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« on: December 06, 2016, 08:12 »
I found this site, and I do not know is that a partner site of some stock agency. But, I found some vectors from other artists. Here is link of the profile, who has some vectors form other artists:

Scroll down and you will find some popular Halloween vectors, and I think that I found one vector from Shelma1 (Fathers Day-green striped tie).

And I found this site who sells wallpapers, also from other artists:
And one more site that I am not sure is that partner site:

I apologize in advance if I am wrong about some sites.

« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 09:30 »
Think about it...people can invest maybe $10 or less to buy a high resolution image or vector, then open their own website. Then sell them for even a little less that the big sites. In most instances, they only need to sell one or two of that image to recoup their investment, then the rest is gravy. Since copyright infringement enforcement is so lax, they might be able to get away with it for a while and make a nice little chunk of change. Sure, there's web hosting costs too, but they might already have that anyway.

Why get paid pennies from the agencies when you can make dollars off of somebody else's work!  >:(


« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 10:20 »
Thanks! This person helpfully included her email address on the site, so I just emailed her and told her to take my illo down. She claims she designed it but also that it's in the public domain. Amazing. Lots of work from other SS artists there too.


« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 10:27 »
Original wording on her site-
"I like designing all types of posters, I hope you like them!"

Modified-" I like stealing other artists' work for any kind of posters that I now call me work, I hope you like them! Feel free to use them for whatever you want"




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