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Author Topic: What a bad start of "the best month" of the year!  (Read 11793 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2011, 02:00 »
It looks as if I will be about 20-25% below my BME and about 15% below what I was expecting - that's aggregate earnings.

« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2011, 06:40 »
Same here, every site is has bad sales. especially IS is very, very weak. If the sales doesn't pick up at IS this will be the worst IS month in years (I'm not kidding)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 06:43 by Perry »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2011, 07:49 »
This is getting beyond a joke. Ended yesterday on 3 dls, and have none today 13:50 15:00 hrs BST. I do my weekly stats on a Sunday. Last week was c30% down on the previous week and that was c12% down on the week before that. Way down on the first ten days of last October, even allowing for the double weekend.

Still, there are certain searches where logged in and logged out on this machine (newest versions of IE, FF and Chrome), I only get a tiny fraction of 'hits' on certain searches when I use the big search box at the top as compared with the little search box in the left hand column. I know this isn't universal - a CN friend gets all the hits when searching these same terms with the top search box (I get all the hits with a 'top box' search on most terms).
Of course, I have no way lf knowing how many others have this problem. I can't believe it's just me, as it's over three different browsers and logged out or logged in.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 09:07 by ShadySue »


« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2011, 08:46 »
Well its really got to the point where being with IS, simply is not worth it any longer and its going to get worse, this is but a taste of whats to come. SS and DT are still doing very well, even FT, is on the rise.


« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2011, 10:00 »
I've only uploaded a smallish series last month and just got 7 photos accepted everywhere except at IS where they're still pending and I don't ul to FT anymore. Here's the current situation:
-DT is the worst. Just got to 5% of September's earnings with today's last DL. Pathetic. Should be at 40% by now (not 35% or so since October is supposed to be better than Sep and one of the best months if not the best)
-FT is surprisingly reached over 50% of September's earnings. I still don't like 'em though ;)
-IS is just over 20% of September's earnings. Bad.
-SS is just below 25%, which is also pretty bad, especially since it's my biggest earner. ODs are very weak, no ELs and I haven't had a single sale either.
-123RF is the only one showing some promise, it's already over 85% of last month, which was a BME. But that's mostly due to a CEL DL that brought me 43.5$.
-Deposit photo is "in decline", but I'm talking about a couple of dollars less than previous month, not couple hundred
-CS is a pathetic little site not worth mentioning and is just wasting my time. I'm done with them. Shows no promise what so ever

« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2011, 10:02 »
It's exactly one year since the great F5 botch up. Is it no coincidence that large purchasing companies have not renewed?

« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2011, 11:10 »
It is veery weird that "date line" between this and last month ... Practically in the same day, we have ceased sales on all agencies...

We are in matrix, kill me if we are not... ???
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 11:13 by borg »

« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2011, 13:45 »
I'm not thrilled with how the first 11 days have gone, but I just looked back at my data for the past few years.  For me, Sept has always been a bit stronger than Oct, so I am not panicking yet.

In terms of monthly sales, the amounts are traditionally pretty similar, with October typically beating Sept by a small margin, probably due to having a larger port.  But in terms of RPI, Sept is always stronger for me.  I keep a chart of this, and the pattern matches exactly to the past few years.   I'm projecting that my Oct 2011 sales will be almost a match to my Sept 2011, but RPI will be down a fair amount.

(I know there are some RPI disbelievers out there, but I find it to be an incredibly useful metric, particularly in cases like this when I'm trying to make sense of month-to-month patterns and project where I'm headed.)


« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2011, 16:33 »
Somebody left the gate open.  DT and SS just took off ... RPD has jumped a dollar and still climbing.  :o ;D

« Reply #34 on: October 12, 2011, 06:29 »
I had a good August and September and now it does seem quiet, even a couple of no downloads days on ss. But I got one EL on ss this month, which makes up for it.

« Reply #35 on: October 12, 2011, 06:44 »
looking very good without much uploading, plenty to do..


« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2011, 10:35 »
What the f is going on today?!? ??? I haven't gotten a single DL anywhere in over 5 hours. I always get at least a few during this time of the day. And Wednesday is one of the best days of the week anyway

« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2011, 11:03 »
My sales are tanked on IS, FT, and slightly below average at DT.  Only place that's hopping for me is SS. 

Same here. Istock and FT are selling quite poorly this months. DT has been slowly declining for years though.

« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2011, 18:28 »
Only IS, is badly down, really terrible. All the others. SS, is way up, followed by DT and FT, even some in the middle-tier, are up.

I agree^^  For me IS is way way down.  Usually 12-15 a day, last two weeks has been 3-7 per day.  Did they shake their best match again? Geeze.


« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2011, 16:29 »
Today is looking like a holiday or weekend on IS.  Business as usual everywhere else.  Absolutely bizarre!

« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2011, 16:34 »
Very slow for me as well.


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