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Author Topic: Please Vote For My Model  (Read 21175 times)

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« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2008, 21:45 »
my goodness MIZ the worms are crawling out of your woodwork ;D

that's ok, this is pimping, no matter how many supporters come to his rescue. look at how many visitors came but did not vote.
that must say something doesn't it? ??? ::) :P

You want to see pimping I can show you pimping, I have about 10,000 stock photos spread throughout the agencies and I would be HAPPY to post them all here just for you!

As far as her not getting 100% of the votes, well who does? She is however so far the vote leader for the month so it would seem that there are pleanty of people who are finding the cover and the model worthy

« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2008, 21:46 »
So miz, how about a tutorial detailing how to get banned from stock agencies and forums?

He should write a book on that

No but he is on getting banned

somehow i don't think MIZ an expert on pimping 8)


« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2008, 21:49 »
my goodness MIZ the worms are crawling out of your woodwork ;D

that's ok, this is pimping, no matter how many supporters come to his rescue. look at how many visitors came but did not vote.
that must say something doesn't it? ??? ::) :P

You want to see pimping I can show you pimping, I have about 10,000 stock photos spread throughout the agencies and I would be HAPPY to post them all here just for you!

As far as her not getting 100% of the votes, well who does? She is however so far the vote leader for the month so it would seem that there are pleanty of people who are finding the cover and the model worthy

until another photographer who is in a wheelchair submits his model entry 8)

« Reply #53 on: July 05, 2008, 21:49 »
Out of curiosity I went and looked at the rest of the contestants. There is page after page of them....some pretty nice ones and some not so nice ones.... and some pretty sleazy looking ones. Turns out you can vote for more then one model. Reason I decided not to vote for Stacey is I don't like the photo with the 944 logo right over her face. Couldn't you have given her a photo with more copyspace at the top? The vast majority of them have the 944 logo plastered over there face so all those are bad photos to me .  Her being deaf plays no part into that decision for me. How hard of a worker she is or how good she is to work with also plays no role in it to me. If its a true model contest and not just a popularity contest then the decision on who to vote for should be based on how good the model and the photo looks.

If its just a popularity contest then its really just that and has no real meaning.

Take a look at Kyle Lardner,  shes on the first page along with Stacey. Beautiful model with a fantastic photo that shows her face without the 944 across it. She got my vote.

Yea Micahel I know what you are saying about the logo but if you have ever seen a 944 magazine you would know that on the actual puplication they move the logo to the background layer while on the contest covers they move it to the front as a watermark to prevent models from claiming they were actually cover models for the magazine when they were not.

« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2008, 21:52 »
my goodness MIZ the worms are crawling out of your woodwork ;D

that's ok, this is pimping, no matter how many supporters come to his rescue. look at how many visitors came but did not vote.
that must say something doesn't it? ??? ::) :P

You want to see pimping I can show you pimping, I have about 10,000 stock photos spread throughout the agencies and I would be HAPPY to post them all here just for you!

As far as her not getting 100% of the votes, well who does? She is however so far the vote leader for the month so it would seem that there are pleanty of people who are finding the cover and the model worthy

until another photographer who is in a wheelchair submits his model entry 8)

Maybe but again I will remind you this contest has no prize for the photographer all prizes are awarded to the model not the photographer, they don't even ask for our info when the cover is submitted


« Reply #55 on: July 05, 2008, 22:02 »
Bobby, if you had just left the fact that Stacey was deaf, many photographers with deaf friends would not have found this "tacky".
MIZ was right in calling it pimping, and regardless of how many of your friends came to chastize MIZ and attack him personally, which I feel is
even more crass as this is not about MIZ, it's about whether this is seen
as pimping your image.
I don't doubt you have lots of images , so do many of those who voiced their opinion of your tackiness here.
I recognize some of their names and they voiced their opinion in support of MIZ.
This has turned sour , because most of the people who came in to your defence did so, more out of a personal vendetta rumble on MIZ because MIZ had turned their cranks in other threads 8).

« Reply #56 on: July 05, 2008, 22:40 »
, because most of the people who came in to your defence did so, more out of a personal vendetta rumble on MIZ because MIZ had turned their cranks in other threads 8).

Thanks for speaking for me. 

I have disliked Rjmiz for years now,and this is not the first time I have argued with him. My sticking up for Bobby has nothing to do with rjmiz's pathetic attempts for attention. 

 I stuck up for Bobby because he is my friend, mentor & business partner.  Also because of the fact that we work together and I have inside knowledge of this situation and a close friendship w/ this model Stacey.

 Bobby is promoting her, not his photography.

  If we get HER closer to HER goal because of a few "tacky sympathy votes"  then I'm sure niether Bobby or I will have any problems sleeping at night. And niether will she, You can ask her personally if you want??? I'll provide you w/ her myspace link.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 23:17 by Beckyabell »

« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2008, 22:41 »
I'm the new president of the 4000$ club!!!

It's the $5000 club Beckyabell....not the $4000

Cranky MIZ
The voice of reason

 ::)  I'm so glad that I will never have to meet you in real life. 


« Reply #58 on: July 05, 2008, 22:56 »
Wow! I just thought this thread was a nice gesture on Photoshows behalf to help promote one of his favorite models (who also happens to be deaf). Whats the big deal?

I didn't vote because I didn't want to create an account.

« Reply #59 on: July 05, 2008, 23:46 »
Bobby, if you had just left the fact that Stacey was deaf, many photographers with deaf friends would not have found this "tacky".
MIZ was right in calling it pimping, and regardless of how many of your friends came to chastize MIZ and attack him personally, which I feel is
even more crass as this is not about MIZ, it's about whether this is seen
as pimping your image.
I don't doubt you have lots of images , so do many of those who voiced their opinion of your tackiness here.
I recognize some of their names and they voiced their opinion in support of MIZ.
This has turned sour , because most of the people who came in to your defence did so, more out of a personal vendetta rumble on MIZ because MIZ had turned their cranks in other threads 8).

You find it tacky that is cool, why not go ask Stacey if she thinks it is tacky. I have tried to be reasonable with you now I will tell you the same thing I told Miz, who I have also dealt with many times over the years. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS this has nothing to do with you, vote or don't vote I could care less.  In the grand scheme of things you are simply an insignificant annoyance. If she  wins it will be because she has a good cover and it will be promoted hard. If someone else wins it will be for the same reason


« Reply #60 on: July 06, 2008, 09:29 »
the fact you came to this forum to pimp your image makes it a public business. SHAME SHAME!
from someone who has worked many years in STS and a personal friend of many deaf ppl, the consensus among us at work with is still tacky.
not on Stacy's part, but on your part. Shame! 8)


« Reply #61 on: July 06, 2008, 09:36 »
OK OK  time out. I worked in Relay too, so let's end this forum that he pimped and he cannot get his head out of this hole.
What's the big deal anyway? That's not even a good photograph.


« Reply #62 on: July 06, 2008, 09:52 »
Chill people! The damage is done. Let's hope leaf will close this thread
before someone gets a cardiac arrest. :-X

« Reply #63 on: July 06, 2008, 09:52 »
I find that this thread lacks entirely the amicability necessary for enjoying a forum.

« Reply #64 on: July 06, 2008, 10:02 »
the fact you came to this forum to pimp your image makes it a public business. SHAME SHAME!
from someone who has worked many years in STS and a personal friend of many deaf ppl, the consensus among us at work with is still tacky.
not on Stacy's part, but on your part. Shame! 8)

Good for you but you are still irrellivant in the big picture so complain all you want now if you will excuss me I think I will go start a REAL PIMPING THREAD so you can learn what one looks like

« Reply #65 on: July 06, 2008, 12:56 »
the fact you came to this forum to pimp your image makes it a public business. SHAME SHAME!
from someone who has worked many years in STS and a personal friend of many deaf ppl, the consensus among us at work with is still tacky.
not on Stacy's part, but on your part. Shame! 8)

Do you really need to go this far out of your way to tell someone you don't agree with something? We get it! You Don't agree! Do you really need to keep posting over & over? 80% of this negativity is from you.  Let it go. Jeez!  Shame on you, for carrying on this arguement!!
  Your just as bad as your buddy Miz!~
Just what we need is another member who likes controversy.
Shame.  :(
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 13:13 by Beckyabell »

« Reply #66 on: July 06, 2008, 13:06 »
On a More cheerful note,  Bobby Did you notice that she is almost too page 2 in overall votes?  She has alot of friends and family rooting for her too. :)

I think we should completely ignore the hateful people here and hopefully restore this thread to what it was intended for.

« Reply #67 on: July 06, 2008, 14:36 »
I really, really don't understand the level of unwarranted hostility in this thread.
Perhaps the original post could be viewed as "pimping"; perhaps the poster was less than perfectly politically correct.
Much worse pimping, whoring, trolling, and attention-grabbing occurs here on a daily basis.

btw, I don't personally know any of the individuals in this thread. I am not a supporter of anyone or an opponent of anyone, but really, one has to draw the line. When the usual clowns start biting visitors, it becomes less entertaining and more annoying.


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