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Author Topic: Im an Exclusive Video contributor with IStock wanting out. Help!!!  (Read 5740 times)

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« on: December 20, 2019, 15:53 »
Hi, Ive been exclusive video only contributor with IStock since 2006 but I think the time is ready to either go non exclusive or completely leave them.

Its a sad day as I pride myself in being loyal but Unfortunately Getty show no loyalty or care for their contributors.

Im fed up with hundreds of $0.20 sales month on month - Waiting almost 2 months for sales reports with no live stats- and just the lack of respect for us.

So I could do with some advice please:

Should I quit completely? Or go non exclusive?
If so, Can I delete some clips and leave others?
How does it work with uploading IStock model releases with other agencies? Are they accepted?
Is it 90 days before I can sell with other agencies?
Finally, have other video contributors found it beneficial?

Sorry for all the questions - thanks in advance!

« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 08:46 »
I quit exclusivity with istock at 2017. Now I have portfolio on iStock, Shutterstock, Pond5, Adobe. Total income this days are 3 to 5 times bigger than that I have at iStock exclusive.


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« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2020, 09:26 »

So I could do with some advice please:

Should I quit completely? Or go non exclusive?
Sorry, I can't advise, I don't do video
If so, Can I delete some clips and leave others?
If y ou want to delete one or some, you have to ask them and give what they consider to be a good reason, (though I haven't read of any refusals).
How does it work with uploading IStock model releases with other agencies? Are they accepted?
I'm sure I've read that the Getty release is pretty much accepted in other places, you can check through the forum here to clarify.
Is it 90 days before I can sell with other agencies?
Did you read your agreement?
 You may terminate this Agreement with respect to the whole (but not part of) one or more of Photo Content, Illustration Content or Video Content at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice specifying the category or categories of Exclusive Content to which termination applies

« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2020, 09:33 »
Hi, I feel your pain, it's a pretty scary idea. I was exclusive from 2011 to 2015/16.

How many clips do you need to upload? I think I had around 6000 at the time and it was a bit of a slog to copy and paste all the keywords and titles over.
Being non-exclusive has taught me better techniques on how to store and library my clips at home and how to create .csv's for all the sites.

Yes all the sites accept Getty / istock releases. I actually still use the old istock template as I never got around to changing it.

In a nutshell I'm pretty confident that I'm earning a lot more being non-exclusive than being exclusive. I still have my files on Getty/istock and in truth brings roughly the same as my shutterstock sales each month. (I wouldn't delete yours as the amount of time and effort taken to upload them wouldn't seem right). I haven't really seen a drop in my income from Getty but the premium membership sales are driving me nuts.

It is hard work being non-exclusive. I spend half my time uploading and csv(ing) compared to before. I'm ok with that. I do this full time but if you are part-time - it is a lot of work.

There are companies out there that you upload your footage to and they do all the uploading to all the sites. I don't personally do this but you could check out

Good luck!

« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2020, 13:55 »
0,20$ for a video sale??!! Seriously,do you need advice to leave this s... agency behind??i average 25$ per sale and i'm not exclusive with anyone...
I left istock(not exclusive)6/7 years ago with no regrets..
Getty is driving a race to the bottom and all the agencies are fighting it lowering price...if you care about your business leave them and delete your port...


« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2020, 15:14 »
I left istock(not exclusive)6/7 years ago with no regrets..
Getty is driving a race to the bottom and all the agencies are fighting it lowering price...if you care about your business leave them and delete your port...

I left iStock in 2011 when they first started jerking contributors around. Never regretted that move. Never looked back.


« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2020, 00:22 »
Nor Have I.


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