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Author Topic: Using a stock photo as a backdrop  (Read 14488 times)

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« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2018, 11:15 »
No. Everything you submit you must own copyright to.

Well, you said this, which is correct in a way - you must of course own the copyright to the completed work.

That does not, however, mean that you must own the copyright to every single element in the image. Because you don't. Same in a photograph, you don't (and can't) own the copyright to all the elements in a photo (well, most photos).

Most licenses on stock asset sites (like Shutterstock) do not allow usage as elements in new stock assets, so they would have to come from somewhere else.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 12:33 by increasingdifficulty »

« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2018, 13:10 »
Read reply #2. Says exactly what you quoted, in a lot fewer words.  ;)  Nowhere in my reply is there a thx.

It also reads as "just another opinion." No better or worse than all the rest. No reference to a source document to back up the assertion.

That is all I am trying to provide. An end to the bickering, by referencing the source. The company that the OP was asking about using.  I don't see how it can get any more objective and clear than that.  Not just me saying "No."  But ShutterStock directly and explicitly saying "no, not in any way shape or form" (OK, I paraphrased, but the actual quote is above... :) )

« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2018, 13:19 »
OK, here it is:

"You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit to Shutterstock. This means that you cannot submit work obtained from other sources (e.g., online image search results or websites), or incorporate such work into your content submissions, unless you have permission to do so."

Regarding NASA elements:

"If you submit images that incorporate NASA elements that are in the public domain, Shutterstock may accept the image as long as the following text is included in the title for that image:  Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2018, 17:10 »
LOL. And the pontification goes on.

« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2018, 01:28 »
LOL. And the pontification goes on.

It's called clarification, since your answer was not complete, and it's not as simple as "no".


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