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Author Topic: social media sharing  (Read 3362 times)

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« on: July 17, 2015, 15:54 »
What do you guys do when USA Today buys your photo for a Tumblr article, and then you find the photo shared, and re-shared all over tumblr, instagram, pinterest, twitter, (even linkedin)?

Do you bother to file a DMCA complaint yourself with each one of these sites or you let it go?


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« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2015, 16:17 »
What do you guys do when USA Today buys your photo for a Tumblr article, and then you find the photo shared, and re-shared all over tumblr, instagram, pinterest, twitter, (even linkedin)?

Do you bother to file a DMCA complaint yourself with each one of these sites or you let it go?

Interesting you should post that. I just found, about half an hour ago, one of mine used on the Discovery channel website, then tweeted all over the twitosphere. Discovery at least credited the image, that has disappeared on Twitter, and also on the other types of shared copies.I was wondering the same thing. I haven't followed them all up, but it all the tweets were from private imndividuals, not commercial entiries. The presumed 'original' article has all the social media buttons. Unless the agencies were to forbid that, it's hard to know what can be done.

« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2015, 16:34 »
What do you guys do when USA Today buys your photo for a Tumblr article, and then you find the photo shared, and re-shared all over tumblr, instagram, pinterest, twitter, (even linkedin)?

Do you bother to file a DMCA complaint yourself with each one of these sites or you let it go?

Those sites are made for sharing, so I can't see you having much to do about it.


« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2015, 16:38 »
As long as the people are sharing the original article, I think it's legally acceptable. Only if they steal the photo and re-use it for their own purposes would it be a violation of anything. (Same goes for lifting the written content of the article.)


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