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Author Topic: Which is the best place to sell aerial video drone (4K Raw )  (Read 40047 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2016, 10:25 »
Well, micro aerial shots are the same as macro... Just sell at sites where you can set your own prices if that's a problem. On Pond5 they are best-sellers every week at $400-500 for 8 seconds. I reckon the top aerial producers pull in around $3000 per week just at P5.

I've never rented a helicopter but to get one with a gimbal mounted can't be cheap...

« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2016, 10:09 »
Fun fact: This WEEK alone axiomimages sold aerials at Pond5 for a whopping $12,322 ($6,161 for them)!

So there is plenty of money in good aerials, and Pond5 isn't completely dead yet.  ;D
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 10:15 by increasingdifficulty »

« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2016, 20:15 »
The hot setup right now is the DJI MATRICE 600 coupled with a Red Raven. Lovely combo that flies like a Phantom using an upgraded version of the Lightbridge tech.


« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2016, 20:21 »
Selling on Depositphotos and Motionelements you could quickly recoup expenses of helicopter and red camera

« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2016, 11:06 »
The costs must be huge plus steep learning curve. The people doing well are 100% professional aerial cameraman. Not possible for average joe.

A better question would be how much can you make from Drone work?

« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2016, 03:50 »
Selling on Depositphotos and Motionelements you could quickly recoup expenses of helicopter and red camera
Would you care to develop on this?
I have never heard anything about these two. Do they sell video? Are they any interesting?

« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2016, 03:53 »
Fun fact: This WEEK alone axiomimages sold aerials at Pond5 for a whopping $12,322 ($6,161 for them)!

So there is plenty of money in good aerials, and Pond5 isn't completely dead yet.  ;D
It is totally dead now outside the membershipp area, which has killed the video market.
They only few sales still appearing are reserved for people participating to the scheme, anybody else is pushed way down the bottom of the search.

« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2016, 04:04 »
Selling on Depositphotos and Motionelements you could quickly recoup expenses of helicopter and red camera
Would you care to develop on this?
I have never heard anything about these two. Do they sell video? Are they any interesting?

They are very interesting and sell video.

« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2016, 05:13 »
Quote from: Brightontl
It is totally dead now outside the membershipp area, which has killed the video market.
They only few sales still appearing are reserved for people participating to the scheme, anybody else is pushed way down the bottom of the search.

That is simply not true. Work on your SEO instead. I am not in the membership program and only have a little over 500 files but some of my clips show up in the second row on VERY common searches with 36,000+ results.

Other clips with 0 sales show up at place 80 out of 2,100 results for another pretty common search term so that really doesn't look like they're "pushed down" in the results...

« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2016, 06:40 »
Selling on Depositphotos and Motionelements you could quickly recoup expenses of helicopter and red camera
Would you care to develop on this?
I have never heard anything about these two. Do they sell video? Are they any interesting?

They are very interesting and sell video.
Thanks, I will look into it

« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2016, 08:43 »
Quote from: Brightontl
It is totally dead now outside the membershipp area, which has killed the video market.
They only few sales still appearing are reserved for people participating to the scheme, anybody else is pushed way down the bottom of the search.

That is simply not true. Work on your SEO instead. I am not in the membership program and only have a little over 500 files but some of my clips show up in the second row on VERY common searches with 36,000+ results.

Other clips with 0 sales show up at place 80 out of 2,100 results for another pretty common search term so that really doesn't look like they're "pushed down" in the results...
I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.
I am referring to the search within P5. Are you talking about results in search engines like Google?
Can you develop about working on the SEO? The only thing I know is to enter the title, descriptio and keywords>

But anyway my own files that have sold well and used to appear at the top of the relative searches by popularity until a few weeks ago now are buried several pages down

« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2016, 09:27 »
I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.
I am referring to the search within P5. Are you talking about results in search engines like Google?
Can you develop about working on the SEO? The only thing I know is to enter the title, descriptio and keywords>

But anyway my own files that have sold well and used to appear at the top of the relative searches by popularity until a few weeks ago now are buried several pages down

Yes, I'm talking about the P5 internal search (Best match, which is default). I haven't noticed a difference in search placement. Sales will bring up the rank, time will bring it down.

A simple search like "typing laptop" yields 23,745 results and I find some of my clips (with sales) right away. The membership content consists of 1,547 files and are mixed in well with the standard marketplace content (none above row 4). The top results aren't any different if you choose "Core Library", although for some reason it's easier to find Membership content below if you do.

If you order results by Popular the membership content comes even further down.

I absolutely do not believe they favor membership content in general search (because I can see that just by searching), but of course, if you ONLY want to find membership content if you're part of the program you will filter out the rest.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 09:40 by increasingdifficulty »

« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2016, 11:51 »
I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.
I am referring to the search within P5. Are you talking about results in search engines like Google?
Can you develop about working on the SEO? The only thing I know is to enter the title, descriptio and keywords>

But anyway my own files that have sold well and used to appear at the top of the relative searches by popularity until a few weeks ago now are buried several pages down

Yes, I'm talking about the P5 internal search (Best match, which is default). I haven't noticed a difference in search placement. Sales will bring up the rank, time will bring it down.

A simple search like "typing laptop" yields 23,745 results and I find some of my clips (with sales) right away. The membership content consists of 1,547 files and are mixed in well with the standard marketplace content (none above row 4). The top results aren't any different if you choose "Core Library", although for some reason it's easier to find Membership content below if you do.

If you order results by Popular the membership content comes even further down.

I absolutely do not believe they favor membership content in general search (because I can see that just by searching), but of course, if you ONLY want to find membership content if you're part of the program you will filter out the rest.
Thank you for the explaination, very clear.
By the way, I was not saying that the files from the membership are put up in the search engine, I was talking about files from people who contribute to membership

« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2016, 13:15 »
Thank you for the explaination, very clear.
By the way, I was not saying that the files from the membership are put up in the search engine, I was talking about files from people who contribute to membership

Yes, I understand what you mean. I don't have time to check out all the thousands of authors but a quick search for "berlin timelapse" shows that NONE of the authors of the top 5 results have anything in the membership program.

I simply don't think that's how it works.


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