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Author Topic: 4K video upload now available in Istock  (Read 63244 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2015, 08:35 »
I really don't understand the logic behind not offering higher pricing for 4K.  It's in their OWN BEST INTEREST to sell 4K at a higher price. Why?

1. People will simply NOT UPLOAD ANY CONTENT (no content means $0 in sales)

2. They claim they don't want to get into a price war. Fine. "IF" they do happen to get a decent collection they will be the company who destroys video altogether, forcing the DISSOLVES of the world to match 4K at $69, or whatever.

3. Will exclusive 4K be higher priced than exclusive HD? If so, there is one answer....a push to offer incentives to become exclusive.  If not then this is another way to erode the value of exclusivity, at least on the video side. 

Really, who will invest in 4K equipment, storage, processing power, etc. in pursuit of HD pricing for their 4K work? NOBODY in their right mind should, even Istock exclusives like JJNEFF. This is a slap in the face for exclusive video contributors if in fact their pricing will also only be at HD rates. How would one possibly grow their business under these conditions? That's not a partnership by any means.
Aren't you already selling your 4k work for $75?

Someone is using your name and face to sell it for $75, https://www.pond5.com/stock-footage/49866308/dungeness-crabs-tank-water.html

Ha, you beat me to it. When I started uploading my 4K to P5 I priced at that range based on what other clips were selling....see edited post above.  So, yes. I recall having a pricing conundrum for "saturated" 4K clips, which is what these are and priced them accordingly. But I get 50% not $6-$8. As my work gets more unique (say, underwater 4K) it will be priced much, much higher as will some of my new footage.  When you upload to sites like P5 I believe that it is smart to see what the sales history iOS for similar clips and that is the strategy I used.  But I get 50% of that $75 not $6-$8 like I would at Istock.
Your arguments were about pricing undercutting other sites.  If it was just an argument about royalties then it would make sense but that's not what you are arguing.  You say people won't upload content if the pricing is the same, you did it priced at lower than HD.  You say that will start a price war but again you have priced all of your work at about half or less than SS, isn't that a price war already?   It seems to me that if you were really concerned about those things you wouldn't be undercutting SS at all let alone by almost 1/3.  It's not just you BTW I see other people in this thread selling 4k work for under $60.  Don't you think that is a problem as well?
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 08:41 by tickstock »

« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2015, 15:48 »
An iStock contributor (not exclusive for video) who isn't a member here at MSG was talking elsewhere about being really ticked off at what Getty had done with 4K video. The contributor had received e-mail from  Getty suggesting to upload 4K video to Getty as it would be on both iStock and Getty.

With the contributor's permission, I'm posting the experience here. I don't do video, so I have no personal experience with this.

A few weeks ago the contributor got an email from Getty stating that Getty was going to start accepting all 4K video from iStock contributors, and would mirror it all on Getty.

Thinking that was amazing news, and reading Getty's suggestion to start uploading as much 4K content as you could shoot to get it soon on both sites, the contributor spent a couple of weeks of intensive uploading to Getty's ESP video portal.

All the 4K content has been posted on iStock, but not on Getty, and on iStock, the super-high-resolution 4K videos have all been sampled down to blurry 1080p.

The contributor went to the new Getty/iStock forums to ask questions. Finally a moderator admits that 4K content is "live" on Getty 360. And that is why contributors can't see it. They are only putting iStock contributor content in the bargain basement, Getty 360.

So instead of getting about $100 per 4K video like a proper Getty contributor, istock (non-exclusive) contributors will get somewhere between pennies and a couple bucks per sale, and can't even view content on Getty.

The email didn't make that clear at all. The contributor's view? "Their big promise to "mirror" the 4K content was a big fat lie. ... More Getty promises that amount to a steaming pile."

Not sure how the deal for exclusives might differ

« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2015, 16:07 »
If this is true then it is very sad. The istock video team have a good reputation and always took good care of the video contributors, including non exclusives like me.

Why not tell people openly  that files will be mirrored on getty360 and what kind of returns we can expect? I read somewhere that the payout for 4k would be equivalent to hd, that would be around 7 dollars for 4k content? Has anybody had a 4k sale from istock and can share what they earned?

If we know how much money to expect we can make our own decisions if we have any content that will fit that price range.

Just be honest with information, because we will find out anyway.

7 dollar royalties will mean 7 dollar file quality, 30 or 60 dollar royalty will mean an appropriate level of file quality.

The other agencies are paying out at least 30%, pond5 pays 50%.

Maybe now is a good time time to rethink what they offer. 4k needs a lot of upload time, only the agencies that give good returns will get regular 4k uploads. At least for 4k they should do something, there really is a big gap between Shutterstock, pond5 and istock/getty.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 02:09 by cobalt »


« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2015, 03:23 »
4K on istock? Who cares???

They are not trustworthy, so, basically it does not matter what "changes" they bring or claim to bring, features they invent,... just DO NOT UPLOAD and stay away. I do not forget the behavior of this "Agency" in the past...lying, lowering royalties, holding contributors accountable for credit card refunds, disfunctional Video upload, tiresome upload interface, shady distribution of files etc.

« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2015, 13:38 »
So... what happened with that IStock/Getty 4k? Anybody any sales? Is it worth it?
And it yes, how can a install that Prores codec in my Adobe Premier? I have QuickTime, but I can not install Prores decoder from Apple's site.

« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2015, 13:50 »
Selling video on IStock makes as much sense as pissing into the wind

« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2015, 14:16 »
Yes, but isn't 4k sold at Getty only (for now)?! I can not find 4k option at IStock. And the only clip I've sold at Getty was a little more of $100 in commission. So I feel it's OK to try some 4k at Getty. But how to convert them from Photo-jpeg to Prores?

« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2015, 14:18 »
Yes, but isn't 4k sold at Getty only (for now)?! I can not find 4k option at IStock. And the only clip I've sold at Getty was a little more of $100 in commission. So I feel it's OK to try some 4k at Getty. But how to convert them from Photo-jpeg to Prores?
I agree with pkphoto, but if yo must, converting should be just a matter of a simple transcode AME.

« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2015, 14:57 »
I forget to mention that I'm with Windows...

« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2016, 04:08 »
Some refresh.
Anything changed on Istock Video?
Are they still accepting 4K files in Prores only and selling them for the same price as HD?

« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2016, 04:30 »
yes. Youll earn 4-8 dollars for a full size 4k sale.

« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2016, 05:39 »
yes. Youll earn 4-8 dollars for a full size 4k sale.
Not very exciting, also considering that they ask for a specific codec.
I never considered uploading to istock in the past, but now that P5 has distroyed the video market I might give it a shot.
Maybe just HD, giving away 4k for this price really is too much

« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2016, 21:41 »
yes. Youll earn 4-8 dollars for a full size 4k sale.
Not very exciting, also considering that they ask for a specific codec.
I never considered uploading to istock in the past, but now that P5 has distroyed the video market I might give it a shot.
Maybe just HD, giving away 4k for this price really is too much

That's what I do there. I only upload HD versions of 4K footage for IS. I didn't invest money in a 4K camera to be paid the same as HD.

« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2016, 09:23 »
I have dropped my exclusive status and this is one reason why! I don't care to sell 4k the same as HD, I will not and have stopped loading any 4k to iStock.

« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2016, 10:14 »
I have dropped my exclusive status and this is one reason why! I don't care to sell 4k the same as HD, I will not and have stopped loading any 4k to iStock.

Wow. Congrats. That is a big step. Best of luck.


« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2016, 10:28 »
I have dropped my exclusive status and this is one reason why! I don't care to sell 4k the same as HD, I will not and have stopped loading any 4k to iStock.

The big question is, is it worth the extra effort to render out a 4K and an HD version of your clips just to give the HD to iStock where you still may only get between $3 and $9 per download?

That said, I do throw some clips iStock's way every now and then, and yes, some of those clips are HD versions of my 4K files I specifically render at 1080p just for iStock.  Generally, I do this only when I have some extra time and not have other work to do at other agencies.

Only time will tell if I continue this.

« Reply #41 on: June 08, 2016, 10:54 »
iStock/Getty has been great for me to learn to shoot stock. My income has been falling for months no matter what I shot so I found it time to move on. I could go on a rant about them but in all honesty this is just a business decision. I want to focus on high end 4k work for the most part and if Stocksy opens for video I would try there. If not I will do exclusive shoots for Dissolve and other stuff I will spread out to others. I can't see the sense in shooting more and more just to see my income go down for months. Getty can be good and the next mont I will have 80% of the video sales for  $10.00 or less. I am just finished with the games of that. Still love what I do and I know there is a long few months ahead as my clips get indexed. I do other video work as well so I won't go hungry :-)

« Reply #42 on: June 08, 2016, 11:35 »
iStock/Getty has been great for me to learn to shoot stock. My income has been falling for months no matter what I shot so I found it time to move on. I could go on a rant about them but in all honesty this is just a business decision. I want to focus on high end 4k work for the most part and if Stocksy opens for video I would try there. If not I will do exclusive shoots for Dissolve and other stuff I will spread out to others. I can't see the sense in shooting more and more just to see my income go down for months. Getty can be good and the next mont I will have 80% of the video sales for  $10.00 or less. I am just finished with the games of that. Still love what I do and I know there is a long few months ahead as my clips get indexed. I do other video work as well so I won't go hungry :-)
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Sadly it is not the best moment for the video market

« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2016, 13:26 »
I have learned there are never is a good moments for tough choices, you just have to make it one!

« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2016, 14:52 »
I have dropped my exclusive status and this is one reason why! I don't care to sell 4k the same as HD, I will not and have stopped loading any 4k to iStock.

The big question is, is it worth the extra effort to render out a 4K and an HD version of your clips just to give the HD to iStock where you still may only get between $3 and $9 per download?

That said, I do throw some clips iStock's way every now and then, and yes, some of those clips are HD versions of my 4K files I specifically render at 1080p just for iStock.  Generally, I do this only when I have some extra time and not have other work to do at other agencies.

Only time will tell if I continue this.

Waste of time - you shouldn't accept less than US$25 net/average per download, meaning Istock is a no go for video.

« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2016, 16:09 »
I have dropped my exclusive status and this is one reason why! I don't care to sell 4k the same as HD, I will not and have stopped loading any 4k to iStock.

The big question is, is it worth the extra effort to render out a 4K and an HD version of your clips just to give the HD to iStock where you still may only get between $3 and $9 per download?

That said, I do throw some clips iStock's way every now and then, and yes, some of those clips are HD versions of my 4K files I specifically render at 1080p just for iStock.  Generally, I do this only when I have some extra time and not have other work to do at other agencies.

Only time will tell if I continue this.

Waste of time - you shouldn't accept less than US$25 net/average per download, meaning Istock is a no go for video.
What you are saying was perfectly true until a couple of months ago.
I would have never have thought of letting istock even sniff one of my file.
Everything has changed now with p5 membership program:
Basically they are giving good hand picked files covering almost everything for practically nothing and they pay no royalties to artist.
The video stock market is dead, P5 killed it, no more sales to be had. So now I even consider uploading to istock or Envato.
Or if someone wants my portfolio for a couple of drinks, he can have it

« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2016, 17:06 »
  ...and they pay no royalties to artist.
The video stock market is dead, P5 killed it, no more sales to be had. So now I even consider uploading to istock or Envato.

Dude, you are just plain wrong. You apparently have an axe to grind and trying to convince everyone in every post you write that video clips are now worthless does a disservice to the entire video community.

« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2016, 17:39 »
If I don't like Pond5 I don't have to submit my work there! I am fine with it. There will always be a market for good unique quality work. I have been shooting stock full-time for 6 years now, I understand the market and markets change.

« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2016, 18:10 »
Pond5 is just a tiny drop in the ocean. The market is so much bigger than one small to medium sized catalogue. Pond5 needs to adapt to compete in the larger market, this is just there strategy. It doesn't change a thing unless you are one of the unfortunate people who depend on their income.

« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2016, 20:38 »
The market is still good, no to need panic and submit to istock.


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