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Author Topic: My agencies income percentage. What are yours?  (Read 3817 times)

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  • [<o>] Brasil

« on: June 11, 2014, 02:30 »
Hey folks, getting your agency that brings you the highest income, I wonder how are for you the other agencies percentage compared to it.
In my case, just 2 agencies worths really the income, the rest are very low earners.
Let's take as base my highest agency income (last month data) which was iStock as 100%, see the other incomes agency related to iStock income:

Mainly image contributor and non-exclusive (#files):

iStock (7545) - 100%
Shutter (4895) - 63%
Fotolia (5347) - 13%
Photodune (6213) - 6%
Dreamstime (4150) - 5%
123RF (6522) - 4%
Depositphotos (6345) - 4%
BigStock (4840) - 4%
GLStock (2446) - 0% (Dropping this month)
Alamy (0) - 0% (Dropped last month)

How was yours?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 05:35 by lucato »


« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 02:52 »
not getting your math theory at all, but if you are implying that for every $100 you make on IS that you make $63 on SS etc. etc. then why are you still non exclusive? you'd be miles ahead in time and income most likely.

« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 03:10 »
Mainly vectors:

Shutter - 100%
Fotolia - 58%
iStock - 33%
small ones together - 44%

2014 top3 agencies of total earnings:

jan - 85%
feb - 83%
mar - 85%
apr - 81%
may - 77%

2013 average for top3 was 89%.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 03:29 by File Sold »

« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 03:19 »
not getting your math theory at all, but if you are implying that for every $100 you make on IS that you make $63 on SS etc. etc. then why are you still non exclusive? you'd be miles ahead in time and income most likely.

Look at his dials - he must be someone who's dropped exclusivity. Maybe he hasn't got his whole portfolio on the other sites yet.

« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 03:26 »
Mainly a footage contributor, but this is mine:

Pond5: 100%
SS: 81%
iStock: 15%
Everyone else together: 6%


  • [<o>] Brasil

« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 05:34 »
not getting your math theory at all, but if you are implying that for every $100 you make on IS that you make $63 on SS etc. etc. then why are you still non exclusive? you'd be miles ahead in time and income most likely.

Look at his dials - he must be someone who's dropped exclusivity. Maybe he hasn't got his whole portfolio on the other sites yet.
Yes, once I'm on other agencies I've dropped the exclusivity, and have no exclusive images in agencies that allows it. I have added such info in the 1st post, plus the number of files in each agency to share with you all.

Thanks for your inputs and keep they coming.
Have a nice day.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 05:42 »
not getting your math theory at all, but if you are implying that for every $100 you make on IS that you make $63 on SS etc. etc. then why are you still non exclusive? you'd be miles ahead in time and income most likely.
The OP has already explained, but even if his position were different, going forward, it's unlikely someone would do better on iS given the death of new files which would appear to be deliberate (18 months now).


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