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Author Topic: PayPal Upgrade  (Read 4237 times)

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« on: September 13, 2015, 15:45 »
Anybody else get this email? I thought it was suspicious, so I forwarded it to Paypal, and they confirmed it was real. I called PayPal and the person answering the phone said there are no upgrades going on. The links are so full of tech gobbledygook that I can't tell what I am supposed to do.
PayPal service upgrades.

As we have previously communicated to you, PayPal is upgrading the certificate for www.paypal.com to SHA-256. This endpoint is also used by merchants using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) product.
This upgrade is scheduled for 9/30/2015; however, we may need to change this date on short notice to you to align to the industry security standard.

Youre receiving this notification because youve been identified as a merchant who has used IPN endpoints within the past year. If you have not made the necessary changes, we urge you to do so right away to avoid a disruption of your service!

Because these changes are technical in nature, we advise that you consult with your individuals responsible for your PayPal integration. They will be able to identify what, if any, changes are needed. Please share this email and the hyperlinks below with your technical contact for evaluation.

Testing in the Sandbox is one of the best ways to make sure your integration works. Sandbox endpoints have been upgraded to accept secure connections by the SHA-256 Certificates.

Full technical details can be found in our Merchant Security System Upgrade Guide. In addition, our 2015-2016 SSL Certificate Change microsite contains a schedule of our service upgrade plan.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve our services.

« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2015, 15:54 »
Yeah.  I got it.  No idea what I'm supposed to do. 


« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2015, 18:30 »
This looks like it's intended for developers, not end users. I'm guessing some people got it by mistake.

Here is a lot of technical info. https://www.paypal-knowledge.com/infocenter/index?page=content&id=FAQ1766&expand=true&locale=en_US

« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2015, 18:49 »
I also got it and I wasn't sure what to do too.  I have an original Symbio site that works just fine and I was wondering if this will put an end to that and force me to consider other options.

« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2015, 19:50 »
It's all a bit cryptic in the way they explain it, but it's relatively simple:

When you receive an IPN, the software (in the case of Symbiostock, WooCommerce) confirms the IPN with PayPal via a secured URL. All PayPal is saying is that the security of this request is now being changed from 128 to 256.

You don't have to change your IPN url, or put that in SSL. All that is required is that the server that is going to contact PayPal to confirm the IPN knows how to communicate via the 256 standard. Most servers will be okay with this.

An easy way to test is to download and install this plugin:


It will tell you whether your server can negotiate it or not. I've tested it on a number of servers and they have all been successful.

« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2015, 21:35 »
This looks like it's intended for developers, not end users. I'm guessing some people got it by mistake.

Here is a lot of technical info. https://www.paypal-knowledge.com/infocenter/index?page=content&id=FAQ1766&expand=true&locale=en_US

I got it because i have the Sell Media plugin that uses IPN for buyer checkout. It affects that.

« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2015, 12:51 »
I just spent about 45 minutes on the line with Paypal Tech support about my legacy sites. They told me this has to do with browsers and not so much the sites themselves. Modern browsers will work and outdated browsers may not. I wasn't completely convinced so I took it one step further and had tech support run a test purchase in sandbox mode. Sandbox mode is already upgraded so any purchases made in sandbox will represent what will happen after the change. His test purchase on my legacy site ran fine with no error messages so he assures me that there will be no problems on October 1st. The files were delivered and the download e-mails all came across correctly.

Might be worth running a test on your own sites in sandbox mode just for piece of mind.

Based on my conversations with Paypal and Bluehost I'm 70% confident my legacy sites will still work on Oct 1st. Still I don't like to leave things to chance so I am building backup sites via grfx and hopefully new symbiostock* as well so I can transfer over if I need to.

*If anyone has experience with Vectors on the new symbiostock could you chime in and let me know how it is working for you? I have grfx sites but I would like to hedge my bets with a second platform as well. I tried to set up a symbiostock site this weekend and it looks great for photos but I couldn't figure out how to get the eps files to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2015, 22:56 »


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