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Author Topic: Yuri Arcurs First Public Statement  (Read 167516 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #400 on: July 28, 2013, 13:22 »
"Istock has partner programs. Thinkstock,, Flickr etc. So now is one of those. What is the problem? Why do you have such a hard time with that?"

And the PP is for everyone, generally speaking.  The PP is not marketing-speak for 'you can run your own site with only your content and undercut our prices'.  I'm not sure he understands what the PP is.

 I think IS/GI bought peopleimages if Yuri is saying what I think he is saying.  If this is understood already sorry.  But I bet in the exclusive deal with lS Yuri probably had a Brinks truck back up to his door and drop of a lot of cash as he sold the site.  It's the only way he can call it a partner site.

Well, he told me, when he rang me up to say that I was painting an unfair picture of him, that he had managed to keep it.  So I suppose it is some novel kind of "getty partner site" definition.

It's true, there are different sorts of partner sites.
When I wrote to CR about my pics being used without watermarks on pinterest, they responded that I should know (but didn't explain how I should know) that pinterest is an iStock partner site. If they could be of any further help to let them know.
So I asked them how it could be in their interest or mine to have non-accredited, non-watermarked images up there for the stealing, my question eventually dropped off the open tickets list and was never answered.

So, who knows?
Maybe it's like that old joke:
Q: How many microstock engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they just declare 'dark' as standard.

Maybe iS have just declared PeopleImages (and Dreamstime) as 'partners', which somehow gets them off with tagging Yuri's images with the 'only from iStock' claim.  ::)

« Reply #401 on: July 28, 2013, 13:25 »
It's Sean who can be the next Yuri for us ! He has contacts, resources and sense of social responsibility.
Sean, do start a new agency, hundreds will join ! ;)

Personally, I prefer Sean as the old Sean, not the next Yuri.

I suspect that when it comes to business acumen Sean would turn out to have the old-school, 1960s type. Hershey's rather than Microsoft. And I'm afraid the days when that led to corporate success are long gone. Backing Sean against Getty, Corbis, SS et. al.  would be like backing a seal to defeat a pod of killer whales. Lots of us would support him, but we wouldn't let go of our current earnings source and there would be a very high probability of it ending up costing him a fortune.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 14:42 by BaldricksTrousers »

« Reply #402 on: July 28, 2013, 13:29 »

Many microstock contributors have more talent than Yuri, they take the same subject and same quality of photos and their subjects are more diversified ( like real world, fashion, food, landscape or artistic commercial value ...etc ).

FORGOT YURI,Yuri is not important in the microstock market now.
He's dead in the Microstock, when he is against microstock. Yuri Arcus loses his leader place in stock History.

Think deeper.

I had the feeling that iStock was still microstock ::)

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #403 on: July 28, 2013, 13:30 »

So, who knows?
Maybe it's like that old joke:
Q: How many microstock engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they just declare 'dark' as standard.

Three, one climbs on the table and take the bulb in the hand, the other two rotate the table

« Reply #404 on: July 28, 2013, 13:43 »
Yuri, klein will use you and abuse you. And remember this, you will never replace him, he will destroy you before.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 13:49 by maiki »

« Reply #405 on: July 28, 2013, 13:52 »
"Istock has partner programs. Thinkstock,, Flickr etc. So now is one of those. What is the problem? Why do you have such a hard time with that?"

And the PP is for everyone, generally speaking.  The PP is not marketing-speak for 'you can run your own site with only your content and undercut our prices'.  I'm not sure he understands what the PP is.

 I think IS/GI bought peopleimages if Yuri is saying what I think he is saying.  If this is understood already sorry.  But I bet in the exclusive deal with lS Yuri probably had a Brinks truck back up to his door and drop of a lot of cash as he sold the site.  It's the only way he can call it a partner site.

Well, he told me, when he rang me up to say that I was painting an unfair picture of him, that he had managed to keep it.  So I suppose it is some novel kind of "getty partner site" definition.

Maybe they bought a non-controlling interest and when he said he kept it was a majority.  I know nothing about the deal but non billion dollar american corporation lets it  "i's" and "t's" without the dots and crosses.  If they bought into it they can call it a partner site. 

 When Yuri says GI/IS have this business wrapped up with do you think he means.   I always thought he was wrong in not going exclusive at the start.  But now it looks like he was chased by GI/IS and it has paid handsomely for him.   


« Reply #406 on: July 28, 2013, 14:08 »
By the way, in case Yuri is still reading this, it occured to me after we spoke that the reason he cannot recognise himself from the statements I made is that while I might be more aggressive writing here than I would be to his face (or on the phone, come to that), he posts not as Yuri the human being with feelings but as Yuri the marketing machine and corporate money-spinning entity.
So it is the way he projects his business image that I have been critical over, since that is all I see and all I can judge. It is his choice to project his corporate image in the way he does but, of course, that is a business decision and is not the essence of Yuri the person. He has chosen to position himself as a stock image guru and to sign promotional deals on that basis. Those of us who are unimpressed by "hype" and see his name linked with promotional statements (camera phones beating DSLRs for example, which he continued to advocate quite passionately on the phone) can't really be expected to unravel the invisible real Yuri from the business persona he presents.
And then he comes up with the announcement that Sean Locke is "officially" a nice guy. The corporate Yuri-image that markets things seems to creep into personal statements. Come on, Yuri, you tell us you are a psychology graduate, surely with your talents you would see where that takes you? Nobody has the authority to state "officially" whether someone is a nice person or not - unfortunate choice of words, perhaps, but don't you see how the perception that you are arrogant gets fired by such things?
Perhaps you should separate your own name from your business activities. How about Y?Images as a business name?
Deep psychology, there! Maybe. Or not.
But at least I did think about what we discussed, so  you can mark that down as a success.

@ Prostock - that sounds feasible to me but, of course, it is sleight of hand. As I wrote above, Yuri is a marketing machine, he assured me that GI is the only outfit that really understands stock photography, SS understands computers rather than the photography side, he suggested. He also assured me that people who miss the enormous potential of the Nokia phones (one of which I should, apparently, buy for my own good) are going to miss the boat.  Maybe it's some strange sort of Stockholm Syndrome where he identifies entirely with his current partners and rejects former partners.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 14:34 by BaldricksTrousers »


« Reply #407 on: July 28, 2013, 14:55 »
It's Sean who can be the next Yuri for us ! He has contacts, resources and sense of social responsibility.
Sean, do start a new agency, hundreds will join ! ;)

Forget new agencies, just in terms of microstock success I've always regarded people like Sean, Andres, etc as being the most successful. They've done it without the armies of assistants and employees, without the big expensive studios and huge overhead.

I never thought this was a "whoever has the most employees wins" kind of deal. Nor did I ever think that Yuri was the guy to talk to if you wanted some insight into how to be successful. Yuri has a great story, for sure. But there are great stories of entrepreneurial achievement and then there are stories of great personal successes, and I'd prefer to hear more about the great successes from other people who are doing this the way that I'd want to do it, which is mostly on my own.

« Reply #408 on: July 28, 2013, 15:04 »
Good luck to anyone in business nowadays. What strikes me odd is someone with a portfolio of so few images having so much perceived influence.  Few? Yes relative to a lot of agencies and collections out there; hardly enough to exert the amount of leverage he does.

Something irritates about his manner at the moment, which is a shame because he can still be successful and treat fellow photographers and agencies who have helped him over recent years with respect.

« Reply #409 on: July 28, 2013, 15:43 »

Many microstock contributors have more talent than Yuri, they take the same subject and same quality of photos and their subjects are more diversified ( like real world, fashion, food, landscape or artistic commercial value ...etc ).

FORGOT YURI,Yuri is not important in the microstock market now.
He's dead in the Microstock, when he is against microstock. Yuri Arcus loses his leader place in stock History.

Think deeper.

This is bit unfair. Yuri deserves his place in stock history - no matter if you love him or hate him. He significantly helped microstock to get where it is now - with both all its advantages and pluses and current problems.
Even though we are able to agree on action in cases like Getty/Google deal - and I really appreciate it - we all do what we feel is best for us as we have to feed our families first. Yuri decided to leave the world that he helped to create.  He thinks that he can't get more from MS so he decided to leave. It's business decision, there's no reason for personal attacks of jilted lover. Neither microstock nor me won't die because of it.

I must say that unhealthy relationship of many contributors to Yuri often reminded me of Life of Brian: "Tell us, Master!" "It is his gourd! We will carry it for you, Master!" and topical - "Come on master, tell us before you go!"

I would like to say "Good luck Yuri", but it  would be hypocritical . His luck would mean that iStock's position is stronger that most of us hope and that future of mobile phone photography is  bright while DSLRs would end up in museums. So I'd better say "Good luck Yuri - if you decide to come back".

« Reply #410 on: July 28, 2013, 16:09 »
Yuri decided to leave the world that he helped to create.

Sorry, while I agree with most of your post that line just stands out as completely untrue.  He climbed on board a rolling bandwagon. His only contribution was to copy what other extremely successful people were doing and do it even more effectively.  Can anyone actually show one Yuri Arcurs image that doesn't have a predecessor from another source? And there are lots of other "stars" I could ask the same thing of.

« Reply #411 on: July 28, 2013, 16:09 »
Here is a nice article showing the connection between product placement, instagram artists and social media. This is indeed a very interesting new market that I am sure many companies will be ready to pay a lot of money for.

But it is a different market to normal stock and I don't see it replacing regular stock agencies.

But I guess a few ad agencies amd their photographers might either lose a few assignemnts or get asked to design a strategy that includes crowd sourcing and social media.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #412 on: July 28, 2013, 16:12 »
For those who bizarrely imagine that Yuri has left microstock, au contraire.
He himself, on his own, is "the world's best selling microstock."

Is that statement all of 'legal, decent, honest and truthful'?

Do they keep him in the broom cupboard? Has he really not been seen in public since last May?


« Reply #413 on: July 28, 2013, 16:54 »

« Reply #414 on: July 28, 2013, 18:03 »
Yuri the legend, in his own mind at least

« Reply #415 on: July 28, 2013, 19:07 »
For some reason, iStock have just announced that Yuri is a new contributor:
ICYMI, we added a new contributor. Get creating with @yuriarcurs' collection of work  #forcreativesbycreatives
What do they mean 'in case we missed it'? He's been around longer than I have.

More damned lies ;) .

Still don't know why they would let him undercut their own site by %85.

« Reply #416 on: July 28, 2013, 19:10 »
For some reason, iStock have just announced that Yuri is a new contributor:
ICYMI, we added a new contributor. Get creating with @yuriarcurs' collection of work  #forcreativesbycreatives
What do they mean 'in case we missed it'? He's been around longer than I have.

More damned lies ;) .

Still don't know why they would let him undercut their own site by %85.

Pinnochio springs to mind!

« Reply #417 on: July 28, 2013, 19:16 »


« Reply #418 on: July 28, 2013, 22:48 »
If I were in Yuri's position I would have done the same thing. It's easy for everyone to say that he should've done it this way or that way but you aren't in his shoes so you have nothing to base your speculations on. Sure, I admit he should have chose his words more carefully but it is what it is. However, I am seeing merit in his words "professionals dealing with professionals" after all the mud slinging envious comments, and attacks on his English. I see a lot of native speakers of English making mistakes all the time, myself included. He was here offering time out of his schedule for discussion and it was pissed away.  I am not a major player in the microstock industry by far but I too am sick and tired of seeing images that I put a lot of physical (I'm not a studio photographer), mental, and technical effort into, to be in my opinion, stolen for mere pennies. That definitely is not professional on the agency's part. I have had it with micro(crap)stock. Good for you Yuri. Move on to bigger and better things. I'm following my own fork in the trail and leaving microstock to flounder through the blood su(c)king (really? the word * is censored?) mosquito ridden bog.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #419 on: July 28, 2013, 23:04 »

« Reply #420 on: July 29, 2013, 01:41 »

BNow what is that supposed to mean? Are people sheep?
A flock of sheep? If so, you are arrogant. Is that how you think about people, or is it just "humour"?

« Reply #421 on: July 29, 2013, 01:47 »

BNow what is that supposed to mean? Are people sheep?
A flock of sheep? If so, you are arrogant. Is that how you think about people, or is it just "humour"?

Its just humour, and yes i can understand that if you are a foreigner you may not understand the sense of humour.


« Reply #422 on: July 29, 2013, 01:48 »
Sheeple   its true though...

Have you ever watched people in a gate waiting for their flight? Just watch people if you get to an airport. Its fascinating.

Everybody sits to wait for the gate to open, yet when the first people get of their seats and go stand in line, everybody gets up off their seat and goes to stand in line as well. And then you have almost everybody standing in line for 30 or 40 minutes while I sit down watching them  till the gate opens and half the line is through.

Why doesnt everybody sit down till the gate opens? Because the first people got up to the gate and the rest just follows as sheep.

Just watch crowds at a festival, or a concert, or sport match, or where ever people gather, and see how they behave, its sheep. Its like they are connected with one brain and follow each other blindly. Fascinating.

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #423 on: July 29, 2013, 02:15 »

Everybody sits to wait for the gate to open, yet when the first people get of their seats and go stand in line, everybody gets up off their seat and goes to stand in line as well. And then you have almost everybody standing in line for 30 or 40 minutes while I sit down watching them  till the gate opens and half the line is through.

This remind me a story

I am the one that generally enter the last in the plane because I never go in queue till the queue is longer that 3 persons

So one time I did like always
People begun to move in queue
I continued to read my book and I forgot the queue

After a while a gentle hostess comes to me and asks me: "Are you Mr. XXX?"
I answer: "Yes I am"
The hostess, a little angry: "There is 5 minutes that we call you, the plane is waiting for you to take-off"

So, sometime maybe it is better to be part of the sheep ;)


« Reply #424 on: July 29, 2013, 02:42 »

BNow what is that supposed to mean? Are people sheep?
A flock of sheep? If so, you are arrogant. Is that how you think about people, or is it just "humour"?

Well if something is actually arrogant than it is to come to an open forum announce something and saying I'm so generous and will answer questions for the next two hours, after all a forum is a place to discuss!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 02:45 by stocked »


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