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Author Topic: Eight new vector agencies  (Read 5643 times)

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« on: November 18, 2012, 20:23 »

I saw these five new microstock agencies that accept vectors. Has anyone worked with them, or had success with any of them?

- (different than

Also, to contribute something, I have had moderate success with these three "new" agencies. They may not be new to you, but I just recently started getting success with them.


« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 21:58 »
- pocketstock (zero)
- superhug (they have left the stock business without a single note)
- vectoriel (made them pay us better but still haven't uploaded)
- allyoucanstock (few sales on the first months then zero)
- cliparto (took the 50$ bonus and 2 sales after for 50 cents)

pretty much they are all waste of time
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 23:02 by luissantos84 »

« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 23:54 »
You forgot a couple of actual new guys that really are worth contributing to. Stockami and Toonvectors actually are generating regular sales and at higher than average RPD. Toonvectors minimum commission is $14 and I just got a EL for $70. These sites are not contributing to the race to the bottom and the upload to both sites is easy. These are the most promising "new sites" for vectors.

I also like Canstock, GL and Yay. Finally, you are right about Stockfresh picking up in the last 3-4 months.

« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 00:19 »
i thought stockfuel website was on sale before? it doesn't sound like a website with dedications.

« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 03:33 »
$70 sale is good deal, why toonvectors is not listed in the poll results at the side? is toonvectors founded by cthoman in this forum?

it looks a good site with good interface, why a site with potential isn't really in discussion?

You forgot a couple of actual new guys that really are worth contributing to. Stockami and Toonvectors actually are generating regular sales and at higher than average RPD. Toonvectors minimum commission is $14 and I just got a EL for $70. These sites are not contributing to the race to the bottom and the upload to both sites is easy. These are the most promising "new sites" for vectors.

I also like Canstock, GL and Yay. Finally, you are right about Stockfresh picking up in the last 3-4 months.

« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2012, 10:26 »
$70 sale is good deal, why toonvectors is not listed in the poll results at the side? is toonvectors founded by cthoman in this forum?

it looks a good site with good interface, why a site with potential isn't really in discussion?

No, I don't run it. It's run by my brother, Chris. It's funny the confusion several people have had about this though. I definitely don't have the time or the knowledge to build something like ToonVectors. So despite the rumors, I'm not a superhero.  ;D

« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2012, 11:33 »
The reason the best vector sites don't show up in the poll results is because it takes a minimum number of voters to get a rating. If there was a poll just for vectors the top 4 and the middle tier would look a whole lot different. I actually asked Chris before I posted about his site. He said he is really trying to keep a balance between building a solid catalog of images and keeping his contributors happy. I like this site a lot.

« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2012, 12:12 »
oic..because your illustrations are so recognizable so i thought you are opening another site for other contributors.

i think your brother got a good start with your porfolio..
$70 sale is good deal, why toonvectors is not listed in the poll results at the side? is toonvectors founded by cthoman in this forum?

it looks a good site with good interface, why a site with potential isn't really in discussion?

No, I don't run it. It's run by my brother, Chris. It's funny the confusion several people have had about this though. I definitely don't have the time or the knowledge to build something like ToonVectors. So despite the rumors, I'm not a superhero.  ;D

« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2012, 12:15 »
i see, i was wondering why there is a site I didn't notice from this forum..since site like allyoucanstock, stockami..all had tried to promote in forum here.

and when i checked it out..i got confused with cthoman website.. ha.

Personally i think it got a good start with portfolio that offer in cartoon style illustrations.

The reason the best vector sites don't show up in the poll results is because it takes a minimum number of voters to get a rating. If there was a poll just for vectors the top 4 and the middle tier would look a whole lot different. I actually asked Chris before I posted about his site. He said he is really trying to keep a balance between building a solid catalog of images and keeping his contributors happy. I like this site a lot.

« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2012, 22:53 »
He said he is really trying to keep a balance between building a solid catalog of images and keeping his contributors happy.

Yes, it does seem to me that there should be some theoretical happy equilibrium point where enough buyers are finding the things they want and the contributors are few enough that everyone gets nice sales numbers.  I don't know exactly where this point lies, but my best guess at the moment is that it's somewhere above a hundred thousand and below a million images.

Since the Toon Vectors catalog is still well below that point, there is plenty of room for catalog growth.  I have not been actively recruiting, since I don't want to disappoint while traffic is still ramping up, but if anyone is feeling bold (or patient) they are more than welcome to sign up.

There is a thread for the site hiding in the "New Sites" section for general complaints and suggestions:

« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2012, 09:35 »
He said he is really trying to keep a balance between building a solid catalog of images and keeping his contributors happy.

Yes, it does seem to me that there should be some theoretical happy equilibrium point where enough buyers are finding the things they want and the contributors are few enough that everyone gets nice sales numbers.  I don't know exactly where this point lies, but my best guess at the moment is that it's somewhere above a hundred thousand and below a million images.

Since the Toon Vectors catalog is still well below that point, there is plenty of room for catalog growth.  I have not been actively recruiting, since I don't want to disappoint while traffic is still ramping up, but if anyone is feeling bold (or patient) they are more than welcome to sign up.

There is a thread for the site hiding in the "New Sites" section for general complaints and suggestions:

I just signed up and I am halfway though uploading my portfolio. I like this site so far and I was curious if there is anything I can do to help toonvector?


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