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Author Topic: Another Massive Best Match Shift  (Read 282416 times)

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« Reply #1000 on: February 10, 2012, 23:48 »
Wont matter when they get sold this year. What if is gets worse with the new owner.

I don't think a new owner could actually make things 'worse'. From the data I'm collecting I do believe that Istock's sales have been absolutely plummeting since the great RC debacle of Sept 2010 __ and there's no sign of that trend stopping any time soon either. The scale of the decline is absolutely staggering IMHO. Unless someone at Istock does something pretty dam* quick there won't actually be much left to buy within a couple more years.

Care to share your source or figures? I'm not calling you out, I suspect the same thing but have nothing to confirm it.

Nobody has crap to confirm crap.  It is all speculation based on IS behaviors, much of the speculation of which simply infers that doom and gloom will happen.  Maybe it will and maybe it won't.  Keep on truckin!!

seriously, are you following this forum?? beside a few exclusives the reports are WAY down and I am talking about top contributors.. I believe you should come here more to spread your positivism or pay more attention.. havent you seen also the 15% less downloads comparing to 2010?

but yes you are right, IS wont be a zero tomorrow, it would be hard to destroy a company that pays more to contributors in a year than SS since scratch (from a topic days ago, http://www.microstockgroup.com/shutterstock-com/a-little-maths/)

« Reply #1001 on: February 11, 2012, 08:51 »
Yes I am following this but the point I am making is that nobody really knows, they only can infer from IS's sucky performance and policy. Is it more probable than last year? Based on everything that has happened, you can certainly make that inference.  But nobody knows for sure.  It is merely speculation at this time.  That's the point I am making.  Do I want to see IS go away? Not personally, but I understand why some would.  Do I think IS stinks? Pretty much, yea. Do I want to see my $600-$700 a month die? Nope. 

I have just been conditioned to use facts and not speculation, even in the face of the many symptoms that suggest it. I think the law refers to it as circumstantial evidence :P

« Reply #1002 on: February 11, 2012, 10:30 »
Yes I am following this but the point I am making is that nobody really knows, they only can infer from IS's sucky performance and policy. Is it more probable than last year? Based on everything that has happened, you can certainly make that inference.  But nobody knows for sure.  It is merely speculation at this time.  That's the point I am making.  Do I want to see IS go away? Not personally, but I understand why some would.  Do I think IS stinks? Pretty much, yea. Do I want to see my $600-$700 a month die? Nope. 

I have just been conditioned to use facts and not speculation, even in the face of the many symptoms that suggest it. I think the law refers to it as circumstantial evidence :P

On that basis the existence of atoms or a world which included dinosaurs is 'merely speculation' __ after all no-one has ever seen them. A fingerprint or DNA are defined as 'circumstantial evidence' yet they are both enough to secure a conviction.

You believe what you want to believe and I will do the same. You will never get 'hard facts' because Istock will never open it's books to us. Therefore you can either stick your head in the sand and assume everything's ok __ or you can cast around for what evidence does exist, circumstantial as it may be, and come to whatever conclusions you can.

My 'evidence' consists of the sales figures of several Diamond and Black Diamond contributors, some exclusive and some independent. The pattern that emerges is remarkably consistent and hugely significant. No point in me giving you the numbers though as of course it is 'merely speculation'.


« Reply #1003 on: February 11, 2012, 10:47 »
I'm still not seeing the point of all this "evidence."  Suppose the subject is guilty.  Now What?

« Reply #1004 on: February 11, 2012, 11:15 »
I'm still not seeing the point of all this "evidence."  Suppose the subject is guilty.  Now What?

subject as contributor?

« Reply #1005 on: February 11, 2012, 12:39 »
Well, nature is an "open book" as far as atoms and dinosaurs go. Istock's "closed book" means that we can't know if a decline in sales in one area (e.g independents) has happened because of a rise somewhere else (agency, exclusive etc). Nor do we know if they are making more cash by shifting buyers up the price scale. So it's nowhere near as clear-cut as finding fossil bones on the Isle of Wight or measuring the position of atoms in a crystal.

However, all the indicators we can tease out do seem to point to a significant decline at iStock. 

« Reply #1006 on: February 11, 2012, 20:55 »
Yes I am following this but the point I am making is that nobody really knows, they only can infer from IS's sucky performance and policy. Is it more probable than last year? Based on everything that has happened, you can certainly make that inference.  But nobody knows for sure.  It is merely speculation at this time.  That's the point I am making.  Do I want to see IS go away? Not personally, but I understand why some would.  Do I think IS stinks? Pretty much, yea. Do I want to see my $600-$700 a month die? Nope.  

I have just been conditioned to use facts and not speculation, even in the face of the many symptoms that suggest it. I think the law refers to it as circumstantial evidence :P

On that basis the existence of atoms or a world which included dinosaurs is 'merely speculation' __ after all no-one has ever seen them. A fingerprint or DNA are defined as 'circumstantial evidence' yet they are both enough to secure a conviction.

You believe what you want to believe and I will do the same. You will never get 'hard facts' because Istock will never open it's books to us. Therefore you can either stick your head in the sand and assume everything's ok __ or you can cast around for what evidence does exist, circumstantial as it may be, and come to whatever conclusions you can.

My 'evidence' consists of the sales figures of several Diamond and Black Diamond contributors, some exclusive and some independent. The pattern that emerges is remarkably consistent and hugely significant. No point in me giving you the numbers though as of course it is 'merely speculation'.

You really just don't get it do you. Your evidence is circumstantial.  Trying to bring sensibility to a conversation brings out the idiocracy of some.  Your analogies simply are humorous.  BUT, I do feel for you, I respect your opinion, appreciate your anger and passion.  But you just fall into that category of THINKING you know what is going to happen when you simply don't. That's my point Gostwck, it doesn't mean I don't agree something is happening, it just means that nobody knows until it happens.  But I love your dinosaur analogy.  If it weren't for the dinosaurs we wouldn't have museums now, would we.:P
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 21:13 by Mantis »

« Reply #1007 on: February 11, 2012, 21:02 »
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 21:10 by Mantis »

« Reply #1008 on: February 12, 2012, 00:11 »
there is a cause effect relationship. If independent's file are lower in the search, they will sell less Exclusive's at the front should sell more. Overall none of us know whether dollar sales are down, they may be up but overall the trend for volume appears to be down. These forums are muddied by exclusives saying sales are good etc and verbally bashing independents (and independents bashing exclusives) . Clearly there are two types of contributors at Istock. The hard done by exclusives and the more hard done by unwanted independents. TS generates more for me than IStock. It would be interesting to know how this differs between independents and exclusives. Remember the cause effect relationship can be problematic - eg  ,divorce is caused by people getting married.

« Reply #1009 on: February 12, 2012, 00:39 »
If it weren't for the dinosaurs we wouldn't have museums now, would we.:P
The real significance of dinosaurs is that without them we wouldn't have had Raquel Welch cavorting in a furry bikini.


« Reply #1010 on: February 12, 2012, 01:47 »
Its pure guess works, ofcourse it is, although there are strong indications of an IS decline, for all we know, they might be doing very well with the Vettas and agencies. So, they lost tons of indies, well? so what. Its not really interesting anymore, is it.

Much stronger and more important signs for us, are all the reports of skyrocketting sales at all the other sites, how come?  is it because of a so called IS decline, or is it pure coincidence, or is it just bloody hard work on our behalf?

Another weird thing: why does it take months to mirror our files from IS to TS?  or is all that just a hoax? to stop us from leaving or deactivating ports or whatever.
Cant be all that difficult to move them, can it?  I mean, SS bridge to BS, took less then, 24 hours.

« Reply #1011 on: February 12, 2012, 06:35 »
They've always struggled to move even willing participants' files over there, so I doubt if there is any need to look beyond simple technical problems for the reason stuff isn't going there.


« Reply #1012 on: February 12, 2012, 10:24 »
I'm going to post someting positive for a change. I'm not complaining at all about sales this month, I'm on my way to a huge BME right now, sales are coming up with a vengence (for all the best match crap shoved down indies throats). In the shortest month of the year :)


« Reply #1013 on: February 12, 2012, 11:38 »
I am having quite good days myself at IS, at least during last week, so Im not complaining either but I take it with a pinch of salt,  it wont last.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #1014 on: February 13, 2012, 11:44 »
If it weren't for the dinosaurs we wouldn't have museums now, would we.:P
The real significance of dinosaurs is that without them we wouldn't have had Raquel Welch cavorting in a furry bikini.


sales are more 'normal' late last week and this morning so far, even though I'm always hesitant to report on just a few days.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 11:46 by SNP »

« Reply #1015 on: February 22, 2012, 16:22 »
again here....files of 2006 are push in front ! can we expect a new best match shift every week ?

« Reply #1016 on: February 22, 2012, 17:08 »
Interesting, I'd say it's a major shift. Haven't seen any changes in sales though. Maybe old timers can get more DLs.


« Reply #1017 on: February 22, 2012, 17:33 »
Yes!  definetely a shift!  and i am seeing quite an increase in sales,  yesterday and today. Wont last though.

« Reply #1018 on: February 22, 2012, 17:38 »
Yes!  definetely a shift!  and i am seeing quite an increase in sales,  yesterday and today. Wont last though.

the shift was made 2 hours ago only


« Reply #1019 on: February 22, 2012, 17:42 »
Yes!  definetely a shift!  and i am seeing quite an increase in sales,  yesterday and today. Wont last though.

Indeed. A shift down for me, since I have no 06 files. Or 07, 08...

« Reply #1020 on: February 22, 2012, 17:55 »
Indeed. A shift down for me, since I have no 06 files. Or 07, 08...

It's not a shift based on age but on actual performance with less of the ridiculous boost to newish images. Istock has had a habit of killing off best-selling images, via best match shifts, long before their time. I'm expecting my sales to improve but unfortunately many of my best selling images have been so damaged by previous best match shifts that I doubt it'll be of too much help.

I wonder if this is yet another desperate attempt to counter falling sales? The previous best match was often offering a very poor choice to buyers with most of the good stuff hidden several pages back on search results.

« Reply #1021 on: February 22, 2012, 17:58 »
If it weren't for the dinosaurs we wouldn't have museums now, would we.:P
The real significance of dinosaurs is that without them we wouldn't have had Raquel Welch cavorting in a furry bikini.

You've got me there ::)

« Reply #1022 on: February 22, 2012, 18:03 »
I think there is a shift every day.  Just some times it has minimal effect on my sales if they adjust 2004 down and 2005 up since a big chunk of my sellable port is centered around those years.  

I agree, there has been a significant shift in the past few hours.  Big location change on a few of my good sellers.  Back to towards the top by pages.  Yea!

Sometimes I wonder if we are looking at this wrong.  Do they boost some segment of the library?  _or_ do they pull down some segments of the library and leave the rest float?  I keep meaning to look at the bottom pages of some of my searches and see if I can tell what happens down there - but I forget to watch every day.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #1023 on: February 22, 2012, 18:28 »
Sometimes I wonder if we are looking at this wrong.  Do they boost some segment of the library?

I'm thinking it's more of a constant shuffle to give sellable files an opportunity to rise up.


« Reply #1024 on: February 22, 2012, 19:03 »
Indeed. A shift down for me, since I have no 06 files. Or 07, 08...

It's not a shift based on age but on actual performance with less of the ridiculous boost to newish images. Istock has had a habit of killing off best-selling images, via best match shifts, long before their time. I'm expecting my sales to improve but unfortunately many of my best selling images have been so damaged by previous best match shifts that I doubt it'll be of too much help.

Someone mentioned it earlier...Perfect timing, I was using all my upload slots in the last few weeks, after not uploading for 2,5 months. But then again, when is it a good time for indies to upload, during that 2,5 month period, our files were almost extinct in the search result, indies were put in a ghetto, fighting for crumbs that fell off the table.


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