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Author Topic: This month's sales  (Read 151058 times)

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« Reply #600 on: January 10, 2025, 13:47 »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #601 on: January 10, 2025, 13:50 »

« Reply #602 on: January 10, 2025, 13:56 »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #603 on: January 10, 2025, 14:39 »
Share the link.   :P

N O !
;D ;D ;D

Honest, why don't you just ask him? 👌
He doesn't show me his work.  >:( >:( >:(

Did you write him and ask?

I'm sorry, but it's not up to me or someone else to link to his portfolio if he doesn't want that.

I can promise you though, that I just looked and he does have 1,888 images on SS. Just like he says. If you believe that number of images, is what makes sales. I have 5546 on SS and Zero makes more in a week, than I make in a year. Some people who do this as a hobby are much better and more serious at producing quality. I know I'm not.  :'(

Do your own thing.

« Reply #604 on: January 10, 2025, 14:58 »

« Reply #605 on: January 10, 2025, 15:10 »
Share the link.   :P

N O !
;D ;D ;D

Honest, why don't you just ask him? 👌
He doesn't show me his work.  >:( >:( >:(

Did you write him and ask?

I'm sorry, but it's not up to me or someone else to link to his portfolio if he doesn't want that.

I can promise you though, that I just looked and he does have 1,888 images on SS. Just like he says. If you believe that number of images, is what makes sales. I have 5546 on SS and Zero makes more in a week, than I make in a year. Some people who do this as a hobby are much better and more serious at producing quality. I know I'm not.  :'(

How many videos does he have there? What is the level of work?
He also does not provide a breakdown of his income from photos and videos. Perhaps his main income comes from selling videos, not photos.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 15:12 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #606 on: January 10, 2025, 15:35 »
Congratulations Zerotalent on what looks like a good year with (as Wilm mentioned) the modest size of your portfolio. Downward trend doesn't look too bad considering too the few uploads.

Stocker2014, Zerotalent probably doesn't want to show his portfolio or nor does he have to. His work is high quality and hence the income to upload ratios. However, why don't you show us any of your data? Never see any posts from you except you crying about not having enough assets selected for Adobe's free selection offer and telling us how much you love Vladdy-meer Pootin and wishing you could be sitting on his lap and listening to his bedtime stories of the good old days of the Soviet Union.


« Reply #607 on: January 10, 2025, 15:49 »
and telling us how much you love Vladdy-meer Pootin and wishing you could be sitting on his lap and listening to his bedtime stories of the good old days of the Soviet Union.
You need to see a doctor urgently! To the psychiatrist!

As for my posts, the more I cry, the more money falls to me.  ;D

« Reply #608 on: February 01, 2025, 06:23 »
January 2025 compared to January 2024 was very bad.

since January 2024 a year has passed in which my portfolio has grown by around 40%,more than 2000 contents added,and in January 2025 I made one less sale and earned $1.41 more!

so January 2025 was perfectly the same as January 2024,a terrible result!

it is also fair to say that in November I earned 153% more and in December 52% more,compared to 2023.

For the moment I haven't returned to work yet,however I already have 112 contents approved this year,contents that I sent before January 20th,and I will probably try to have at least 500 contents approved this year,even for the contributor bonus,you never know what the minimum requirements will be next year.

since November things haven't recovered for me,and so I expect to go higher again in February,the point will be to see how high.

and "Bullet in the head" of RATM comes to my mind:"they say jump,you say how high?"  :D

so nothing,I'll go back to working very slowly and calmly,I'll upload these last 500 contents,but then if things don't improve that's enough,I certainly can't continue with these results!


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #609 on: February 01, 2025, 08:35 »
I'm honestly bored of reporting my sales and also stuck eternally in $500-800/month jail.

So I've invited another contributor to report his earnings on my blog.


Special Guest Post: David Morenos Brutally Honest Stock Earnings Report for January 2025.

David shares his journey, the highs, the lows, and the lessons he has learned, along with a transparent look at his earnings for the month.


« Reply #610 on: February 01, 2025, 09:38 »
Congratulations on completely crashing and burning SS!  I made $60 which is about 1/5 of what I made my first month in March of 2013.

« Reply #611 on: February 01, 2025, 10:43 »
Congratulations on completely crashing and burning SS!  I made $60 which is about 1/5 of what I made my first month in March of 2013.

You beat me sir! I made $46 this month. I cannot even afford to feed my cat now!

« Reply #612 on: February 01, 2025, 14:24 »
I haven't bothered to add up my totals yet (another result of the lack of excitement from all the exciting news we have had over the years - but I can tell it won't be very good already) From what is posted it is pretty amazing how much lower income we now make from honestly mostly much better content. I remember starting out on SS and in the first month that I had over 100 images up I made 100$ - and I had to upsize because my 4mp point and shoot really only took 3.9 mp pictures.

Contrast that with increasing your port 40% and making essentially no more or even less $ now or having 3000+ images and making 15$.

Of course there was a lot less competition - I think there were under 1 million images at SS then and we made .25 per download.

« Reply #613 on: February 01, 2025, 16:33 »
Overall I had a good month making over $1k combined in January for the first time. January is my slowest month of the year. But this is due solely to Adobe Stock representing 59% of total earnings for the month.

This means that the combined earnings of Shutterstock, Pond5 and iStock (December) made up just 41% of total earnings. 

Shutterstock came in at just under $178, noting still images account for less than $20 of that so I've pretty much given up on bothering to contribute images to Shutterstock.

« Reply #614 on: February 01, 2025, 18:12 »
jan 25 was 50% more than jan24.

roughly 4000 more files added to adobe yoy

i started tracking my ratios of ai to camera content and am quite surprised that on many days i am still selling more camera than ai.

both have increased in sales yoy though.

when istock and envato come in, i will probably reach around 720-750 dollars total.

had a sale on eyeem market for 16 dollars, which they already paid out.

I am actually uploading less files than last year and am trying even harder to find small niches.

Overall I have changed my strategy from trying to find great selling content, that might sell every week or maybe in season every day, to content that I expect to sell maybe 1-5 a year.

So slower selling, tiny niche, but less competition overall.

I had a month with zero sales on blackbox, which is unusual.

Didnt upload as many videos as I wanted, because I am still processing a huge pile of ai for adobe.

Must change that and do more camera content.

overall i am optimistic, i was very worried how this january will do because usually jan is very bad.

on adobe i have around 5000 ai and 2600 camera content, but in volume sales are often 50:50 split between camera and ai.

partly that is because the ai content is still newer and needs to get picked up. partly that is because with ai i experiment a lot, testing styles, genres and sometimes i get carried away with stuff that is fun for me but not commerical enough.

so i am trying to do things that are more boring and less flashy but hopefully more useful.

i am still a long way from a full time income, but stock is not dead.

goal for february - more video, more camera and more editorial.


both nov and dec were disappointing with zero growth yoy and dec actually negative by -11%. the months before I always had growth.

so I am really relieved that jan is an improvement.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 00:49 by cobalt »

« Reply #615 on: February 01, 2025, 22:58 »
Good month - 2nd best January (by a couple of bucks, compared with 2024).
Massive decline for SS, but fully compensated by AS. AS accounted for the first time almost 50% of the monthly revenue.

« Reply #616 on: February 02, 2025, 07:17 »
@Cobalt congratulations on your results,50% more is very good for you.  :)

my 50% more is certainly not your 50% this is why even my 150% in November is a barely acceptable result,but still acceptable.

as far as I'm concerned,to hope to start having an acceptable income in 4 years from now I would have to make at least 100-150% every month this year,then next year at least 50-100% every month,then in 3 years from now even 20-50% more every month can start to be good and in 4 years from now even 10-20% more would be good.

as regards SS in January I earned only 12% of what I earned in January 2024,but I haven't uploaded anything since September 2023,but still 12% is still too low even without new uploads.

I agree with you,the microstock is not dead,but it has become much more difficult to have an acceptable income,and above all it is very difficult to have a good constant income,it may be fine for a few months,but then at least half year is barely acceptable or not even acceptable.

of course,it's easier for those who have started at least 10 years ago,then of course it also depends on what you do,the quantity and the quality,but speaking in general today microstock has certainly become much more difficult than 10 years ago or more.

many complain about Adobe,but the truth is that without Adobe then microstock would really have already ended.

« Reply #617 on: February 02, 2025, 08:59 »
it is an interesting thread. Now we need to hear from the people with stellar sales on ss or where ss is outselling adobe.

i agree that it is more difficult then 10 years ago. but there are also new opportunities, ai is a completely new medium and i think video hasn't even really started.

I am trying to understand what went wrong in nov/december and hope I can do better this year.

2k a month is the bare minimum for me, but 3k is the minimum target to allow also investing in the business.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #618 on: February 02, 2025, 11:47 »
Congratulations on completely crashing and burning SS!  I made $60 which is about 1/5 of what I made my first month in March of 2013.

Just because you did 2013, I went to Jan. 2013 for myself. And believe me, I have nothing like you or many other people here have. But 5549 images now, and probably under 2,000 back then. In a nice simple way, an average DAY on SS in January 2013 was double what I made for the entire MONTH on SS for 2025.

It's that bad.

Or as people used to say back in 2013, about how bad things were?

Who knew that the actual change would be so terrific.

« Reply #619 on: February 02, 2025, 14:35 »
@cobalt i too would like to hear from the ss>as folks.  for me adobe sales in jan were about 2.5x shutterstock.  ss was my #1 agency for about 2 months last year though with a few big image sales i the fall.  let's hope they stay competitive but dec and jan were pretty underwhelming for me at ss despite many new images added.

« Reply #620 on: February 02, 2025, 15:10 »
it is an interesting thread. Now we need to hear from the people with stellar sales on ss or where ss is outselling adobe. 

here are my agency sales in $ for last 3 years - black is SS, blue is AS - AS has gained on SS mostly as a result of bulk payouts (non-DL - contributor & dataset training)  but usually lags behind. 

here's the 3 year totals - yellow is monthly, orange is 3 mo running avg - 2024 was about 20% drop from 2023, again mostly due to non-DL payouts in 2023

these results demonstrate  why even monthly $ aren't predictive - and tracking daily or even weekly sales is meaningless

« Reply #621 on: February 02, 2025, 15:11 »
@cobalt i too would like to hear from the ss>as folks.  for me adobe sales in jan were about 2.5x shutterstock.  ss was my #1 agency for about 2 months last year though with a few big image sales i the fall.  let's hope they stay competitive but dec and jan were pretty underwhelming for me at ss despite many new images added.
Ok, not a big player here and only speaking of download numbers. AS up 10% (but only because a very good last week, otherwise it would have been a decline), SS up 41%, IS up 24%. Rpd down over all agencies except IS because that we will only know in about three weeks. But good hopes for IS because of a lot of single asset sales on both Gettys and Istock downloads.

« Reply #622 on: February 02, 2025, 23:43 »
I got into shutterstock it seems after a lot of the great sales most people had (I think end of 2018/beginning of 2019 I think it was). For several thousand files (videos + photos).

Not that I ever made "that" many sales there, but after about 2020, just diminishing returns for time/effort put into uploading, with the constant "good news" e-mails from them. Stopped uploading I think around 2022, because it just didn't seem worth it any more.

Right now maybe make (on average) between $50-$100 usd/month from them. (And I think how they've structured the royalites that means they are making gross about $700-$800).

« Reply #623 on: February 04, 2025, 02:36 »
I do wonder, the top experienced producers reporting low sales, wether it is on ss or elsewhere, have you been uploading regularly?

Because we all know our job is not really passive income.

If we dont feed the beast, our income drops like a stone.

I was down to less than 10 dollars a month on Adobe, now I am back to several hundred and sometimes in the 1200-1600 range.

I still need to activate the other agencies. But considering that Adobe is now taking 7 million files a weekmy sales are not affected, it just keeps rising as long as I send in useful stuff.

On other agencies you dont even compete with ai.

Sowhile ss clearly has a downtrendhow much of that is due to lack of uploads?


these are how my stats developped only for adobe in the last 3 years

feed the beast again, money comes your way

I hope I can do this on other agencies as well

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 03:22 by cobalt »

« Reply #624 on: February 04, 2025, 07:12 »
I do wonder, the top experienced producers reporting low sales, wether it is on ss or elsewhere, have you been uploading regularly?

Because we all know our job is not really passive income.

If we dont feed the beast, our income drops like a stone.

I was down to less than 10 dollars a month on Adobe, now I am back to several hundred and sometimes in the 1200-1600 range.

I still need to activate the other agencies. But considering that Adobe is now taking 7 million files a weekmy sales are not affected, it just keeps rising as long as I send in useful stuff.

On other agencies you dont even compete with ai.

Sowhile ss clearly has a downtrendhow much of that is due to lack of uploads?


these are how my stats developped only for adobe in the last 3 years

feed the beast again, money comes your way

I hope I can do this on other agencies as well

I've been on Shutterstock for quite a long time, and aside from the obvious mistreatment of contributors/customers, my personal observation is that no matter how much money they make off the hard work of contributors, if they dont create an environment where even the smallest contributor feels their effort is rewarded, theyre bound to collapse sooner or later. In Shutterstocks case, it took a few years for the cracks to become visible, largely because they were inflating their stock value despite an increasingly dire situation - acquiring anything they could to keep up appearances.

I dont have access to their financials, nor am I invested in them to worry about it, but something definitely seems off. Theres no single explanation for why, for example, with around 400 videos/animations on Envato, I made 10 times more in January than I did on Shutterstock - despite having those same assets (plus many more, including photos and illustrations) on Shutterstock. And unlike Shutterstock, my earnings on Envato have been constant and steadily growing. I never would have expected that to be the case.

Now, the real question is: how long until they ruin Envato the way they did with Pond5?


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