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Author Topic: Rules for posting - READ THIS FIRST  (Read 37638 times)

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« on: October 07, 2009, 01:48 »
This area is for you to voice your concerns (and warn others) if you find your, or others images on a website which you believe is unauthorized to sell or display your images.  Or, if you feel a site is using an image in a way which falls outside the licensing terms.

The posts in this thread are the OPINIONS of the posters only and not those of MicrostockGroup.  

Breech of License
If you think an image is being used outside the licensing terms allowed for microstock images, post links to the images and we can discuss it.

Stolen Images
Please be very careful in what you post.  If you claim someone or a site is unlawfully selling your images you are accusing them of a serious offense.  Do not link any accounts or mention names unless you are VERY sure they are selling your images.  If you think they are selling someone else's images, contact the other person directly first.

There have also been cases of people selling and giving away photographers images on ebay or other download sites.  This is the place to post for situations like that.  The more people we get on cases like this the agencies will take notice and hopefully act.

Copied Images
This is not the place to post if you think someone simply copied your idea.  It sucks, I know - but a stock site won't remove a portfolio because you feel your idea was copied.  They will only remove a portfolio if the images infringe on your copyright (the offender uploaded YOUR images, or parts of your images)

For those who don't know what a sleuth is.. Wikpedia - Sleuth
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 00:27 by leaf »

« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2009, 09:09 »
Thank you, Leaf! Both for the new forum and for teaching me a new word. :)


« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2019, 04:29 »
Just reporting an odd observation, i dunno if this is a problem,

first time saw the "image sleuth" under General forum tab altough i can see individual threads in timeline. Also not visible e.g. "msg problems report" (i don't remember exact name of tab).  Selecting Forum, gives boards by members, by name agencies, mid and macro, footage, audio, illustrator, other ways, ranting and other language boards.



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