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Author Topic: Shutterstock rejection for caption problem, then have to upload the file again!  (Read 8084 times)

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« on: March 06, 2015, 00:05 »
Shutterstock should do something about this.  They reject file because they want an editorial caption, but we have to upload the same file again to change the caption.  It's a pain and nonsense.  Please Shutterstock, do something!

Semmick Photo

« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2015, 02:19 »
Yeah, they should start introducing soft rejections like their wholly owned site bigstock.

« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2015, 07:49 »
Yeah, they should start introducing soft rejections like their wholly owned site bigstock.

it's quite stupid how they do it now that we have to upload the same video files again just change the caption.

« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2015, 04:14 »
Yeah. It seems like they are going backwards now....
Not selling well either... :(


« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2015, 08:24 »
Shutterstock should do something about this.  They reject file because they want an editorial caption, but we have to upload the same file again to change the caption.  It's a pain and nonsense.  Please Shutterstock, do something!

I've all but given up on SS because of that, a LOT of my content on P5 is editorial branded as it's severe weather, events, on-campus stuff and they reject almost everything first on the needs an editorial caption point, I have 24,000 clips on Pond 5 and I don't have the specific date, time, etc for each one and don't have the time to manually fill it all out even if I did, I batch upload. It's not always pretty and I am working on cleaning up the titles and keywords but SS is a lost cause, lost a few days already trying them out, staying with Pond 5.

« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2015, 10:47 »
Shutterstock should do something about this.  They reject file because they want an editorial caption, but we have to upload the same file again to change the caption.  It's a pain and nonsense.  Please Shutterstock, do something!

I've all but given up on SS because of that, a LOT of my content on P5 is editorial branded as it's severe weather, events, on-campus stuff and they reject almost everything first on the needs an editorial caption point, I have 24,000 clips on Pond 5 and I don't have the specific date, time, etc for each one and don't have the time to manually fill it all out even if I did, I batch upload. It's not always pretty and I am working on cleaning up the titles and keywords but SS is a lost cause, lost a few days already trying them out, staying with Pond 5.

Not sure if applicable with video but for photo you can use "circa" 2014 etc etc

« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2015, 17:28 »


I've all but given up on SS because of that, a LOT of my content on P5 is editorial branded as it's severe weather, events, on-campus stuff and they reject almost everything first on the needs an editorial caption point, I have 24,000 clips on Pond 5 and I don't have the specific date, time, etc for each one and don't have the time to manually fill it all out even if I did, I batch upload. It's not always pretty and I am working on cleaning up the titles and keywords but SS is a lost cause, lost a few days already trying them out, staying with Pond 5.   

In shutterstock you have to do the following so your editorials can be accepted.You not only have to check the editorial box but you need to start EVERY clip description with these words "EDITORIAL:MONTH/DAY/YEAR ,city,country,place or street if necessary" and then the rest of your description.It's stupid and annoying but thats how they do things and almost every editorial will get accepted unless for some stupid reason (which i assure you there are a lot) .

Editorials do sell there,but forget pond5 volume,not even by a long shot.
Still, you have a big portfolio, no harm in sending in a few hundred clips for starters.

« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2015, 17:32 »
Yeah, they should start introducing soft rejections like their wholly owned site bigstock.

Devils advocate..

Soft rejections wouldn't help compliance.  One of my early batches got rejected because I forgot the "illustration" check box - didn't forget a 2nd time.

« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2015, 17:44 »
I had three videos rejected for the same thing today. Don't get it.


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