I've been doing vectors for a short while now, I started off with Inkscape and some simple designs, all of which have been accepted at FT. I finally got Illustrator and since I have submitted SVG made in Illustrator not a single one has been accepted, always with the same rejection reason, out of focus/poor lighting etc. The thumbnail looks fine while the file is pending but not a single one has passed inspection. Does anyone know what SVG settings the files need to be saved at prior to uploading? This sucks I finally get to use gradient meshes, envelope distort and all the other cool things in AI and somethings amuck. I've searched the FT forums and there are several threads about this filled with contributors complaining about FT not answering this exact question.
BTW I'm fairly sure this isn't a quality issue, a lot of the early vectors accepted where simplistic crap, these AI illustrations have been much more complex. I'd like to attach the files so you can see them but I'm not sure how to do that...