, 23:36 »
seriously! could you have a little respect for what's going on right now? I've got a small port, I'm nobody, and I am outraged. you are being all smiley and cheerful whilst others are deleting their ports and along with it, their livelihoods. we won't make a difference if we don't band together. people like you are the prime reason for why unions (something I detest) are compulsory. I'm sorry, but I can't understand how you can be so insensitive to post this - IN TWO THREADS - at a time like this.

I think you should have better manners as well....
Just that bit of "newbie friendliness" required which Leaf was talking about the other day...  :-[


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« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2013, 11:28 »
I dont know why you guys decided to jump on me, but I understand that you are angry and frustrated and feel it is ok to pound on a newbie at MSG and in the stock business. But remember I wasnt the one who gave your Images away for free to Google or MS and whatever else they have done!

I hope you dont mind me asking how you can possibly think you know anything about me, what I intend to do, what my goals are and how I feel about a union.

As I wrote in this thread:

You can se that I am all for a union and would be among the first to sign up, I even presented the idea that we should ask Yuri to be president to get enough impact.

You talk about respect, but you dont even care to read my posts in the two threads you are referring to. In the other thread I wrote the following:

I set a goal for myself to be accepted at iStock, and I intend to pursue that goal. If/when I get in, I will evaluate if I should submit more images or not. Hopefully everything will work out for the best with iStock in the future and we can all be happy contributors again. :)

I thought that MSG was a friendly place where we help each other out and have a nice and polite tone against each other. But I guess I was wrong. You even come down on me for being all smiley and cheerful.  Yes, that I am indeed because that is how I am against all human beings, but if that is something you have a problem with I ask you politely to not read any of my posts in the future, cause they to will also be all smiley and cheerful.

But I know haters will hate, and there is nothing I can say to change your mind, and you will probably come down on me for this post to.

Well, if your goal was to make me sad you succeeded. Really! Congratulations!
But if your goal was to make me to not submit my first three to iStock or post critique posts in the iS forum again you have failed, I will never ever give in for haters or bullies.

And about my Avatar, which is obviously something you have a problem with too, that is a forum standard Avatar of Cameron Diaz. I like Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz will stay.

I want to send a big thank you to all you guys that is friendly and helpful and has helped me big time in these threads. Even sent me PM:s with images that you succeeded to go to through the submission test with. Amazing.  :) .


« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2013, 12:01 »
Not to worry, the outback sometimes does that to a girl, but I am sure she will be back here soon, all rosy and smiley herself to come and apologize...  ;)

About the avatar; Cameron Diaz you say? No wonder Poncke and I felt so attracted to you. Must say that was quite a letdown, but what the heck - your choice  ;D


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2013, 12:03 »
I knew I was doing something wrong.
I should have found a copyright-free George Clooney avatar!


« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2013, 12:08 »
I knew I was doing something wrong.
I should have found a copyright-free George Clooney avatar!
Liked to be harassed by other girls, are you? (hmmm)


« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2013, 12:54 »
I defended the OP, and have nothing against the avatar. It just threw me off, thats all. Carry on


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« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2013, 13:05 »
I defended the OP, and have nothing against the avatar. It just threw me off, thats all. Carry on

I know Poncke! It wasn't meant for you! :)


« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2013, 14:37 »
I defended the OP, and have nothing against the avatar. It just threw me off, thats all. Carry on
Me also just pulling your leg (and my own for that matter) about falling for the nice avatar ;)

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2013, 16:06 »
I do apologise, I meant no attack. I was just frustrated. Sorry.


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« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2013, 12:54 »
I do apologise, I meant no attack. I was just frustrated. Sorry.

Wow, I didnt think that I'd ever see the day when someone apologized in a forum! I am very glad you did and I think it is really generous of you! Youll get a heart from me! :)

« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2013, 14:34 »
Friendly forum or not.
Apologies or not.
Union or not.

You are still a screw breaker.
At first you could be excused because you didnt know.

Now you know better, and try to turn things around as if "there is something wrong with the forum or certain persons".
There is not.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 14:37 by JPSDK »


« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2013, 14:36 »
Friendly forum or not.
Apologies or not.
Union or not.

You are still a screw breaker.

Why, if she passes the test her port will still be empty. Not breaking any screws.


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« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2013, 16:03 »
Dear Jens (OLJensa),

Welcome to iStockphoto the Internet's original member-generated image and design community.

Congratulations! The iStockphoto administrators have determined that your files are commercially and technically ready for Please begin uploading at your convenience. There is currently a limit of 18 uploads per 168 hour period.

Now the question is... Now what... :)

But if he calls me a screw breaker again, I promise to upload everything I got ;) - Relax a bit my friend!

« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2013, 16:43 »

Ja, Jens, we have better relax a bit.
I have seen your homepage and I can see you can photograph and that you can produce valuable content.

...And you should not give that content to istock, both for your own sake but also for otherssake.

I have been a contributor to istock since June 2007 and there is no end to how much they have annoyed me:
First the disgracefull commision of 20% then later on 16%. It is an insult.
Then all the lies and greed. Every oppertunity they had, every choice they had, always ended up in shady, half illegal, immoral and unetical "business" decisions that ONLY benifited istock. Always at the contributors cost.

istock is the Nigerian scam of stock agencies. They lie and they will do everything to press the last penny out of you.
They will even give your pictures away for free. That means free for everybody to use, and free of any payment to you. The will of course harvest an amount, that you will never hear about and they will spread your pictures in ways you cannot imagine.

For at time we contributors took a lot of beatings, because they actually earned us a bit of money.
But those days are over, they cannot earn money anymore, since bad Karma has spread.
And that is well deserved.

Basically istock is not interested in contributors as long as they have a "nice" ATA, so they can do fancy trades with your content.

I suggest you upload ONE picture to them, and have the pleasure of meeting the famous upload system, and see that the devil lies in the details.
Then delete it again, and come to reason and never work with them again.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2013, 17:21 »
I do apologise, I meant no attack. I was just frustrated. Sorry.

Wow, I didnt think that I'd ever see the day when someone apologized in a forum! I am very glad you did and I think it is really generous of you! Youll get a heart from me! :)

well being pulled up for bad manners is mortifying, so of course I should apologise.


« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2013, 18:10 »
Now, anybody who does not understand why the agencies treat contributors as they do, read this thread. May be we all should shape up and become a little bit more professional.

Strike (removing images) never works, and if more established contributors try to tell newbies not to apply .......... I don't even want to finish this sentence.

Be so good that nobody can ignore you, make yourself needed, then they will come and pay you.

Somebody mentioned Walmart. Walmart became so big because they pay next to nothing for merchandise. Their buying power is so strong that they don't have too. Same happens in Micro right now. The only exception to get into Walmart is having an item they need and you are one who can deliver for less.
As a manufacturer, if you want your product displayed, they charge rent for shelf space, don't wanna go further into that, but micro stock has the same future. Only top notch photographers will be on display and for newbies and weak "Merchants" will be no room. 
Enjoy the time as long as you can make money in this industry and raise the bar. Once everything is dialed in, max 2 more years (In my opinion) they will not accept new applications and you will have to have big connections to become part of it.
So, newbies,  sign up NOW. Established contributors (many made a killing, especially the ones who do it since 2005) do not want new competition, which is ok and understandable, but for my part, I will not listen and will try to get a piece of the pie. That's what free market is all about. May the best win.

« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2013, 18:12 »
disagreeing is fine, and expressing that view is fine but watch the tone please!

« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2013, 18:15 »
Now, anybody who does not understand why the agencies treat contributors as they do, read this thread. May be we all should shape up and become a little bit more professional.

Strike (removing images) never works, and if more established contributors try to tell newbies not to apply .......... I don't even want to finish this sentence.

Be so good that nobody can ignore you, make yourself needed, then they will come and pay you.

Somebody mentioned Walmart. Walmart became so big because they pay next to nothing for merchandise. Their buying power is so strong that they don't have too. Same happens in Micro right now. The only exception to get into Walmart is having an item they need and you are one who can deliver for less.
As a manufacturer, if you want your product displayed, they charge rent for shelf space, don't wanna go further into that, but micro stock has the same future. Only top notch photographers will be on display and for newbies and weak "Merchants" will be no room. 
Enjoy the time as long as you can make money in this industry and raise the bar. Once everything is dialed in, max 2 more years (In my opinion) they will not accept new applications and you will have to have big connections to become part of it.
So, newbies,  sign up NOW. Established contributors (many made a killing, especially the ones who do it since 2005) do not want new competition, which is ok and understandable, but for my part, I will not listen and will try to get a piece of the pie. That's what free market is all about. May the best win.

Excuse me.
For me it is NOT about competition. Not at all.
Im deleting my pictures there.

« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2013, 18:19 »
the current discussion, although an interesting topic, has very little to do with the original post and I can only see it getting nasty while I go to sleep.. so, I'll lock this topic now.


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