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Author Topic: This month's sales  (Read 144617 times)

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Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #200 on: December 10, 2021, 10:24 »
Interesting to see the poll results have Shutterstock in the lead again. Despite the rhetoric, the reality is AdobeStock are performing badly in recent times.

Not for me, BME at Adobe and still going strong. I will say, I have a bunch of Holiday images.  8)

I admit that depending on content there are swings in the agencies and what sells. Throughout the years, January and June are my worst months.


« Reply #201 on: December 10, 2021, 11:54 »

Lots of things coming together at the worst time and something are the agencies doing but not all, we are still in the worst recession since the depression and while some media talk about a shortage of workers no one can find a job.

That, and there is a massive amount of debt people and businesses who survived COVID took on and that's coming due now. 

Every time I see a story here in Canada "employers can't find workers" I say I can start tomorrow, bored out of my mind now that stock has failed, can't even get a job in fast food and I've applied everywhere here.

I think many employers are being tight wads and crybabies, carrying on about not enough staff and then not giving anyone less than the ideal candidate a go.   

Exactly, another story from local media here in Toronto this morning,  starts off talking about a worker shortage and ends with talking about automation and employee-less stores and restaurants.

It's about a shortage of people who will work for less than min wage or work for just a few short shifts a week on call  OR they want the workers from India under the temporary foreign worker program in Canada so they don't have to pay min wage or benefits.   There is no worker shortage, not in this economy, we have everyone from new grads to people with experience all ready and willing to start tomorrow, every homeless shelter in the province of Ontario is full and it's not all drugs, def no worker shortage here or in the US.

As for the "ideal candidate", I could write an essay on that one, even for the more entry level jobs here they want you thin, fit, super healthy and hot looking and that's for both the guys and girl, you'd think they are hiring out of gymnastics classes these days and for the other jobs at higher levels it's all about looks and style and personality, you still need that degree in computer science or whatever and have the tech skills but that's only part of it.

For online/remote interviews many places are using software to scan faces to get the right "look" that the company wants.

And the job interview questions?, almost nothing related to the work I'm applying for,  I am looking for "anything I can do" now that stock has ended as a way to make a living so anything from fast food to cleaning, painting to driving to light factory work to whatever and what a wake up call it's been.

The stress of this business and it's failure plus the pending bankruptcy has taken it's toll on physical appearance, I look exhausted, tons of stuff I can still do and I'm a workaholic but I'm not gonna be able to look like I'm 17 with a baby face if that's what they want!, 17 with 35 years experience.......


« Reply #202 on: December 10, 2021, 18:36 »

Lots of things coming together at the worst time and something are the agencies doing but not all, we are still in the worst recession since the depression and while some media talk about a shortage of workers no one can find a job.

That, and there is a massive amount of debt people and businesses who survived COVID took on and that's coming due now. 

Hi Level6,

I do sympathise with your situation, with you not able to find a job, and I do agree there is massive credit bubble ready to explode (never before the private sector, businesses and the governments have build up such an amount of debt) but I ask you,

what does it has to do with Microstock Photography?

Should you not be somewhere else to discuss these problems?

Or is it that you want to warn us not to go full-time for Microstock photography because you cannot get a decent job after it?

Then it has relation to this forum and then I'd understand.

« Reply #203 on: December 14, 2021, 04:55 »
Shortly before the middle of the month.

December 1 to 13, 2021 compared to December 1 to 13, 2020

Downloads: - 7%
Revenues: + 21.8%

For SS
Downloads: - 25.1%
Revenues: + 50.5%

AS vs. SS
Downloads AS compared to SS: 76%
Revenues AS compared to SS: 125.2%
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 12:18 by Wilm »

« Reply #204 on: December 14, 2021, 10:46 »
Shortly before the middle of the month.

December 1 to 13, 2021 compared to December 1 to 13, 2020

Downloads: - 7%
Revenues: + 21.8%

For SS
Downloads: - 25.1%
Revenues: + 50.5

AS vs. SS
Downloads AS compared to SS: 76%
Revenues AS compared to SS: 125.2%

For SS, So far, I'm about even on December 2020 in downloads but have already surpassed all of December 2020 in revenue largely thanks to a rather good SOD.

For AS, I'm also tracking pretty much at the same level as December 2020.

First week of December was terrible but things have picked up a bit this last wek.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 10:49 by Jaggy »


« Reply #205 on: January 15, 2022, 05:40 »
How are your sales this month?
Mine are poor in numbers and money (on Shutterstock) ...


« Reply #206 on: January 17, 2022, 12:34 »
I seem to be suffering from Invisible Port Syndrome (which is closely related to Invisible Sales Syndrome).

« Reply #207 on: January 17, 2022, 15:20 »
How are your sales this month?
Mine are poor in numbers and money (on Shutterstock) ...

Ditto, for me, with SS!! Numbers of downloads are not as bad as the earnings for me, but lower than its been in years.  Compared to last January there are less OD's and less larger SOD's to make up the diffference in dollars.  First time in forever that Adobe is now my top.

« Reply #208 on: January 18, 2022, 11:48 »
Shitterstock is a pile of beans this month but I'm sure Stan Pavlosky is doing alright  ::)

To put some context on shitterstock

Jan 2018 ~ $318 sales 287 rpd 1.11
Jan 2019 ~ $212 sales 287 rpd 0.73
Jan 2020 ~ $125 sales 225 rpd 0.56
Jan 2021 ~ $100 sales 218 rpd 0.45
Jan 2022 ~ $50   sales 157 rpd 0.32 (up to Jan 28)

« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 09:53 by Mimi the Cat »


« Reply #209 on: January 28, 2022, 04:12 »
So, as we reach the end of the month, I can say that my sales are just as bad as last January's, but my RPD is better.  33 cents (S'stock).

4 days to go, but unfortunately, 2 of them are at the weekend, which for me is hopeless.

May your end of the month be good.

« Reply #210 on: January 28, 2022, 08:24 »
Shitterstock is a pile of beans this month but I'm sure Stan Pavlosky is doing alright  ::)

To put some context on shitterstock

Jan 18 ~ $318 sales 287 rpd 1.11
Jan 19 ~ $212 sales 287 rpd 0.73
Jan 20 ~ $125 sales 225 rpd 0.56
Jan 21 ~ $100 sales 218 rpd 0.45
Jan 22 ~ $50   sales 157 rpd 0.32 (up to Jan 28)


For a few moments there, I thought you were talking your daily rates for January 2022, not your January totals since 2018 (had to read an older post for context).  Was thinking, what's wrong with this guy, he earns hundreds of dollars a day on a bad month ha ha.

« Reply #211 on: January 28, 2022, 09:28 »
The worst month ever. This is for my non-exclusive account. Zero stock animation sales (never before). Pond 5 (zero), Envato motion graphics category (zero), Shutterstock 167 images 0.22$ rpd / Adobe Stock 39 images 0.87$ rpd. Just start to upload my portfolio to Alamy and Dreamstime but not sure is it worth it? It's interesting that some of my bestseller photos have the exact copy in animation version and almost zero sales. I guess there is no connection between the still image and animation content demand.

« Reply #212 on: January 28, 2022, 09:52 »
Shitterstock is a pile of beans this month but I'm sure Stan Pavlosky is doing alright  ::)

To put some context on shitterstock

Jan 2018 ~ $318 sales 287 rpd 1.11
Jan 2019 ~ $212 sales 287 rpd 0.73
Jan 2020 ~ $125 sales 225 rpd 0.56
Jan 2021 ~ $100 sales 218 rpd 0.45
Jan 2022 ~ $50   sales 157 rpd 0.32 (up to Jan 28)


For a few moments there, I thought you were talking your daily rates for January 2022, not your January totals since 2018 (had to read an older post for context).  Was thinking, what's wrong with this guy, he earns hundreds of dollars a day on a bad month ha ha.

I wish  ;D

I see the confusion so I corrected it to show the years  ;)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 16:00 by Mimi the Cat »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #213 on: January 29, 2022, 10:35 »
I seem to be suffering from Invisible Port Syndrome (which is closely related to Invisible Sales Syndrome).

It's Saturday = zero day.  ;D

« Reply #214 on: January 30, 2022, 11:10 »
It will be by far the worst month ever at shutterstock. There I now also have the lowest RPD of all agencies. $0.30.
For comparison:
January 2021 $0.43
January 2020 $0.59
January 2019 $0.65
January 2018 $0.82

At AS, it's $1.17 in January 2022, which means I'd have to achieve four times the amount of downloads at shutterstock to earn the same as I do at AS. And I am very far from that.

« Reply #215 on: January 30, 2022, 11:41 »
It will be by far the worst month ever at shutterstock. There I now also have the lowest RPD of all agencies. $0.30.
For comparison:
January 2021 $0.43
January 2020 $0.59
January 2019 $0.65
January 2018 $0.82

At AS, it's $1.17 in January 2022, which means I'd have to achieve four times the amount of downloads at shutterstock to earn the same as I do at AS. And I am very far from that.

Wilm, that's bitter, of course, and it's for sure not much fun under these circumstances.

I myself had imagined the month after the first week worse but the sales have recovered. My January RPD is at 62 cents, ok not the best, but that was to be expected.

In terms of revenue, this January was much better than December 2021.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2022, 11:48 by RalfLiebhold »


« Reply #216 on: January 30, 2022, 11:42 »
Got few more sales on dreasmtime than in december.

« Reply #217 on: January 30, 2022, 11:50 »
It will be by far the worst month ever at shutterstock. There I now also have the lowest RPD of all agencies. $0.30.
For comparison:
January 2021 $0.43
January 2020 $0.59
January 2019 $0.65
January 2018 $0.82

At AS, it's $1.17 in January 2022, which means I'd have to achieve four times the amount of downloads at shutterstock to earn the same as I do at AS. And I am very far from that.

Wilm, that's bitter, of course, and it's for sure not much fun under these circumstances.

I myself had imagined the month after the first week worse but the sales have recovered. My January RPD is at 62 cents, ok not the best, but that was to be expected.

This at least is twice as much as mine, Ralf. 62 cents would be very acceptable to me because my lifetime RPD at shutterstock is also only 0.69.

« Reply #218 on: January 30, 2022, 16:22 »
Shitterstock is a pile of beans this month but I'm sure Stan Pavlosky is doing alright  ::)

To put some context on shitterstock

Jan 18 ~ $318 sales 287 rpd 1.11
Jan 19 ~ $212 sales 287 rpd 0.73
Jan 20 ~ $125 sales 225 rpd 0.56
Jan 21 ~ $100 sales 218 rpd 0.45
Jan 22 ~ $50   sales 157 rpd 0.32 (up to Jan 28)


For a few moments there, I thought you were talking your daily rates for January 2022, not your January totals since 2018 (had to read an older post for context).  Was thinking, what's wrong with this guy, he earns hundreds of dollars a day on a bad month ha ha.

Oh, that would have meant over $9,500 just in shutterstock in one month for Mimi for 2018. There weren't that many sellers who could do that at the time.

« Reply #219 on: January 31, 2022, 01:26 »
Shitterstock is a pile of beans this month but I'm sure Stan Pavlosky is doing alright  ::)

To put some context on shitterstock

Jan 18 ~ $318 sales 287 rpd 1.11
Jan 19 ~ $212 sales 287 rpd 0.73
Jan 20 ~ $125 sales 225 rpd 0.56
Jan 21 ~ $100 sales 218 rpd 0.45
Jan 22 ~ $50   sales 157 rpd 0.32 (up to Jan 28)


For a few moments there, I thought you were talking your daily rates for January 2022, not your January totals since 2018 (had to read an older post for context).  Was thinking, what's wrong with this guy, he earns hundreds of dollars a day on a bad month ha ha.

Oh, that would have meant over $9,500 just in shutterstock in one month for Mimi for 2018. There weren't that many sellers who could do that at the time.

I did correct the post to show whole years  ;)

Anyway in the meantime my RPD dropped to $0.31 while Adobe is $0.87

I'll make just over $50 for January 2022 on shitterstock

« Reply #220 on: January 31, 2022, 02:24 »
Shitterstock is a pile of beans this month but I'm sure Stan Pavlosky is doing alright  ::)

To put some context on shitterstock

Jan 18 ~ $318 sales 287 rpd 1.11
Jan 19 ~ $212 sales 287 rpd 0.73
Jan 20 ~ $125 sales 225 rpd 0.56
Jan 21 ~ $100 sales 218 rpd 0.45
Jan 22 ~ $50   sales 157 rpd 0.32 (up to Jan 28)


For a few moments there, I thought you were talking your daily rates for January 2022, not your January totals since 2018 (had to read an older post for context).  Was thinking, what's wrong with this guy, he earns hundreds of dollars a day on a bad month ha ha.

Oh, that would have meant over $9,500 just in shutterstock in one month for Mimi for 2018. There weren't that many sellers who could do that at the time.

I'll make just over $50 for January 2022 on shitterstock

Oh crap! It is sad to have to read this.

« Reply #221 on: January 31, 2022, 19:04 »
I joined this forum years ago but never really posted much. Since the main site I went to died, I figured I should jump back in here.

I'm guessing my sales aren't normal after the pay cut on SS, but I actually have 637 sales on SS for Jan 2022. Of course, RPD is down. If it wasn't for the video sales, my over all income would definitely be pathetic. Adobe sales are picking up with 289 sales so far. I don't do models/lifestyles so that limits a lot of sales from what I've heard.

Anyway. Hello everyone.


« Reply #222 on: February 01, 2022, 02:44 »
Nice to see you here Sheila.

There is also a Hummer Thread here which is, sadly, Sari & Wendy-less, but good for talking about wildlife.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 03:15 by DO »

« Reply #223 on: February 01, 2022, 03:07 »
A normal month for me

It seams that the new price structure worked out positive for me.
Last year i had bigger sales (one realy big SOD) then before
A long time my biggest photo sale was $3,--

And over the year, i also earned more.

« Reply #224 on: February 01, 2022, 03:43 »
Now I have it in black and white. It was by far the worst month ever on shutterstock.

My worst month up to this point was my first month - November 2010. In January 2022, I am down 41.6% compared to that month. And this, although I got only $0.25 for each subscription as a beginner in the former level 1, and not $0.38 - former level 4.

My first shutterstock download is from November 9, 2010, which means that I earned much more in only 22 days compared to January 2022 with 31 days.

Compared to my best shutterstuck month, I earned exactly one-eighth.

January was bad overall. I missed the four figure downloads overall. AS was also worse than the previous January. But there the minus is "only" 21,2%. However, I must say that January 2021 was above average for me there.


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