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Author Topic: GL Stock… Seriously??  (Read 61451 times)

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« on: February 26, 2018, 04:34 »
There was a lot of time that I did not upload on GL Stock.
So this morning I decided to give a try.

1) Uploading panorama images with one side under 2000 pixels and one over 2000 pixels I get the error message “Height or width must be at least 2000 pixels”. If both sides should be over 2000 pixels the message should be “Height and width must be at least 2000 pixels”

2) Uploading a model release, once the file has been uploaded, the “Next” button has absolutely no effect

3) I can’t find a place to see my already uploaded releases

4) I cannot find any explanation about how to upload vectors (single eps, eps + jpeg, zipped eps + jpeg)

Sales are very slow on this site, I should say non-existent, especially after the restyling of the site…

Seriously GL Stock, what are you doing??

« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2018, 05:11 »
Guess I will leave it a bit longer to start uploading again ;-)

« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2018, 07:43 »
GL Stock is dead, just forget it.

« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2018, 08:10 »
I still get some sales before they changed management. Now that they have change ownership, sales have plummeted to zero. They also fail to review the stuffs I uploaded for over a year.

Forget about this site, because there's nobody working there.


« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2018, 08:23 »
Yup. They killed the site. Sales quickly decreased with the new owners, now dead.

« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2018, 10:01 »
I just left GL last week ! Zero sales ! I lost my time there.


« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2018, 10:12 »
Yup. They killed the site. Sales quickly decreased with the new owners, now dead.

Yes, two or three years ago it was a so promising site.
And also very fair.

« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2018, 10:51 »
Yup. They killed the site. Sales quickly decreased with the new owners, now dead.

Yes, two or three years ago it was a so promising site.
And also very fair.

fair? How?


« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2018, 11:11 »
Yup. They killed the site. Sales quickly decreased with the new owners, now dead.

Yes, two or three years ago it was a so promising site.
And also very fair.

fair? How?


« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2018, 15:47 »
Yup. They killed the site. Sales quickly decreased with the new owners, now dead.

Yes, two or three years ago it was a so promising site.
And also very fair.

It still is fair, but what good is fair if there are no sales.

I've supported them for years, because they're fair, but I won't upload anymore files.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2018, 09:18 »
I was really hoping for good things when they got bought and the new site design was being talked about.

But Unfortunately the new design is actually worse than the old one and sales have gotten even rarer.

I think they are in the "keep, but no new files" category for me as well.

Its a shame, I really wanted sites like them to succeed given their "Fair Trade" style approach.

« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2018, 10:06 »
As i recall, the new owner posted here and was quite candid about a realistic timeline for redeveloping the site. I'm not sure we're really that far beyond his hoped-for date.

« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2018, 12:45 »
As i recall, the new owner posted here and was quite candid about a realistic timeline for redeveloping the site. I'm not sure we're really that far beyond his hoped-for date.
That's true but the feeling here, which I shared, was that it would be extremely hard to get buyers back or retain. I guess there's still time.

« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2018, 17:13 »
As i recall, the new owner posted here and was quite candid about a realistic timeline for redeveloping the site. I'm not sure we're really that far beyond his hoped-for date.
That's true but the feeling here, which I shared, was that it would be extremely hard to get buyers back or retain. I guess there's still time.

No one has been able to start a new image sales business for years - SS controls the market, and they've destroyed it.   The next window of opportunity will be when significant numbers of buyers stat to get disenchanted with SS and with searching its endless archive of repetitious junk.    And on another track, the whole concept of 'stock imagery' will inevitably change, and what SS has will go out of style.  What comes after that, I have no idea.

« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2018, 16:57 »

No news now in several months.  I assume whatever the plan was, it didn't happen, and I should probably close my account - if there's still anyone around to do it.

Anyone heard anything different?

« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2018, 17:23 »
Not a sale since January.  Ouch.


    This user is banned.
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2018, 17:30 »
Stockastic!!  youre 100% right, SS control it and destroyed it!  what I fail to understand is why more contributors dont join the trad agencies like the specialized  agencies, agencies that sell RM/RF. These places are slowly getting back to what they were. Sure they are harder to get in to but once there, there are worlds of difference, money, editing, everything. They dont just shove the crap in like SS, they will answer a mail like in 12 hours not 10 days like SS or Getty with the same automated mumbo jumbo reply!
Theres no way in this world that micro-stock is ever going to get better. The downhill race will just carry on and on, the agencies are squeezing the last drop of blood out of it until its just flat out.
Managements consists of bean-counters and suits knowing nothing. Ever heard of a Plumber doing a Denstist job??  well thats micro-stock managements. Seriously and especially full-timers should really try other avenues.

« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2018, 18:50 »
I have made one sale this year and three sales last year. As stated on this thread , not much sales . How dose this site stay in business. I still upload to them . Not sure why I do. I guess I like wasting my time. 


« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2018, 04:03 »
I imagine they bought the site and saw that most of the expenses were social media ads so they did the maths/ experimented something like:

We spend $20 a month on ads and get $25 dollars of sales making us $5 profit.

We stopped the ads and still made $10 of sales= double profit!!!!!

Not realising that a lot of buyers fall away over time and now aren't being replaced, so guess what, that $10 profit is now $4 and they don't have the $20 to get the ads back up.


« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2018, 12:20 »
Still haven't gotten any response to my cashout I sent on 7/11 ...

« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2018, 16:09 »
Still haven't gotten any response to my cashout I sent on 7/11 ...

I messaged you several days ago here regarding this.  Your account currently has a balance under our standard payment threshold, and you have not sent any messages via email or through the internal messaging system, so I'm not aware of any cash out request.  You're always more than welcome to contact me back if you have any questions via PM here or at

Payments are made as per usual, and have always been. 

There are no promises of riches from microstock for both the sellers and the operators of small agencies.  This is something that I think is pretty clear from the many threads in this forum about GL or other agencies.  GL has always been in the "low earner" category on MicroStock, so to see the only negative feedback by comparably low or little to no sales for some members of these forums surprises me, as I always felt the expectations of what GL produces for many contributors pales in comparison to the likes of several billion dollar corporations, and many other large companies.  GL was run by 2 people for many years, and was purchased from the original owners and run by 2 other people since.  I understand that selling stock images/videos/etc. is the primary business of many of you, and I would never want or ask any contributor to not continue to use GLStock, because I do value every one of our customers' business.  However, if you believe sales are not worthy of your time, it is your right to do with your business whatever you believe is right for you.

Despite any negative feedback, we have continued to honor the high sale commissions that were implemented by the previous owners, regardless of our increased costs to operate the business, which is very different than what other agencies do when their costs go up.  We continue to pay our contributors on time every time, and we continue to operate, work on development of our technology, and work on the business.   

I do not frequent these forums any longer, but any of our customers or potential customers (buyers or sellers) may always contact me via email at, or PM on these forums and I will always be quickly responsive to any requests or questions, as I always have been. 

I am sorry that sales have not been strong for many of you, that is obviously not something I want to be the case.  My intentions of purchasing the business was to improve upon a declining ship, which I've always been very clear about since I joined these forums.  The business still produces sales, many new buyers per day, and significant traffic to the site, so we will continue working. 


Phil Shapiro
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 16:28 by GLStock »

« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2018, 16:36 »
Hi Phil,

I used your little pop up support button in the bottom right which included my email.  I used that twice with a positive response, so if you didn’t get that, you might want to check your system.

I don’t often look at the messages link here, but I do see one message from you.  I’d consider dropping your minimum because at this point it might take me until 2025 to reach whatever it is.

“so to see the only negative feedback by comparably low or little to no sales for some members of these forums surprises me, as I always felt the expectations of what GL produces for many contributors pales in comparison to the likes of several billion dollar corporations, and many other large companies.”

Well, I used to have pretty regular sales.  I haven’t had one since January, I think.  So going from something to nothing is going to get negative feedback.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 16:39 by Sean Locke Photography »

« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2018, 17:21 »
Well, I used to have pretty regular sales.  I haven’t had one since January, I think.  So going from something to nothing is going to get negative feedback.

Of course, and I'm not telling anybody they are not entitled to their opinion regarding their personal experience, positive or negative.  I am simply responding.  If you are unhappy with sales, you have a right to do what you'd like to with your business.  There is nothing binding you to have your images on GLStock as there is no required exclusivity to use our service.  I have contacted you directly to continue the discussion.

« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2018, 17:23 »
Well, I used to have pretty regular sales.  I haven’t had one since January, I think.  So going from something to nothing is going to get negative feedback.

Of course, and I'm not telling anybody they are not entitled to their opinion regarding their personal experience, positive or negative.  I am simply responding.  If you are unhappy with sales, you have a right to do what you'd like to with your business.  There is nothing binding you to have your images on GLStock as there is no required exclusivity to use our service.  I am contacting you directly to continue the discussion.


« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2018, 03:36 »
Phil, sales have never been a lot for me on GL, but when the owners were other people I always had 4 - 5 any month.
After the change of management my sales became nothing (zero sale)… And it is not only me.

And frankly, if Sean Locke (one of the most successful microstocker in the world) has no sale since January I think that there is something really "no so good" with your site and your selling strategy.

Can you explain me (us) that?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 03:41 by Chichikov »


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