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Author Topic: Thinkstock advertising  (Read 7618 times)

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« on: May 05, 2010, 13:08 »
I'm seeing Thinkstock being advertised all over the place online, they are really pushing that site!  It's depressing to keep seeing the ads all over the place, and being reminded of what we lost. StockXpert was such a great site, and they replaced it with this travesty. It appears that Getty is spending tons of money to promote it. Greed ruins everything :(

« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 14:07 »

« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 14:25 »
Looking at the PP earnings thread in the istock forums it looks like it's going to need a whole lot of marketing to make it successful. Plus, in all their greed they forgot 1 crucial thing for a successful subscription site: constant influx of new images.
I hope it dies, and i hope it'll die very quick too.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 14:38 »
I hope it dies, and i hope it'll die very quick too.


« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 16:16 »
I still can't figure out by which criteria they are picking pictures from my port for ThinkStock. I've been clicking this PP checkbox constantly during upload, but none of my newer images(last two months) shows up at ThinkStock.

« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 16:28 »
They must learn that subscription sites can make success ONLY if they have support of ALL Independents with as much content possible. Subscription sites must be free for all authors! Buyers don't need iStock images under Thinkstock subscription model. They will go to Shutterstock just because of tens of thousands new images added weekly.

Getty miscalculated on that one and greed on iStock and by iStock contributor/reviewers will come up with failure for sure.

Well... They think they are playing their own game. But, they will feel what means 'killing in-house competition' very soon. StockXpert will revenge - for sure!


« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2010, 17:19 »
I still can't figure out by which criteria they are picking pictures from my port for ThinkStock. I've been clicking this PP checkbox constantly during upload, but none of my newer images(last two months) shows up at ThinkStock.

Think Phase Three.

Everything has stopped dead while they sort out the duplicates between StockXpert and IS Partners. If they keep adding IS photos then they could be making a bigger mess of the database. I suspect nothing new from IS has been added since Feb. 1st. But some people have been cleared and have files from StockXpert and IS on their account. Some of us IS only and nothing new being migrated, nothing from StockXpert.

In our dreams ;) the staff is working away at millions of our images, slaving over a hot computer, trying to sort the duplicates and marking the StockXpert photos that will go live on ThinkStock. At the same time they are marking the images that will go live from IS. (while closing accounts, making final payouts and removing images at the same time...)

Then one day "soon"  ::) someone will flip the switch and all of the images will be on ThinkStock at the same time. LOL

I wrote a joke on the StockXpert forum that it took less time for my Grandfather to come across the ocean in the 1800s, go through immigration, move to Chicago, get a job, and find a place to live, than it has for them to sort out the duplicates. (that message disappeared) It's going on three months now for "soon".

The easy part was folding all the minor collections into ThinkStock under one umbrella. Our images probably aren't that important to the overall collection goals and concept. It's all the old orphan agencies, under one roof. People need to stop thinking that this is always All About Us.

Hemera / StockXpert
Polka Dot
Banana Stock
Brand X
Digital Vision
Liquid Library
photo objects

Maybe More, but those are the 18 collections already listed on ThinkStock right now.

Partner sites
    * Getty Images
    * Jupiterimages
    * PunchStock
    * iStockphoto
    * Clipart.com

    * Thinkstock.com
    * Thinkstock.co.uk
    * Thinkstock.de
    * Thinkstock.fr
    * Thinkstock.es
    * Thinkstock.it
    * Thinkstock.com.pt
    * Thinkstock.jp
    * Thinkstockphotos.ca
    * Thinkstock.com.au

- - -

Site #1 Up to 25 images a day / 750 images a month $249 (a favorite independent site) Pays 25c a download starting, all sizes, Unk%

Site #2 Up to 25 images a day / 750 images a month $249 (a much maligned agency site) Pays 25c a download, all sizes, Unk%

Site #3 Up to 25 images a day / 750 images a month $180 (new subscription site) Pays 22c a download starting, XS files, 44% of sales

Which one is cutting the legs off the artist profits and driving the market down by price cutting?  ???


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2010, 17:53 »
I still can't figure out by which criteria they are picking pictures from my port for ThinkStock. I've been clicking this PP checkbox constantly during upload, but none of my newer images(last two months) shows up at ThinkStock.

There's a thread about it on the iStock Help forum: http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=190961&page=1.

« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2010, 22:39 »
Stock-a means iStock
and any prefix before they name dont hide them from they origin.

As Shean one time mentioned for the Veer that they are out of content...
For me seams Thing is out too but without Dinner dash ;D
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 22:44 by Suljo »


« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2010, 02:15 »
I still can't figure out by which criteria they are picking pictures from my port for ThinkStock. I've been clicking this PP checkbox constantly during upload, but none of my newer images(last two months) shows up at ThinkStock.

There's a thread about it on the iStock Help forum: http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=190961&page=1.

I missed that one, thanks.
RacePhoto, thanks as usual.


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