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Author Topic: Possible to upload the same video to multiple sites with the same service?  (Read 8053 times)

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« on: June 01, 2018, 23:30 »
Ive just started to upload a 4k video for the first time and it's taking forever to submit it to the various sites. Some of the individual sites' uploaders and ftp systems have failed along the way so Ive had to start again from scratch. It's taking hours and hours with no end in sight. And I'm assuming you can't upload to more than one site using ftp at the same time. Not exactly sure about that one.

Just wondering if there is some kind of service that allows you to upload a single video to multiple stock sites at once? Something that's reliable and unlikely to break down would be great.


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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2018, 23:52 »
Try Dropstock

« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2018, 00:32 »
Thanks for the suggestion. I note that Dropstock syncs with Dropbox. Unfortunately, I tried Dropbox some time ago but I couldn't get it to work (kept giving me errors when I tried to upload files.)

« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2018, 04:40 »
As I said in the past, I have a different approach.
I upload once to my paid clouds(Dropbox, Google Drive, pCloud etc,) and then I use another paid service, MultCloud (which also has a free lower speed option).
I chose to pay them quarterly.
At MultCloud I once add all my FTP or cloud drives and then, through a web interface, the once uploaded video can be sent to say, Shutterstock, Pond 5, Adobe, wherever. You just use their speed connection.
It all depends on agencies speed load. I get speeds from 1 to 20 Mbps.
Sometimes with boutique agencies connection closes and have to try again (and again and again), but there was never a problem with the Top or Middle Tier
I do not use it with iStock.
Also, 123RF gives me some problems when file gets lost in the ... digital desert!
Of cource this transfer is also useful for photos.
The good thing is that wherever in the world I am I can give the order to transfer and re-transfer.
You do not need a PC with FTP, just your phone or tablet with internet and a web interface.
Also, your PC or Mac does not have to stay up all night.
I have a 5 Mbps VDSL upload speed so in the same evening I upload my files and I am done.
Whatsmore, I can empty content from one drive and move it to another.
Always remember to empty your trash from actual cloud drive interface then. (go say to Google Drive and delete contents after you use MultCloud)
If someone knows about a similar approach I would like to know.

Oh, SpaceStockFootage you were right to suggest at a previous post I should only keep Dnx files, but that is not always the case.
If I do heavy corrections and export from the timeline in Dnx or MotionJPeg I get away with no banding which might happen to appear if I try to re export from previously exported 8-bit DNX. (All the tricks in the book with masks, add noise etc, won't save me!) So I keep two different codec copies of the same exported file.

« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2018, 07:00 »
I use Stocksubmitter.

« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2018, 07:01 »
dragonblade: give dropbox another try, works really nice on crappy connections too. Maybe try to sync few smaller files in the beginning and check the setting on your (desktop) dropbox.

PS: I'm one of the creators of dropstock :)

« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2018, 22:41 »
Dino, that's great to know that you're one of the developers of Dropstock. Yea I should give Dropbox another go and with smaller files as you suggest. I'll have to go find some instructions on how to use it again. Oddly, once in a while, I receive a message on my computer that my Dropbox is full but I never use it!

« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2018, 22:14 »
You can also use Black Box for the low price of 50% of your earnings.

« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2018, 03:01 »
Okay Ive managed to get Dropbox working by testing it with a word document. Though despite the instructions I found online, I can't create folders within the Dropbox website (though I can upload files.) Unfortunately, I don't think this system will be sufficient for sending my videos to stock sites. When I read about and tried Dropbox ages ago, I had this vague recollection that you create a folder on your desktop and transfer files there that you want to share. Essentially, those files in your desktop would be accessible to other people on different compuers that have your permission to view them.

What I did just now with Dropbox is very different to what I remember it to be. Following the instructions I found recently, I had to upload a file to the Dropbox website which relies on my internet speed. If I try that with a large video file, it's going to be no better than uploading directly to an individual stock site which may take one or two days. Even with a word document, the process of sharing seemed sluggish and slow.

So I have a dilemma.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 03:53 by dragonblade »

« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2018, 04:13 »
The difference between uploading one video to each agency is that if your video takes 2 days to upload on your connection - multiply that with the number of the agencies you're submitting to or by distributing it via dropbox (+ dropstock) where you upload only once and dropstock takes it from your dropbox and distributes it all around. But yes, you still need to upload it ...

Yes, the files in your dropbox are private to you, unless you share them. But you can reach them via the mobile app or their borwser interface.


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