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Author Topic: Video editing software  (Read 19668 times)

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« on: August 22, 2016, 14:38 »
Please advice. I'm looking for video editing software for basic editing like exposure correction, length adjustment etc. Like Lightroom for photo editing, what will be for video?

« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 14:45 »
I'm using Davinci Resolve for such purposes. Advanced tool for colour correction and colour grading but also has some nice timeline editing features.

« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 16:05 »
Many alternatives:

Final Cut Pro X - simple and fast. Best for editing together multiple clips, simple single clip edits and simple color correction.

Adobe After Effects - much more powerful than FCPX when it comes to editing single clips. Stabilization, color correction, retiming. Not very good for editing together multiple clips. Quite slow and clumsy in that department.

Adobe Premiere - More like FCPX but with many of the tools you also find in After Effects. Not as fast as FCPX but works better with After Effects.

You can also do basic edits in Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop, but I would recommend After Effects.

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2016, 16:35 »
Adobe premiere pro cc is a good option. The basic default color editor is similar to camera raw, or lightroom. Lumetri color offers a lot of the same basic features that can also be automated. The best part about it is it doesn't bog down the computer so much and rendering is super fast. It's really nice to be working in 4k and viewing in realtime at full resolution with effects applied. I've never used FCP so can't comment on that. Editing video can be a complete time suck depending on your workflow.

« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2016, 04:41 »

I use Adobe cloud services . Premiere is easy to use to cut and color correcting . For more advanced animations, etc. After Effects is a good choice . However, this is more complex and takes a while to learn. The advantage of Adobe cloud is that you pay a fixed smaller amount per month to get access to all of their programs.


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« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2016, 02:38 »
I edit in After Effects. You're not really supposed to do that, but I'm weird.

« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2016, 10:07 »
I edit in After Effects. You're not really supposed to do that, but I'm weird.
I do that to! I even do videoclips in After Effects. Nuts, but frame accurate!

« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2016, 10:24 »
Adobe premiere pro cc is a good option. The basic default color editor is similar to camera raw,

I wish it were.  Not a simple "click to white balance" to be found, like in ACR.

« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2016, 11:22 »
I wish it were.  Not a simple "click to white balance" to be found, like in ACR.

You'll find it in Lumetri Color.

« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2016, 11:23 »
I do that to! I even do videoclips in After Effects. Nuts, but frame accurate!

And 1 frame per year...  ;)

« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2016, 11:44 »
I wish it were.  Not a simple "click to white balance" to be found, like in ACR.

You'll find it in Lumetri Color.

Hmmm, is that recent?  I always used the one in the 3 way corrector, and it was awful.

« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2016, 11:59 »
Hmmm, is that recent?  I always used the one in the 3 way corrector, and it was awful.

Not sure how old it is as I use AE 99% of the time, but in the latest CC it's there along with some other nice tools.  :)

« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2016, 12:22 »
Adobe premiere pro cc is a good option. The basic default color editor is similar to camera raw,

I wish it were.  Not a simple "click to white balance" to be found, like in ACR.
There is a little eye dropper right in white balance section of the panel. Find some tutorials on youtube about the new Lumetri panel, interesting what you can do in there. I believe they've added some new stuff. Check out HSL secondary in the panel for highlighting a specific color and changing it to your liking. Comes in handy if you've corrected white balance and faces are still a bit red. I used to use AE for everything, but about a year ago I started making short promo vids and needed Premiere. I will never go back to AE unless it's for something complicated. The coolest thing is it doesn't crush the computer, not sure how they managed that?  If you need to go to AE you can do it right from within premiere. Lumetri panel has almost everything you need to do basic color correcting. You can open up many panels for the same clip as well and do masks and tracking, blur logos..etc.

« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2016, 03:25 »
I do that to! I even do videoclips in After Effects. Nuts, but frame accurate!

And 1 frame per year...  ;)
Well with 15+ years of AE experience I know a few tricks to speed things up. But yeah, it's slooooooow.  ;D

« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2016, 12:22 »
Please advise. I'm looking for video editing software for basic editing like exposure correction, length adjustment etc. Like Lightroom for photo editing, what will be for video?

if you'd like to not throw your hard-earned money after Adobe and if you care or know anything about software licensing problems or the infamous .H264 patent issue etc, you might also want to check out Open Source alternatives, such as:

 - OpenShot (http://www.openshot.org)
 - Avidemux (http://avidemux.org)
 - WinFF / ffMpeg
 - Llightworks (http://www.lwks.com/)

Many of them are avalaible across all platforms, (i e at least MacOS, Linux, or Windows) without vendor lock-in or similar issues.

I am using OpenShot which is straightforward to use, but still has lots of FinalCut-style pro-features. Do note, that "Free" also means free as in "free beer", so you just download and install it without a price tag instead of worrying about licensing and similar garbage all the time... Anyway, I am used to it and am quite happy with it. Have uploaded tons of clips to agencies using OpenShot and also sold nicely (much easier to break even in today's microstock world that when you also have to recover $$$ for just buying a software package). Much better cost-to-reward ratio. So on top of technical, it also makes economic sense for me.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 12:27 by marquixHD »

« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2016, 12:35 »
As far as white balance goes, scopes are your friend.

« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2016, 01:35 »
You are wrong marquixHD

Free video editing software such as OpenShot editing violate patents h.264 / AVC

Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, Finalcut clearly says that does not allow for commercial h.264 / AVC

H.264 rather Mp4 preview page.

You know that the digital SLR Sony, Nikon, Canon have written instructions not to use H.264 / AVC for commercial use. Therefore, all convert videos to free codec Quick TIme Photo Jpg only through a paid program.

License h.264 / AVC allows you to convert to Quick TIme Photo Jpg only paid programs that have licenses and are listed newbielink:http://www.mpegla.com/main/programs/AVC/Pages/Licensees.aspx [nonactive]

Free video editing software is not listed.

I would recommend the Sony Vegas Pro 13

« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2016, 05:43 »
But does it even matter, will anyone ever want to know and prove if you used free or paid software for commercial stock, or is it just the etics thing?

Sony Vegas feels so natural and logical and is very easy to use especially for anyone who previously used Acid and SoundForge.

« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2021, 04:43 »
I personally use Sony Vegas Pro and is probably the best one out there...

Filmora is a fairly good editing software, and is fairly easy to use.
However, you can check out this article : newbielink:https://www.xp-pen.com/forum-1595.html [nonactive] that includes a number of free open source photo editing software.


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