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Author Topic: Somebody get the crash cart - GL has flatlined!  (Read 29363 times)

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  • Those that don't stand up to evil enable evil.
« Reply #75 on: September 26, 2013, 16:30 »
What is the payout level at GL?  Like many have reported, I sold relatively well when it first started, but for all intents and purposes it's died this year.  I reached just over $40 and then nothing.  Had one sale this month that brought my earnings up to $41.08.  While the upload process is relatively easy, there doesn't seem to be any purpose in continuing if little of my stuff sells there (does well elsewhere).  I'll leave what I've already uploaded alone, but doubt I'll be uploading much of anything new unless something turns around.  There was a post sometime back (last year I think) where it was suggested that illustrations did better on GL than photographs.  Has there been any confirmation of this or was that just someone's idle speculation?

« Reply #76 on: September 26, 2013, 16:41 »
I think the payout is $50.  Illustrations do sell better but they seem to be selling more photos than they used to.

« Reply #77 on: September 28, 2013, 03:05 »
As I only started distributing my images this year, GL never sold well for me.

However, there is no effort involved in submitting my images to them, when my FTP clients is running it takes less than five seconds to also add GL to the list. And they are definitely one of the few agencies I feel are contributor friendly.

So why shouldn't I give them my images in the hope some customers will buy from there instead of other sites giving me a quarter or less of what they make?


« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2013, 03:14 »
Also 50% of you set the price at GL can be a nice sum, 50% of say .50 at CS isn't all that much.

I had a number of good months when I started at GL with nice EL's and a lot of promise, since then and especially since the google search change I suppose only a few a month. Hopefully google search or something can change again and sales will pick up. I think of it as an investment against the IS and FT and SS domination of the stock market.

One thing with getting a lot more images at a site is that it dilutes individual contributors earnings, but might not effect the site's bottom line much at all.

I agree, but my RPD at CanStockPhoto is 1.19$, which is not bad. Last month I had a 9.80 sale (my cut) and this month a 13.60 sale on CanStockPhoto. And this is without the other credit and sub sales on CanStockPhoto.

I had one sale on GL for 5.60 (my cut) in 5 months. If I had 3 sales per month of GL they would have my full support. If I see reports here that GL is taking off, I'll be the first to start submitting again.

« Reply #79 on: September 28, 2013, 09:03 »
1 sale in 5 months, 450 images. not worth my time, not even if its a 1 second uploading process.

50% of nothing is nothing.

Not sure why peeps keep uploading. How do you justify that 1 or 6 or whatever pathetic sales number is enough to compensate your time and effort. Honest question.

Using Stocksubmitter, I upload to many sites simultaneously with a single click, and GL is simply one of these. So there's no extra effort involved. Any money made at this site is a bonus. 


« Reply #80 on: September 28, 2013, 12:58 »
Cool, that makes sense.


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