IMHO its bad idea. Did you notice that BTC and ETH dropped significantly in their value over last 3-4 months ... and it may go down even more...
Maybe a look at the crypto currency market would be a way for anyone to see how it's not so great? you bought Etherium last January, it was around .03 BTC, now it's at .017 BTC, that's not even close to those who bought during the boom, when everything was easily triple. I think the crypto coins need to be sorted out and stable, before they will be useful in any trading other than speculation.
With that, I wouldn't want to be paid at one rate and the next day, my earnings dropped 10%, just because of the market. Of course if they go up, we'd all celebrate the extra money. There are transaction fees for coin transactions. At least with Paypal, anyone knows in advance that there are fees and what they are.
Easy for me, I pay no Paypal fees for getting my money, spending it or depositing it into my bank account. I'm guessing the sting for others is the conversion rates?