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Author Topic: youtube terminated my yt channel but my second yr channel is still active  (Read 1661 times)

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« on: October 24, 2023, 09:02 »
in the summer some hacker stole my google account and my facebook account as i said it in another thread,   ,and   had access to my channel on    After he deleted half of the videos. he put spam videos. and youtube  terminated the channel. I managed to get it back my google account, but I lost the yt channel. I sent mails  on yr and on their twitter page explaining what happened.. but they still dont give my yt channel back.
 the issue now  is that on my second channel i created  ,i was playing some cover  music and some music tracks were mine.i composed them  Apparently This stupid YT   deleted the first  channel but it didn't delete the second one and it's still on air on youtube  .
the annoying thing is. that i get new followers and comments but i can't take control of it what can i do? any ideas? thanks

« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2023, 09:19 »
Dealing w/google sometimes can be a bit of a pain - but since you have a 2nd channel - I'd contact them via the help section (upper right corner) and provide as much detail as possible.

They can actually see things on the backend (i.e., who logged into your account, where they logged in from, type of computer system, etc, etc) - and if it matches (i.e., both 1st/2nd account are obviously yours) - they may be able to assist. But provide as much detail/proof/etc as you can that both channels are yours.

Good luck.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2023, 13:00 »
Good luck. I had my Facebook account closed by them for lack of verification. The emails they had sent me, looked just like the spam. "You're account will be closed if you don't provide..." I was busy and ignored them. When I tried to recover the account, and I don't care if I have to start over and everything is lost. They don't answer and there's no contact.

I ended up with an extra YouTube account, if you can log in, you can delete your own account. Not sure if I understand what you wrote. Did you close the account and it's still there? But the stolen account has been removed as you wanted?

On the left, if you have access: Settings > Advanced Settings > Delete channel

Deleting your YouTube channel won't close your Google Account

« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2023, 17:48 »
Uncle pit no YouTube removed my first channel but they didnt remove and  the second channel under the same email address .thanks for the answer super photo  Im gonna give it a go is just I dont think I m talking with their custmer support but bots or an ai

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2023, 12:49 »
Uncle pit no YouTube removed my first channel but they didnt remove and  the second channel under the same email address .thanks for the answer super photo  Im gonna give it a go is just I dont think I m talking with their custmer support but bots or an ai

Shows that I didn't understand. Good Luck. 👍


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