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Author Topic: Is Exclusivity a better option for Vector Artist?  (Read 4740 times)

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« on: June 03, 2008, 08:02 »
Newbie here,

I have nearly enough downloads to qualify for exclusivity at Istock.
I upload exclusively vectors, (can't take a decent photo to save my life).
My question is should I go exclusive, is it an easier decision to make for Vector artists than photographers as there are fewer places to upload vector art.
Advice would be appreciated
Thanks for your help


« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 09:15 »
To me, exclusivity makes sense if you can make the move without loosing money in the process. If I were exclusive for the month of May, I would have made about $800 less than I did as a non-exclusive. Unless istock becomes a larger part of my earnings, and until I hit a higher canister level, I couldn't go exclusive without taking a big pay-cut.

That's just me, and it's different for everyone. If you're contributing to multiple sites, take a look at your earnings breakdown and see what percentage of your earnings come from istock. Then think about your canister level, and how much of an increase you'd get from exclusivity. A lot of people will say that it shouldn't be about the numbers, but to me, this is the simplest thing to do. Exclusivity can be great, but I wouldn't do it at my own expense. I always recommend that people only go exclusive if they are confident that they can at least make equal money compared to non-exclusive status.

FYI, I'm vector-only at istock, and I don't think it makes any difference. Vectors sell well at istock, but they're not the only game in town. 

« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 09:36 »
Hi mbug,

all the big sites accept vectors, so deciding whether to go exclusive or not will basically depend whether you are in this to make as much money as possible, or whether you want the simplicity (and a few other benefits) of only uploading to IStock.

Obviously it is wise to try uploading your images to a number of sites for a few months, prior to locking them in with only one site, as you never know which site will make you the most money.

I currently upload vectors to five sites (istock, shutterstock, stockxpert, fotolia, 123RF) with istock making approx. 45-50% of my total income each month, so don't dismiss other sites without trying them as you can make good money.

If it's only a hobby/2nd income, you could go exclusive at istock for a number of good reasons:

1. Easier to upload to only one site.
2. Less likely to have images stolen.
3. Higher royalties.
4. Quicker approval times.
5. Images appear higher in search results.
6. Free business cards  ;D

Although you can also make quite good money from vectors on Dreamstime as well, be wary that there is a 6 month tie-in period for your images, that will effectively mean you can't go exclusive anywhere else.


« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 10:54 »
I think the answer depends on several factors - most of which have been covered above. The other factor I think you should consider is what type of vectors you produce. If you produce complex vectors, iStock pricing is much more advantageous (and the exclusive bonus worth that much more). If you produce relatively simple vectors, iStock's pricing isn't such a clear win.

I think that SS has a completely out of control problem with theft and resale of its vectors - because it's so cheap to get compared to everywhere else. You could consider that a cost of doing business, but I'm not happy about the idea of cutting out future income this way.

At the other sites, the relationship of the vector prices to JPEG prices is fine for simple vectors, but as they make no allowance for really complex ones, they end up being undervalued, IMO.

« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 13:08 »
I was surprised because all my vector images at SS have, at least, one download. Maybe the response is a thef. A collector that resales CDs with SS images?

« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2008, 05:21 »
I think exclusivity in vector images becomes better option each day.

« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2008, 17:04 »
I think maybe is a better option because

 IStock sell vectors at 10 to 25 bucks...
while other sites sell for a lesser price...I hope I'm not mistaken...

would you get a bigger commission at IS?


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