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Author Topic: Whats your New Year's resolution for 2013?  (Read 12979 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2013, 05:16 »
Quit agencies that can not produce min. 500 bucks per month. waste of time, effort and whiskey.

Notice how all the smaller agencies have begun to follow the big boys?  ages before reviewing, piss-poor communication, sort-order changes, etc, etc.
No sir!  not this dude.

I suspect some of you know that this person is a ......well, instigator.

Why mantis, been here far longer then you mate. If thats my opinion, respect it please as I respect yours. We learnt that moral in school didnt we.

btw. The days are over when you, Poncke, Batman, Milintz. This quartet so to speak join up and get fellow members banned for a week or two. You are being monitored.

Just as a note, on your ban - since you've mentioned it 2x in 2 different threads.  Nobody reported you or complained.  You were banned simply because you made too many over the top rude responses on too many occasions.

Thanks. Thats always handy to know. Although I dont understand why?  you feel the need to come on and justify your actions? as it happens I am far from alone in my assumptions. never mind its all water under the bridge now. End of story.

all the best. :)


« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2013, 05:29 »
I think you're reading him incorrectly.  He wasn't justifying his actions, he was trying to clear up your misconception.

« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2013, 06:00 »
I think you're reading him incorrectly.  He wasn't justifying his actions, he was trying to clear up your misconception.

I appreciate that and thats very kind of Tyler to do so. There was however never any misconception on my part. Its nort important anyway. so lets just leave it. :)


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« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2013, 08:16 »
What was the topic? Oh yeah, 2013.

Pretty simple this year. Diversify. Video, prints, art and maybe commissioned work.


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