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Author Topic: Which sites are really worth the time?  (Read 9646 times)

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« on: January 09, 2010, 19:10 »
Right now I'm on 5 different sites and looking to add more in the future.  I'm really thinking about ditching 123rf haven't gotten much out of it.  The only one of those that haven't had any downloads is Cutcaster but I'm optimistic.

Are there any other ones besides the big 6 that are worth the effort?  I've already tried to get on iStock (guess I'm not up to their standards) and ditched Crestock about a month after I started there.

I look forward to the responses.



  • Think before you speak
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2010, 19:19 »
Nope....none but the big 6 in my opinion...and it depends on your type of photography rather those would even work for you. My best sites are istock, dreamstime, shutterstock and bigstockphoto. I really don't quite understand why they show 123rf as being in the big 6 and not bigstockphoto.

« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2010, 19:36 »
For me there are seven sites that perform: SS (31% over the last year), iS (21%), Ftl & DT (12% each), SX (10%), BigStock & 123 (6% each).  I upload to all of these regularly, plus a few others as they give me sales.

« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 19:41 »
for the little time  i've put aside for micro stock,  DT, StockXpert, to the larger extend. and BigStock and FT  to a lesser extent. right at the bottom is IS. but as i said, i am very recent with IS and FT so i won't judge them too cyncially.  even more,  i have not assign too much of a priority to  micro stock , so neither will i judge DT , StockXpert, BigStock,  so harshly either.
but if i were to give more time to any of the Big 6 + 3, i would say the ones who continue to promote subs will be the first one i will gladly drop.

« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2010, 20:13 »
Thanks.  I too don't understand 123rf is in there either as that's the lowest on my earnings scale.  Since SS owns big stock are they going to stay separate entities?  Once my vectors improve I might try to get accepted on IS again.

I have a lot to think about.  Thanks :)



  • Think before you speak
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 20:23 »
I don't do vectors and have no idea how to do them but it appears that those types do better. I think I need to learn so someday I might retire!!! ::)

« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 20:33 »
I don't do vectors and have no idea how to do them but it appears that those types do better. I think I need to learn so someday I might retire!!! ::)

That's funny I was thinking the same about photography ;)


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2010, 20:43 »
Maybe I'll start to learn since I have all kinds of time now that I found out today my camera crapped out!!

« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2010, 20:54 »
Maybe I'll start to learn since I have all kinds of time now that I found out today my camera crapped out!!

That blows!  Is is completely toast or is it fixable?  We're finally getting our computer fixed after 7 months ordered the part last night.  I hope your situation isn't like that at all.

« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2010, 21:09 »
Thanks.  I too don't understand 123rf is in there either as that's the lowest on my earnings scale.  Since SS owns big stock are they going to stay separate entities?  Once my vectors improve I might try to get accepted on IS again.

I have a lot to think about.  Thanks :)


with an attitude like this, i am sure you will improve.  it wouldn't even hurt to continue submitting to IS and see what their reviewers say if they reject your work.  lately, reviewers with IS have given specific reason to explain why they didn't approve your image. i think if you pay attention to what the reviewer tell you, your approval may in fact increase sooner than if you just wait till you're good enough.
i am not sure if this is the case with every IS reviewer. but so far, with what little rejections i get from IS, i have got my images accepted as soon as i amended the image to resubmit.
i don't submit to IS as many as i should. then again, i don't submit to too many sites as many as i should. 
so, maintain this objective attitude and learn from the rejections . i am sure this is the fastest way to mprove , at least with IS. i don't know about the others, as their rejection reasons are too vague.

another way is to participate in the IS forum. despite the rumours, IS exclusives are some of the most helpful in microstock when you go to the IS forum to ask for their insights and advice.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 21:14 by PERSEUS »

« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2010, 21:21 »
I had a look at your portfolio at DT and FT just to see why you might have had trouble getting accepted at IS. You're right that the sort of thing you do - even if presented as a vector not a raster - has a low chance of getting you accepted as a vector contributor.

I think it'd be worth your while to give it a shot to up the complexity and composition of your vectors, not only to get accepted at IS which can be a really good place to sell vectors, but to avoid having to compete with the bazillion lookalike simple vectors, buttons, banners, etc. at places like SS. You still have a fairly small portfolio, so upping the volume is one option or changing the nature of the work a bit to get a higher price per item would be the other.

Some people do really well with raster illustrations (and tend not to be at IS which isn't very willing to accept them), but I don't think you want to compete with the button and banner factories that churn out huge volumes of lookalike stuff.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2010, 21:28 »
Maybe I'll start to learn since I have all kinds of time now that I found out today my camera crapped out!!

That blows!  Is is completely toast or is it fixable?  We're finally getting our computer fixed after 7 months ordered the part last night.  I hope your situation isn't like that at all.

I've been having noise problems with it for awhile...I got a feeling it's the sensor where the camera is concerned, but then earlier today I went to do some stock shots and my 18-200 lens AF isn't working. It sounds like a grinding stone when I turn the focus ring. I spent alot of time photographing on the beach this summer and I got a feeling that fine sand is the cause of it all.
  Yes it proubably can be repaired but is the cost of repair outweigh the cost of getting a new camera. It will be awhile before I get another with all the stress that is going on in my life right now

« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2010, 03:44 »
It probably isn't worth it until you are getting monthly payouts from the big 6, put all your energy into achieving that first.  I get regular payouts from Rodeo, PantherMedia and Canstock.  Yaymicro are worth it if you can get them to select you for their 3rd party site, VeerMP are just getting going but I think are likely to have good sales by the end of this year.  I have had a few EL's with Cutcaster and I really hope they can increase sales this year.

As an independent, I want to sell with as many sites as possible.  It does make a big difference to earnings each year.  It is easy for me because I have uncapped broadband and can upload in the background while working on my computer.  Some people upload overnight but I don't like doing that.  Most of these sites are easy to upload to, the only one I struggle with is PantherMedia.

« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2010, 09:23 »
My current feelings on the sites, ranked from my favorite to least favorite...

1. Istock... I'm fairly new there, but it's already clear that when I get a decent sized port there, this will be far and away my top earner... highest RPI by far
2.  SS... still my top earner in total revenue, by far. 
3. DT... despite the recent changes, it delivers a very good RPI for me... it's not third best in downloads but does very well in RPI.
4. FT... closely behind DT for me.  Quantity of downloads is increasing very nicely.
5. StockXpert... despite all the turmoil and uncertainty, it is still performing well and is far above my number 6...
6. BigStock... slow but steady... I wish my revenue growth would be more tied to my portfolio growth
7. 123RF... same feeling as BigStock
8. CanStock... every time I think about dropping them, I get a Fotosearch commission of about $20 or $30... I'm getting about two or three of those a month... will have to keep uploading to them

Recently stopped uploading to Crestock and Veer, but will keep my ports open and watch the sales.  If I see a surge at either, I'll resume uploading.

« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2010, 13:39 »
 Hi Anita,

 I use www.Lookstat.com to do al my post production work in Micro and they post my work to the top 10 sites. I don't have the time. Before I was with the top 5 agencies doing it on my own and both Lookstat and I figured if they offered me 10 sites I might as well upload to them and hopefully the other 5 will off set the cost I pay for Lookstat to cover my costs to them. It is a big help from Lookstat and this way I don't have to bother, and if some of the other agencies start to do better then I am already there with no extra effort. Just a suggestion.



  • Think before you speak
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2010, 13:58 »
Hi Anita,

 I use www.Lookstat.com to do al my post production work in Micro and they post my work to the top 10 sites. I don't have the time. Before I was with the top 5 agencies doing it on my own and both Lookstat and I figured if they offered me 10 sites I might as well upload to them and hopefully the other 5 will off set the cost I pay for Lookstat to cover my costs to them. It is a big help from Lookstat and this way I don't have to bother, and if some of the other agencies start to do better then I am already there with no extra effort. Just a suggestion.

I've heard of them before but have never used them. What do they cost?

« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2010, 14:59 »
In my opinion there is very little outside the Top 6 to the right of this page.
Venturing further than that can cost you a lot of time and effort for little reward!

« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2010, 16:19 »
I'm definitely going to remain positive on it.  I can't remember the rejection reasons I was given at IS as it was back in may/june when I first started out.  I'm still a noob when it comes to all of this and I'm learning a lot just reading this board.

Before my computer had a coronay back in july, I already decided I wasn't going to make anymore web buttons and the like.  I had high hopes for them too but they just don't sell.  I definitely need to up my game with illustrator and make sommething unique, different and sellable.  Course I have to figure out what that is first ;)

I'll have to look into lookstats once we get back online next month.  I'll concentrate on the big 6 for now and check out those suggested in the thread.

@donding *hugs* I hope you make it through your rough time.

You all have been great.  Thank you :)


« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2010, 21:59 »
Hi Donding,

 It really depends on how much business you are going to bring them. You can contact them at www.lookstat.com and ask to speak with Rahul. He is very helpful and will be better equipped to handle the question. Drop him a line, you might find it works for you..


« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2010, 22:15 »
I've heard of them before but have never used them. What do they cost?

Rahul sent me a price listing for their basic services (not volume pricing).  I don't believe it's anything secretive.  You can request it, I'll bet, but here's at least one number - to keyword an image and submit to 10 sites is $5.75.

« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2010, 01:52 »
Hi Donding,

 Just so you realize I wasn't trying to keep secrets on pricing from you. I just don't represent Lookstat so I didn't think it was my place to quote you a price without you working out personal volume and some statistics directly with the actual company. I still think you should drop him a call. You might get a different price then the next guy based on volume or some other factor, you never know.


« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2010, 03:09 »
I've heard of them before but have never used them. What do they cost?

Rahul sent me a price listing for their basic services (not volume pricing).  I don't believe it's anything secretive.  You can request it, I'll bet, but here's at least one number - to keyword an image and submit to 10 sites is $5.75.
That looks expensive.  I wouldn't mind doing that service for other people at that rate.  It doesn't take me long to keyword and I use filezilla to upload in the background while I am working on the computer.

« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2010, 20:50 »
Hi Sharpshoot,

 I think it is a strong business plan if you can set it up. Reliability and meeting deadlines on thousands of images can be tough but I think it is doable. I know a young man here in Seattle that does retouching for me at $5 dollars a photo but he specializes in retouching and some of our stuff is tough to do. He is starting out and it seems like its working for him. Diversity in your business model is always a good idea, especially in this day and age. Let me know what your plans are.


« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2010, 06:59 »
Having thought about it, my problem would be finding the time and I enjoy taking photos more than sitting in front of the computer working on other peoples images.  I am sure there will be people out there interested in doing this at a competitive rate.

« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2010, 17:35 »
Well it wasn't the power supply it's the freaking motherboard.  *sigh* I'm now stuck waiting until February to get a new system.

I'm gonna go pout in a corner now.



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