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Author Topic: Informal "poll" - What are your best performing sites for vectors/illustrations?  (Read 5073 times)

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« on: June 27, 2012, 23:10 »
I know there is a similar thread (or several), but they are outdated and had all gone off track.

I'm just curious to know what your best performing sites are?

I'll start...

Based on 2012 thus far...

1. Shutterstock (fairly obvious)
2. 123RF
3. Dreamstime
4. CanStock
5. BigStock
6. Fotolia
7. DepositPhotos
8. Veer

« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 23:42 »
1. SS

2. DT
3. FT
4. 123RF

« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 03:28 »
1. SS
2. ClipartOf

3. iStock
4. Dreamstime
5. Canstock
6. Vectorstock
7. Fotolia
8. Veer

9. Deposit Photos
10. 123RF
11. Graphic Leftovers
12. BigStock
13. iClipart
14. Yay Micro
15. Crestock

« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2012, 16:30 »
Well July is almost over and it has been an interesting month for me, here are my observations, in order of sales revenue...

SS was just a bit off of my BME (June '12), and is still number one... by FAR.

Every month at 123RF has been better than the one before it for 2012. July beat June by a couple bucks, hopefully the trend will continue!

Fotolia has had an increase in sales for me over the past couple months, July was my BME.

It was a good month at CanStock, just a couple bucks off of June, which was a BME for me.

BigStock was about average, not bad.

Dreamstime was one of my top agencies in May. I had half of May's sales in June, now I had half of June's sales in July. I had single days at SS that beat the entire month at DT.

DepositPhotos sales have fallen off big time. Very little action in July.

Veer is a very low earner for me, and only a couple sales in July.

« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2012, 16:50 »
SS & Clipartof by a mile, DT's new subs policy hurt this month with my RPD dropping significantly because of it. CS and 123 do pretty well followed by GL and IS (my IS port is much smaller due to the crazy upload procedure). Graphic River actually has a fairly high RPI but I can't get myself motivated to upload there so my port is tiny.

I really like the smaller guys with high RPD but total $ are much smaller- However they do add up so I consider them worth uploading to.

DP and FT sell a decent amount of images but almost all are at small commissions (I limit my uploads to slower selling image on these sites because of the low RPD)


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