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How much did you earn in Septemter with Microstock Photography

< $10
2 (1.5%)
5 (3.8%)
6 (4.5%)
11 (8.3%)
27 (20.3%)
23 (17.3%)
17 (12.8%)
10 (7.5%)
6 (4.5%)
6 (4.5%)
10 (7.5%)
5 (3.8%)
1 (0.8%)
$7500-$10 000
2 (1.5%)
$10 000+
2 (1.5%)

Total Members Voted: 119

Author Topic: September 2008 Earnings Breakdown and Poll  (Read 19987 times)

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« Reply #50 on: October 12, 2008, 12:13 »
100% IS and it sucked :)

I could say it was the best month ever, which it was for IS earnings because I went exclusive, however overall earnings were down about 20%.

I was one of those who got zapped by the evaporation of vector sales and best match changes. So far, exclusivity is financially an unattractive option.

For those of you who'd love to say "I told you so", just do me a favor and don't - I feel bad enough as it is without anyone rubbing salt into the wound :)

Hi jsnover, sorry to hear it's not working out quite how you'd hoped, but thanks for sharing.

I still intend to go exclusive when my DT tie-in period is over, and at first I won't be at all surprised if I take a slight loss in earnings. However, I'm looking at it as a long-term decision.

Over the past 6 months my current earnings on five different sites really haven't increased a huge amount month on month, so it seems like I've hit a plateau. By going exclusive I hope to grow my earnings over the next 12 months (most of which will come by reaching the next canister level).

Finally, when you add in less chance of theft and only one site to manage, I'm fairly confident it will be the right discussion for me.

« Reply #51 on: October 12, 2008, 12:13 »
Here are my figures, a bit late. Ups and downs compared to September 2007:

SS 30%, down 17%
IS 18%, down 18%
DT 17%, up 14%
FT 9%, up 32%
BS 8%, up 142% BME
StockXpert 5%, down 9%
SV 4%, no sales last year
123 3%, down 7%
FP 2%, no sales last year
Crestock 2%, up 173%
Scanstock 2%, same as last year

Total was up 5% compared to September 2007 and up 11% compared to August this year. Not a good month for me this, but apart from IS, the sales mostly follow the trends from earlier this year. SS is going down, and I wonder where it will stop.


« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2008, 00:45 »


« Reply #53 on: October 13, 2008, 05:13 »
100% IS and it sucked :)

I could say it was the best month ever, which it was for IS earnings because I went exclusive, however overall earnings were down about 20%.

I was one of those who got zapped by the evaporation of vector sales and best match changes. So far, exclusivity is financially an unattractive option.

For those of you who'd love to say "I told you so", just do me a favor and don't - I feel bad enough as it is without anyone rubbing salt into the wound :)

I think it likely there will be a transition period before better placement translates into more sales


« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2008, 08:18 »
100% IS and it sucked :)

I could say it was the best month ever, which it was for IS earnings because I went exclusive, however overall earnings were down about 20%.

I was one of those who got zapped by the evaporation of vector sales and best match changes. So far, exclusivity is financially an unattractive option.

For those of you who'd love to say "I told you so", just do me a favor and don't - I feel bad enough as it is without anyone rubbing salt into the wound :)

Don't freak out yet. ;) I can tell you that this particular best match "tweak" (if that is what it could be called, since they seem to have used a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel) was by far the most strange and severe thing I have ever seen in all the years I've been there. Once they made adjustments to it, things started picking up again and now I can see the upward holiday trend has begun. But for a week or so there, I was * wind.

I'd give it a little longer to settle before concluding that you've made a terrible mistake. I hope things turn around for you soon!!


« Reply #55 on: October 13, 2008, 11:58 »
100% IS and it sucked :)

I could say it was the best month ever, which it was for IS earnings because I went exclusive, however overall earnings were down about 20%.

I was one of those who got zapped by the evaporation of vector sales and best match changes. So far, exclusivity is financially an unattractive option.

For those of you who'd love to say "I told you so", just do me a favor and don't - I feel bad enough as it is without anyone rubbing salt into the wound :)

Only one site to manage, one site to upload to (with higher limits than "non") and maybe more than 20% less work?  :) I wouldn't do it, because my material just doesn't fit IS well, but some people do fine with over 20 sites and some people are happy with one. The best match model may have changed, but remember that during Sept. the economy was going in the dumper and that could make a very big difference.

I'm an independent kind of person, so no exclusive anything, but if your increased upload limit gives you more sales, it may be making up for less photos being available on IS had you not chosen to go exclusive. Something else to consider? Some photos you are currently selling, may have been waiting for upload and approval, or sitting on your hard drive, earning nothing.

What the heck happened to Vector sales?


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