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Author Topic: Sad day for photographers  (Read 66708 times)

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« Reply #125 on: August 04, 2009, 16:46 »
Lisa, trying to make yourself look all smart by typing a bunch of numbers and then insinuating he does his stock work while he is doing his other job, not only makes you look dumb, but also childish and catty.  I suggest you go back to your still life work and stop trying to edjumacate us.

« Reply #126 on: August 04, 2009, 16:51 »
I am constantly reading comments where photographers compair their work with Mac donalds Jobs, minimum wages, lifeguard jobs or security guards, etc.

I never thought about myself on such a low income level. I more compare my work and myself, my improtance and income to an academically educated batchelor or master.

Cheers, Lisa

« Reply #127 on: August 04, 2009, 17:03 »
Lisa, trying to make yourself look all smart by typing a bunch of numbers and then insinuating he does his stock work while he is doing his other job, not only makes you look dumb, but also childish and catty.  I suggest you go back to your still life work and stop trying to edjumacate us.

So you think he is not doing this at least partially at work? Are you sure?
Did you ask him?
Just run some numbers yuorself instead of getting all emotional. If he doesnt do it at work, he has do to it off work. Security guards have 8 to 12 hour shifts.  4 hours preparation and uploading/ day , shooting, family life, normal life, 8 hours sleep, mmm, how many hoours does a day have? Sounds not enjoyable to me.

« Reply #128 on: August 04, 2009, 17:13 »
I don't have to run numbers, Lisa, because I worked on my portfolio 10-15 hours a week after my regular job for almost three years before I went full time photog.  I'm sorry if that doesn't mesh up with your lifestyle of shooting vegetables or whatever 30 year German veteran 'still life' photogs do, but there you have it.

So, why don't you apologize nicely and move on?

« Reply #129 on: August 04, 2009, 17:16 »
Just run some numbers yuorself instead of getting all emotional. If he doesnt do it at work, he has do to it off work. Security guards have 8 to 12 hour shifts.  4 hours preparation and uploading/ day , shooting, family life, normal life, 8 hours sleep, mmm, how many hoours does a day have? Sounds not enjoyable to me.

That's why he's only got 1100-odd images on-line (his IS ones are fewer because of the higher rejection rate) after 4 years of endeavour. Most microstock full-timers are producing 100-200 new images per month, probably with an 85-99% acceptance rate depending on agency.

Lisa __ it's obvious you know absolutely nothing about our industry. Your half-soaked observations and whimsical nonsense calculations are completely wide of the mark. You are wasting your time and ours because you don't know anything about the subject.

« Reply #130 on: August 04, 2009, 17:27 »
I am constantly reading comments where photographers compair their work with Mac donalds Jobs, minimum wages, lifeguard jobs or security guards, etc.

I never thought about myself on such a low income level. I more compare my work and myself, my improtance and income to an academically educated batchelor or master.

Cheers, Lisa

Ah, well educated but no common sense.

« Reply #131 on: August 04, 2009, 17:28 »
very sad.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #132 on: August 04, 2009, 17:32 »

Would it be fair to say , that you took around 1 hour per picture to prepare, touchup, scan and upload etc ?

I can't speak for Denis, but apart from a short time last year when I thought it might be a challenge to take photos specially for stock, I'm out there taking photos anyway. I'd guess I take on average 10 minutes to prepare and touch up the images I'm taking now, plus uploading and keywording, which I now find easy on micro (iStock), less so on macro.  At the same time, I'm coding some of my images for Powerponts, school, camera club competitions, my private website, whatever. I'd be doing all that anyway. So I'm not spending that much time specially on stock. It's very stress relieving, as when I'm focussing on getting all the technical aspects right I can't think about work, so it's far better for my health than jogging or gardening which leaves my mind free to fret.
And I can listen to whatever music or radio channel or audio recording I want, which I can't do in my day job, and I couldn't do in MacDonalds (I'm guessing, it's years since I've been inside one).

BTW, since we're mostly digital now, we don't need to scan.

« Reply #133 on: August 04, 2009, 17:39 »
 Hi All,

 Personally I think this person has heard all of your disappointment and disagreement with her posts. Maybe we should just let this one end. No one is getting anything of value out of it but a lot of frustration and name calling. Just my two cents.


« Reply #134 on: August 04, 2009, 17:43 »
Just run some numbers yuorself instead of getting all emotional. If he doesnt do it at work, he has do to it off work. Security guards have 8 to 12 hour shifts.  4 hours preparation and uploading/ day , shooting, family life, normal life, 8 hours sleep, mmm, how many hoours does a day have? Sounds not enjoyable to me.

That's why he's only got 1100-odd images on-line (his IS ones are fewer because of the higher rejection rate) after 4 years of endeavour. Most microstock full-timers are producing 100-200 new images per month, probably with an 85-99% acceptance rate depending on agency.

So lets say he shoots those 100 to 200 images in 10 days, that gives him 10 to 20 images per shooting.
And he works like every civilized person arouond 20 days a month, so he has another 10 days to upload them.
so he uploads and touches up 10 to 20 images per day. I seems my number crunching not so bad.
Anyway it still does not sound enjoyable to me, but it might be all right with you. How i said and others said so often in several blogs, its up to you to set your own values.

I cannot help myself, but I start thinking, that this site is a marketing site for the Microstock industrie. Comments are just to emotional, ignoring any critical fewpoints or comparisons. Not giving in to any thought . Discrediting my points emotinally does not give evidence of an analytical process.

I wouldn't wonder, if in a week or two all bloggs are back to happy flower power stock photographers messages.

So guys and girls, i am off, yuo can breath free again, I am off to make some, -how did one of you guys call it?  I am off to make some stupid big money, for some stupid big agency that has decided to stay away for this shoot from stock. Hope you guys allow me a bit longer to ,make "stupid big money" until even in this area you take over with 5 dollar jobs.

cheers, lisa


« Reply #135 on: August 04, 2009, 17:55 »
So guys and girls, i am off, yuo can breath free again, I am off to make some, -how did one of you guys call it?  I am off to make some stupid big money, for some stupid big agency that has decided to stay away for this shoot from stock. Hope you guys allow me a bit longer to ,make "stupid big money" until even in this area you take over with 5 dollar jobs.

cheers, lisa

But you're not making "stupid big money" because if you were you wouldn't be here complaining about the microstock industry.

« Reply #136 on: August 04, 2009, 17:56 »
And we've made it back around to the normal "You guys are shills for the sites" post, which means this thread is complete.  Thanks for playing Lisa, and off with you to your "stupid big money" shots.

« Reply #137 on: August 04, 2009, 18:35 »

------------------------             THE END             ------------------------

Starring: - Lisas4 as ... 'The Educator' and 'Big Money Photographer'

This is an entirely fictional account. Any resemblance to a real life person, living or dead, is entirely co-incidental

« Reply #138 on: August 04, 2009, 19:51 »
0 that she's gone, I guess I can say it....



  • diablo como vd
« Reply #139 on: August 04, 2009, 20:02 »
So guys and girls, i am off, yuo can breath free again, I am off to make some, -how did one of you guys call it?  I am off to make some stupid big money, for some stupid big agency that has decided to stay away for this shoot from stock. Hope you guys allow me a bit longer to ,make "stupid big money" until even in this area you take over with 5 dollar jobs.

cheers, lisa

But you're not making "stupid big money" because if you were you wouldn't be here complaining about the microstock industry.

So I suppose that makes you some big time monkey, I mean money making not so stupid dude here , is it?
If ganging up on her makes you so big, that's not very impressive.

Why is she not allowed to voice her opinion, as silly as it may seem to you.
I think your ganging up on Lisa4 is not that impressive, but we still don't expect you to bugger off like you expect her to do .

So, come off your blooming high horse and let's keep this forum an open discussion.
Not unless you like to start your own where every single dude has to agree with you and your flipping motley crew of lupe zombies !

« Reply #140 on: August 04, 2009, 20:07 »
Just run some numbers yuorself instead of getting all emotional. If he doesnt do it at work, he has do to it off work. Security guards have 8 to 12 hour shifts.  4 hours preparation and uploading/ day , shooting, family life, normal life, 8 hours sleep, mmm, how many hoours does a day have? Sounds not enjoyable to me.

That's why he's only got 1100-odd images on-line (his IS ones are fewer because of the higher rejection rate) after 4 years of endeavour. Most microstock full-timers are producing 100-200 new images per month, probably with an 85-99% acceptance rate depending on agency.

Lisa __ it's obvious you know absolutely nothing about our industry. Your half-soaked observations and whimsical nonsense calculations are completely wide of the mark. You are wasting your time and ours because you don't know anything about the subject.

Oh Gostwyck, you are so bloody subtle .
If I remember you are always telling everyone else (no name mentioned) they know nothing about your industry.
I am glad one of us know so much of this bloody industry.

Are you in the Lupe business too? LOL


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #141 on: August 04, 2009, 20:11 »

------------------------             THE END             ------------------------

Starring: - Lisas4 as ... 'The Educator' and 'Big Money Photographer'

This is an entirely fictional account. Any resemblance to a real life person, living or dead, is entirely co-incidental

Gee, wish I could say the same for you too, Gostwyck.
Go become a flipping fictional character too, puleez * ! 8)

« Reply #142 on: August 04, 2009, 20:52 »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in.  It certainly doesn't contribute to the threads, and most of it makes no sense.

Nobody ganged up on Lisa.  She elicited opinions from everyone on the site, both with her copy and pasted rant repeatedly, and her insinuation that no one here knows what they are doing.  If anyone agreed with her, they were free to post as well, although posting in nonsense talk normally doesn't help make a cause.


« Reply #143 on: August 04, 2009, 20:56 »
 :) So much fun friendly discussion on MSG, it never end. Online relation (exchanges) are always useless. 50 lines posts are also useless cause no one read them.

Note: Forums are too anonymous. No one would be like that in real. People would leave before this.

« Reply #144 on: August 04, 2009, 21:06 »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in. 

It happens when people drink/smoke/inject more than they can handle. I assume it's why they both change their forum names every few days too, must loss of memory or embarrassment when they sober up.

Puravida/Perusus/whatever, etc has obviously also forgotten how many times he's asked for help on these boards and then thanked everyone for their advice.


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #145 on: August 04, 2009, 21:11 »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in. 

It happens when people drink/smoke/inject more than they can handle. I assume it's why they both change their forum names every few days too, must loss of memory or embarrassment when they sober up.

rofl, are you referring to yourself? Gostwyck? drink/smoke/inject?
you should be the one to talk. remember Ms. Newman, whom you consistently crapped on, during your spell of  drink/smoke/inject, and waking up, loss of memory or embarrassment when YOU sober up.   oh add to that, ALZHEIMER, gostwyck. You forgot all that , huh?

Only you know everything about the business...

what's there not to know about this micro business?
you submit your photos and act like the 3 monkeys (see not,hear not, speak not)
you get the *, you smile and say thank you bwana.
 what's there not to know?

it's much like being a junkie. except with the junkie the price (you pay) keeps going up.
with micro, the price (you earn) keeps going down.
whatever, you're hooked and you cannot do squat. you are a micro stock professional.

« Reply #146 on: August 04, 2009, 21:18 »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in. 

It happens when people drink/smoke/inject more than they can handle. I assume it's why they both change their forum names every few days too, must loss of memory or embarrassment when they sober up.

Puravida/Perusus/whatever, etc has obviously also forgotten how many times he's asked for help on these boards and then thanked everyone for their advice.

Wow, so you know I drink , smoke and inject. How did you know , unless you are my pusher.  :D
Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
You don't want your country's IRS to know you have a sideline.
Um, or maybe as oblahell said, you have Alzheimer.
Hey, that's what drink, smoke and inject do to you , Gost.
Shame ! 8)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 21:20 by lubezombie »

« Reply #147 on: August 04, 2009, 21:23 »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in.  It certainly doesn't contribute to the threads, and most of it makes no sense.

Nobody ganged up on Lisa.  She elicited opinions from everyone on the site, both with her copy and pasted rant repeatedly, and her insinuation that no one here knows what they are doing.  If anyone agreed with her, they were free to post as well, although posting in nonsense talk normally doesn't help make a cause.

OMG - could it be that for once I actually agree with sjlocke? Yup ...


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #148 on: August 04, 2009, 21:25 »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in.  It certainly doesn't contribute to the threads, and most of it makes no sense.

Nobody ganged up on Lisa.  She elicited opinions from everyone on the site, both with her copy and pasted rant repeatedly, and her insinuation that no one here knows what they are doing.  If anyone agreed with her, they were free to post as well, although posting in nonsense talk normally doesn't help make a cause.

Sean, u r a cool dude, and I have nothing against that.
I get annoyed too whenever gostwyck does his weird stuff as well.
It's not like we started the thing. Gost and you and some other of your  groupies
started it all, from way back when.
We are just carrying the torch.

We won't crap if you won't , either . ;)
I'm actually starting to get annoyed at this weird language a few here are starting to speak in.  It certainly doesn't contribute to the threads, and most of it makes no sense.

Nobody ganged up on Lisa.  She elicited opinions from everyone on the site, both with her copy and pasted rant repeatedly, and her insinuation that no one here knows what they are doing.  If anyone agreed with her, they were free to post as well, although posting in nonsense talk normally doesn't help make a cause.

OMG - could it be that for once I actually agree with sjlocke? Yup ...

ROFL, see what I mean Sean?
your groupies are coming out of your ears...

Who else?  take care, Sean ! Groupies are just as much as annoying as weird noises (no pun intended).
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 21:27 by obladihell »


  • diablo como vd
« Reply #149 on: August 04, 2009, 21:37 »

------------------------             THE END             ------------------------

Starring: - gostwyck as ... 'The Know It All' and 'Mind reader'

This is an entirely fictional account. Any resemblance to a real life person, smoking, drinking or injecting , is entirely co-incidental. Or, just onsetting signs of Alzheimer.


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