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Author Topic: Wirestock - Dataset Deal Program  (Read 5029 times)

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« on: September 29, 2023, 17:34 »
I just received around $1 from Wirestock via the Dataset Deal Program. It is so strange because I sold only 1 image with this program.

I am very curious to know how Wirestock distributes those "partner earnings" to their contributors, without knowing which files were sold?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2023, 11:17 »
I just received around $1 from Wirestock via the Dataset Deal Program. It is so strange because I sold only 1 image with this program.

I am very curious to know how Wirestock distributes those "partner earnings" to their contributors, without knowing which files were sold?

I see no way to know or find these, or what images. Searching the site shows nothing in the way of details.

Dataset Deal Program 1 $2.62

Here's something that might help? search for "Dataset"

Dataset Deals Program

When you submit an item of Content to Wirestock, you agree that the item of Content will participate in our Dataset Deals Program, unless you opt out in accordance with this provision. As part of the Dataset Deals Program, Wirestock will license sets of images belonging to you, along with other Wirestock users, to third parties (the Dataset Partners). Wirestock will select the Dataset Partners in its sole discretion. You agree that Wirestock may license your Content, as well as all associated metadata, to Wirestocks Dataset Partners for the price and in the form, extent, and scope that Wirestock, in its sole discretion, chooses.

For all of your Content that participates in the Dataset Deals Program, you agree to be compensated as follows: Wirestock will pay you a royalty equal to your Fractional Participation multiplied by 50 percent of the total payment Wirestock receives from the Dataset Partner (Dataset Deals Royalty Formula). You agree that Wirestock shall retain the remaining 50 percent of the total payment. Fractional Participation is defined as the total number of items of your Content participating in the Dataset Program divided by the total number of items of Content (whether your Content or another users Content) participating in the Dataset Program.


    100 (your total participating Content) / 10,000 (total Content participating) * (50% * $10,000 (payment)) = $50.00

Opting Out: You have the right to exclude your Content from participating in the Dataset Deals Program. To opt out, you must go to your account settings and unselect the option for Dataset Deals for one or more, or all, of your Content.

Minimum Royalty Amount: Each time your Content is licensed as part of the Dataset Deals Program (a Dataset Deal Licensing Event), Wirestock will track the royalty you are entitled to based on the Dataset Deals Royalty Formula. However, Wirestock will not transfer funds to your Wirestock account until the amount of royalty you are entitled to based on one or more Dataset Deals Licensing Event, is at least $0.03 USD (three cents USD).


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