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Author Topic: PAL/NTSC/FPS Which one is the most international?  (Read 34341 times)

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« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2016, 07:41 »
Did a quick check at Fotolia, just for fun. I checked the best-sellers this week and this month. 60 clips.

This does not take into account actual number of sales for each clip, just which clips sold. They all must have sold at least twice though, since I have a clip that sold 2 times this week that is not on the list.

23.98/24 - 20%

25 - 48%

29.97/30 - 27%

60 - 5%.

The top 3 clips monthly were all 23.98/24.

The top 3 weekly were 1 24, two 25.

I don't know the distribution of the different frame rates on the site. I can't even find a way to search by frame rate so they obviously don't think it's important at all.

One can really go crazy trying to overanalyze this stuff, I know I almost have. I even used to submit 25/30p versions of the same clips at first but decided it's not worth the extra time.

Now the ultimate question: ProRes (Standard) or ProRes HQ?  ;D
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 07:48 by increasingdifficulty »

« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2018, 02:13 »
axiomimages is the top seller (or top 3) pretty much all the time at Pond5 with $499 clips and they are all 23.98. But like others have pointed out, it's the content, not the frame rate that sells. But high budget stuff is always 23.98.

New here and way late to the conversation but wanted to add my take on this and why we only shoot 23.98.

Every film industry project I ever worked on, except for one, was shot at 23.98 or 24fps, so it was our default choice when moving into stock. We've been selling for the past 6 years now and 99% of our requests are for 23.98 material. When we're sent requests from film and television shows, most put in their preferred framerate and it's always 23.98. We get the odd 59.94 every now and again, but I don't think 29.97 has ever been requested.


« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2018, 21:51 »
My main question is which one is the most international one? ntsc or pal? 24 or 30 fps?

Just to be clear - PAL is 25fps and not 24. Though I guess you know this by now from all the other contributors' replies. I generally stick to shooting in 25fps because I live in a PAL country (Australia.) Though not too long ago, I acquired a GitUp action camera for my quadcopter which only offers 30fps as a standard frame rate. So looks like I'll be forced to use 30fps for aerial footage. Some say there's less chance of flicker when filming at 25fps under fluorescent lighting but I believe your choice of shutter speed will also help significantly under those conditions, regardless of what frame rate your recording at.

Years ago, I used to shoot on motion picture film on a semi-regular basis. When shooting on super 8, I'd switch between 18fps and 24fps. When shooting on 16mm, I'd use 24fps exclusively. By the way, my Canon 1014E super 8 camera has a 54fps setting for beautifully smooth slow motion.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 21:54 by dragonblade »


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