From my very limited (3 years) experience in micro, I understand the frustration some people on this forum are displaying.
I believe a lot of it has to do with the difference in cultures.
There are a few companies that have a very authoritarian approach to managing their talent while others are more "Westernised" and do not have an issue with dissent.
The reality is we are in a business environment.
Most of the problems do not exist with the company itself, rather particular individuals in that company. A company is inanimate. It is the people that make up the company that makes it good or bad to deal with.
From my experience here I have found it better and more productive to complain to their management about particular behaviours of particular individuals, rather than the broad brush approach.
At the start I had issues with a few individuals at DT, who had very poor communication and English skills.
But I believe this is in the past.