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Author Topic: Sad day for photographers  (Read 66709 times)

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« Reply #150 on: August 04, 2009, 21:38 »
LOLS __ you two guys really need to get yourselves a life (at least one between you anyway!).

Try to visualise for yourselves a life free of exotic substances and that anal fixation you both seem so obsessed with (always thought it a bit weird that Puravida had the image of a male actor as his avatar).


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #151 on: August 04, 2009, 21:43 »
LOLS __ you two guys really need to get yourselves a life (at least one between you anyway!).

Try to visualise for yourselves a life free of exotic substances and that anal fixation you both seem so obsessed with (always thought it a bit weird that Puravida had the image of a male actor as his avatar).

speak into the mic, bud.
look into the mirror, fictitious person ! ROFL.

seriously, you do have a fetish.  get your little 'wyck checked . it can lead to worst social diseases, actually.

« Reply #152 on: August 04, 2009, 21:49 »
LOLS __ you two guys really need to get yourselves a life (at least one between you anyway!).

Try to visualise for yourselves a life free of exotic substances and that anal fixation you both seem so obsessed with (always thought it a bit weird that Puravida had the image of a male actor as his avatar).

I can see you are more than just an expert at Micro stock business.
You also quite the expert on exotic substance and anal fixation, on top of substance abuse, huh?

You are right, we should get a life... like you, gost..
That's quite a life you got there.

All that, on top of the regular Lube Bj-jobbers you get from being an expert and big money earner as a micro professional, lol.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 21:51 by lubezombie »


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #153 on: August 04, 2009, 21:54 »
LOLS __ you two guys really need to get yourselves a life (at least one between you anyway!).

Try to visualise for yourselves a life free of exotic substances and that anal fixation you both seem so obsessed with (always thought it a bit weird that Puravida had the image of a male actor as his avatar).

well, well, well,
listen to the man with the 'wyck !

You Deviant YOU ! Gostwyck, so kinky !  ;D ;D ;D ;D

« Reply #154 on: August 04, 2009, 21:58 »
LOLS __ you two guys really need to get yourselves a life (at least one between you anyway!).

Try to visualise for yourselves a life free of exotic substances and that anal fixation you both seem so obsessed with (always thought it a bit weird that Puravida had the image of a male actor as his avatar).

well, well, well,
listen to the man with the 'wyck !

You Deviant YOU ! Gostwyck, so kinky !  ;D ;D ;D ;D

the man who knows too much...

who only thinks he is the only one who knows anything...
inside his fictitious mind hides a great imagination...

gosh !


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #155 on: August 04, 2009, 22:00 »
LOLS __ you two guys really need to get yourselves a life (at least one between you anyway!).

Try to visualise for yourselves a life free of exotic substances and that anal fixation you both seem so obsessed with (always thought it a bit weird that Puravida had the image of a male actor as his avatar).

well, well, well,
listen to the man with the 'wyck !

You Deviant YOU ! Gostwyck, so kinky !  ;D ;D ;D ;D

the man who knows too much...

who only thinks he is the only one who knows anything...
inside his fictitious mind hides a great imagination...

gosh !

Gosh ...

....weeeakkkk !

« Reply #156 on: August 04, 2009, 22:01 »

------------------------             THE END             ------------------------

Starring: - gostwyck as ... 'The Know It All' and 'Mind reader'

This is an entirely fictional account. Any resemblance to a real life person, smoking, drinking or injecting , is entirely co-incidental. Or, just onsetting signs of Alzheimer.

« Reply #157 on: August 04, 2009, 22:03 »
Ok kids, everyone to bed.  No radios, no comic books.  Lights out!


« Reply #158 on: August 04, 2009, 22:04 »

------------------------             THE END             ------------------------

Starring: - Lisas4 as ... 'The Educator' and 'Big Money Photographer'

This is an entirely fictional account. Any resemblance to a real life person, living or dead, is entirely co-incidental

Gee, wish I could say the same for you too, Gostwyck.
Go become a flipping fictional character too, puleez * ! 8)

Puravida, why did you change your name? Your new one makes me think of that song

"Obladi oblada, life goes onnnnnn yeah...dadadada life goes on...."

and now it's stuck in my head.  :-\

ETA: note to self: never add on to a bizarre thread without reading it to the end.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 22:10 by whatalife »


  • If you think you know, you know squat
« Reply #159 on: August 04, 2009, 22:16 »
Ok kids, everyone to bed.  No radios, no comic books.  Lights out!

ha!ha!... Good one , Grandpa Sean !
Nothing like a good bar brawl every once in a while to clear the anal passages.

Lights out! No radios, no comic books. You heard Grandpa Sean !  ;D

« Reply #160 on: August 04, 2009, 22:22 »
Nothing like a good bar brawl every once in a while to clear the anal passages.

Oh God __ don't you start down the 'anal' road with those two weirdo's!

« Reply #161 on: August 05, 2009, 02:07 »
So you think he is not doing this at least partially at work? Are you sure?
Did you ask him?
Just run some numbers yuorself instead of getting all emotional. If he doesnt do it at work, he has do to it off work. Security guards have 8 to 12 hour shifts.  4 hours preparation and uploading/ day , shooting, family life, normal life, 8 hours sleep, mmm, how many hoours does a day have? Sounds not enjoyable to me.

My husband does 12 hour security shifts at night. Add to that the 40 minutes travel either side too. He does hourly patrols of a building and outside it and doesn't have time to do anything more constructive than read a book or watch tv in the small gaps between as he has to supervise cleaners coming into the buildings, night engineers. They don't get to laze about all night y'know. It's slightly offensive to assume that security officers sit free to do other things at their leisure.

Oh and during the day he fits in making me happy which isn't easy as I'm housebound and a miserable cow due to my health problems leaving me in agony, three children and a home study course. He's also happy, and enjoys every minute of his day.


« Reply #162 on: August 05, 2009, 08:40 »
So I suppose that makes you some big time monkey, I mean money making not so stupid dude here , is it?
If ganging up on her makes you so big, that's not very impressive.

Why is she not allowed to voice her opinion, as silly as it may seem to you.
I think your ganging up on Lisa4 is not that impressive, but we still don't expect you to bugger off like you expect her to do .

So, come off your blooming high horse and let's keep this forum an open discussion.
Not unless you like to start your own where every single dude has to agree with you and your flipping motley crew of lupe zombies !

I'll respond to somebody wrongly criticising what I do however I see fit, if you don't like my response or that of some others then tough, I neither seek, need or value your opinion.

« Reply #163 on: August 05, 2009, 08:40 »

aw, come on Jonathan. CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE needs to have their day at ganging up on Lisa . If I recall it was another woman they missed ganging up on a long time back. Since she 's not here anymore, it's been a while since these CRANKY OLE FARTS had their day ganging up on some woman. So, let them play.

You know, as a woman (hard to tell from my picture, I realize) the above is really offensive.  

Why should someone have carte blanche to say any idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up, just because they are female?  That is so insulting and condescending I don't know where to begin.  

If someone wants to express an opinion, fine.  If their opinion is an emotional rant filled with wild speculation and outright falsehoods, they can expect that people will disagree with them - sometimes very bluntly.  Nobody should come here expecting to be treated with kid gloves just because they are a woman.  If you can't play with the big boys stay home and knit.

Nobody is getting picked on here because of their gender - that is until Perseus started throwing around "male menopause" comments.   :P


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #164 on: August 05, 2009, 11:42 »

aw, come on Jonathan. CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE needs to have their day at ganging up on Lisa . If I recall it was another woman they missed ganging up on a long time back. Since she 's not here anymore, it's been a while since these CRANKY OLE FARTS had their day ganging up on some woman. So, let them play.

You know, as a woman (hard to tell from my picture, I realize) the above is really offensive. 

Why should someone have carte blanche to say any idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up, just because they are female?  That is so insulting and condescending I don't know where to begin. 

If someone wants to express an opinion, fine.  If their opinion is an emotional rant filled with wild speculation and outright falsehoods, they can expect that people will disagree with them - sometimes very bluntly.  Nobody should come here expecting to be treated with kid gloves just because they are a woman.  If you can't play with the big boys stay home and knit.

Nobody is getting picked on here because of their gender - that is until Perseus started throwing around "male menopause" comments.   :P

funny that you should be offended when it is gender specific,
so tell me, how come you missed gostwyck's gender specific comment about puravida.

and with regards to "idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up," 
what do you say of gostwyck's mouthing out about lisas4, perseus, a once regular lady IS exclusive,etc..?

  or is gostwyck immuned to your taste of "emotional rant "without  "wild speculation and outright falsehoods" ?

Hmm? ::)

with evidences of gostwyck's consistent obsession to personally attack FEMALE posters here on MSG, I would say that is factual, and informations well backed
to entitle him with the honour of CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE  8)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 11:48 by obladihell »

« Reply #165 on: August 05, 2009, 11:54 »

aw, come on Jonathan. CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE needs to have their day at ganging up on Lisa . If I recall it was another woman they missed ganging up on a long time back. Since she 's not here anymore, it's been a while since these CRANKY OLE FARTS had their day ganging up on some woman. So, let them play.

You know, as a woman (hard to tell from my picture, I realize) the above is really offensive. 

Why should someone have carte blanche to say any idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up, just because they are female?  That is so insulting and condescending I don't know where to begin. 

If someone wants to express an opinion, fine.  If their opinion is an emotional rant filled with wild speculation and outright falsehoods, they can expect that people will disagree with them - sometimes very bluntly.  Nobody should come here expecting to be treated with kid gloves just because they are a woman.  If you can't play with the big boys stay home and knit.

Nobody is getting picked on here because of their gender - that is until Perseus started throwing around "male menopause" comments.   :P

funny that you should be offended when it is gender specific,
so tell me, how come you missed gostwyck's gender specific comment about puravida.

and with regards to "idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up," 
what do you say of gostwyck's mouthing out about lisas4, perseus, a once regular lady IS exclusive,etc..?

  or is gostwyck immuned to your taste of "emotional rant "without  "wild speculation and outright falsehoods" ?

Hmm? ::)

with evidences of gostwyck's consistent obsession to personally attack FEMALE posters here on MSG, I would say that is factual, and informations well backed
to entitle him with the honour of CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE  8)

as a WOE-man, GOST merely personally attacks WOMAN posters . That does not qualify him to castration for being verbally abusive to "specific" women here.
 Obsessive and abusive towards SPECIFIC WOMEN, perharps. Beyond chastization, absolutely not !
 Why? because he was here long before you came. And like a MALE-cat spraying his territory, gost is allowed to say what he wants against any women here.
But not you or any body else?

« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 11:56 by lubezombie »

« Reply #166 on: August 05, 2009, 12:02 »

  or is gostwyck immuned to your taste of "emotional rant "without  "wild speculation and outright falsehoods" ?

Hmm? ::)

Well, the most notable and obvious difference here - and it really should go without saying but I will be happy to spell it out - is that Gostwyck (along with RT, SJL, and the others who have been critical of Lisa4s comments) actually make money at microstock, have been doing it for years, and most importantly, know what they're talking about.  Duh.

Furthermore they manage to do so without an overabundance of SHOUTING, or GRATUITIOUS OVERUSE of emoticons.   :'( :-* :-\ :-X :-[ ::) ??? 8) :o :( >:( ;D :D ;) :)


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #167 on: August 05, 2009, 12:04 »

aw, come on Jonathan. CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE needs to have their day at ganging up on Lisa . If I recall it was another woman they missed ganging up on a long time back. Since she 's not here anymore, it's been a while since these CRANKY OLE FARTS had their day ganging up on some woman. So, let them play.

You know, as a woman (hard to tell from my picture, I realize) the above is really offensive. 

Why should someone have carte blanche to say any idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up, just because they are female?  That is so insulting and condescending I don't know where to begin. 

If someone wants to express an opinion, fine.  If their opinion is an emotional rant filled with wild speculation and outright falsehoods, they can expect that people will disagree with them - sometimes very bluntly.  Nobody should come here expecting to be treated with kid gloves just because they are a woman.  If you can't play with the big boys stay home and knit.

Nobody is getting picked on here because of their gender - that is until Perseus started throwing around "male menopause" comments.   :P

funny that you should be offended when it is gender specific,
so tell me, how come you missed gostwyck's gender specific comment about puravida.

and with regards to "idiotic thing in their head, with no facts, experience, or information to back them up," 
what do you say of gostwyck's mouthing out about lisas4, perseus, a once regular lady IS exclusive,etc..?

  or is gostwyck immuned to your taste of "emotional rant "without  "wild speculation and outright falsehoods" ?

Hmm? ::)

with evidences of gostwyck's consistent obsession to personally attack FEMALE posters here on MSG, I would say that is factual, and informations well backed
to entitle him with the honour of CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE  8)

as a WOE-man, GOST merely personally attacks WOMAN posters . That does not qualify him to castration for being verbally abusive to "specific" women here.
 Obsessive and abusive towards SPECIFIC WOMEN, perharps. Beyond chastization, absolutely not !
 Why? because he was here long before you came. And like a MALE-cat spraying his territory, gost is allowed to say what he wants against any women here.
But not you or any body else?


sure ! gostwyck's HISTORICAL contribution AGAINST certain WOMEN stemmed all the way from IS forum. we are not strangers to his GENDER SPECIFIC attacks or ABUSIVE PERSONAL attacks on women contributors.
SO , that gives him CARTE BLANC to say whatever he wants to, here?

Wonderful ! He has his fan club, and I 'll start my own .
OK? :D

« Reply #168 on: August 05, 2009, 12:07 »

with evidences of gostwyck's consistent obsession to personally attack FEMALE posters here on MSG, I would say that is factual, and informations well backed
to entitle him with the honour of CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE  8)

aw, come on Jonathan. CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE needs to have their day at ganging up on Lisa . If I recall it was another woman they missed ganging up on a long time back. Since she 's not here anymore, it's been a while since these CRANKY OLE FARTS had their day ganging up on some woman. So, let them play.

sure ! gostwyck's HISTORICAL contribution AGAINST certain WOMEN stemmed all the way from IS forum. we are not strangers to his GENDER SPECIFIC attacks or ABUSIVE PERSONAL attacks on women contributors.
SO , that gives him CARTE BLANC to say whatever he wants to, here?

Wonderful ! He has his fan club, and I 'll start my own .
OK? :D

I rest my case.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 12:09 by PixelBytes »

« Reply #169 on: August 05, 2009, 12:10 »

  or is gostwyck immuned to your taste of "emotional rant "without  "wild speculation and outright falsehoods" ?

Hmm? ::)

Well, the most notable and obvious difference here - and it really should go without saying but I will be happy to spell it out - is that Gostwyck (along with RT, SJL, and the others who have been critical of Lisa4s comments) actually make money at microstock, have been doing it for years, and most importantly, know what they're talking about.  Duh.

Furthermore they manage to do so without an overabundance of SHOUTING, or GRATUITIOUS OVERUSE of emoticons.   :'( :-* :-\ :-X :-[ ::) ??? 8) :o :( >:( ;D :D ;) :)

Oh, so that's what make it UNOFFENSIVE to mention Male Menopause?
That I am actually not making money at microstock.

aND IF I am actually making money in microstock, I can say anything I want?

Maybe you should explain the GENETIC difference and ENTITLEMENT to those women Gost attacked on IS forum and here on MSG.
That there is a difference?

that's like saying, any man who is SUCCESSFUL AND MAKING MONEY is allowed to be abusive to women. Or be absolved to be GENDER OFFENSIVE.

YOU ARE RIGHT about one thing , though PixB,


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #170 on: August 05, 2009, 12:16 »

with evidences of gostwyck's consistent obsession to personally attack FEMALE posters here on MSG, I would say that is factual, and informations well backed
to entitle him with the honour of CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE  8)

aw, come on Jonathan. CRANKY OLD FARTS SUFFERING FROM MALE MENOPAUSE needs to have their day at ganging up on Lisa . If I recall it was another woman they missed ganging up on a long time back. Since she 's not here anymore, it's been a while since these CRANKY OLE FARTS had their day ganging up on some woman. So, let them play.

sure ! gostwyck's HISTORICAL contribution AGAINST certain WOMEN stemmed all the way from IS forum. we are not strangers to his GENDER SPECIFIC attacks or ABUSIVE PERSONAL attacks on women contributors.
SO , that gives him CARTE BLANC to say whatever he wants to, here?

Wonderful ! He has his fan club, and I 'll start my own .
OK? :D

I rest my case.

There really is no case for you to rest on, SOrry!

Money does not entitle anyone to be verbally abusive.
If I am not mistaken, that other woman that gostwyck did so consistently personally attack at this forum and IS forum is ALSO MAKING MONEY AT MICROSTOCK.

so being successful at making money in micro stock or anywhere does not entitle anyone to be offensive.

So, in your bent opinion, I qualify to be OFFENSIVE here too.

i TOO, ACCORDING TO YOU, have CARTE BLANC to be offensive like Gost.

In fact, I might just be more FINANCIALLY EQUIPPED than Gost in the balance sheet.
Which, according to you, entitles me to be MORE offensive to anyone I please
here or anywhere else.

I rest my case TOO !  :)

« Reply #171 on: August 05, 2009, 12:22 »
rofl, I wasn't for Gost. I was being sarcastic.

still, whatever turns you on. If you approve of CRANKY OLD MAN WITH MALE MENOPAUSE... being abusive to women,
bully for you.

this door swings both way... ;)

« Reply #172 on: August 05, 2009, 12:23 »

Money does not entitle anyone to be verbally abusive.

Sorry, so what does entitle someone to be verbally abusive?  

Feel free to answer Obladi or Lubzombie.  I forget which one of the tag team I am addressing at any given moment.  

Oh wait, shouldn't you be making nice with me and patting me on the head?  I am, after all, a woman, and according to you (both) that means you are being a bully(s) by disagreeing with me.  Right?  Or did I miss something?


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #173 on: August 05, 2009, 12:27 »

Money does not entitle anyone to be verbally abusive.

Sorry, so what does entitle someone to be verbally abusive? 

Feel free to answer Obladi or Lubzombie.  I forget which one of the tag team I am addressing at any given moment. 

Oh wait, shouldn't you be making nice with me and patting me on the head?  I am, after all, a woman, and according to you (both) that means you are being a bully(s) by disagreeing with me.  Right?  Or did I miss something?

No, you didn't miss anything.
You think it's OK for gostwyck to be offensive with one woman, or two..
so it's OK for me to be offensive to you , woman or otherwise.

You cannot play both sides of the fence.
 Either both of us are wrong in being offensive or both of us are entitled to be offensive,
to man or woman, or the homo that gost calls me.
According to gost, I am both man and woman, so I am entitled to be offensive ...

don't try to get out of this. you won't ! Get gost to help !  he's the one who knows everything, and you approve of his obnoxious behaviour...
So you should get used to mine too  :D :D :D :D

« Reply #174 on: August 05, 2009, 12:30 »
let's go out and burn some bras, shall we ?

I am financially abled and very successful making money . So I am allowed to be obnoxious. Carte Blanc Entitlement. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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