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Author Topic: My 6 month Stock Assessment  (Read 6643 times)

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  • Freelance Photgrapher based in Melbourne Australia

« on: October 01, 2013, 23:17 »
Hi All,

6 months ago I decided to jump into stock seriously and read ltos about it and started applying for libraries. 6 months later I thought id give my results to see how others compare and I wanted to say thanks for all the help I have received on here. A great community.

I am signed up to ShutterStock, iStock, Alamy, PhotoDune, Veer, BigStock, Dreamstime, DepositPhotos, Fotolia, 123RF, Canstock and my own SymbioStock site just recently.

I have made around $1000 from approx 400 images online. Numbers range from 271 on Fotolia (worst for approving) to 470 on Dreamstime. Shutterstock is on 360 and by far my best selling library. I sold 448 images in September and both sales and revenue have been increasing at a static rate. I try to get 100 images a month submitted from my extensive library of mostly travel images.

ShutterStock is by far the biggest of my earners at about 60%. iStock is next with approx another 20%. The other libraries fill out the final 20% so not very good. I have been very diligent to fairly upload to all to get a fair comparison. ShutterStock kills it and with the recent increase to 0.33 a download I expect this to further improve. Scary reliance upon one library though.

As for where I want to go its tough. I will keep going and I get great satisfaction selling older images that were doing nothing. Selling a big $28.00 download is highly satisfying as it makes the effort at that point in time fully worthwhile. I have sold hundreds of images done whilst on a corporate job which has essentially doubled that income. Amazing. From a wage per hour point of view I wouldnt even want to contemplate. Its poor. Very poor. But, who knows how long these can sell for. Its essentially years of earnings and that per hour wage value will increase.

Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos. Always a struggle. She was totally against 25 cent stock but as numbers have increased she is slowly getting the point. Its not a per download problem, but more the quantity. The fact that Shutterstock is one of the worst payers but is 60% of my income proves this.

Its been fun


« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 23:25 »
Very interesting thanks for sharing!

« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 00:47 »
Hi :)
reading your words, I was wondering if you lie - so good start is not often ;)
Quickly looked at your gallery and... wow! Such beautiful pictures, no wonder you write the truth above!  ;D

Congratulations, great work you do :)
And now I'm coming back to watch your images :)

« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2013, 08:37 »
Thanks for the update.  It's nice to hear how people are doing.

« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2013, 08:53 »
Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos.

I like to use my vacations to vacation.  Stressing everyone out to try and get some stocky shots isn't my favorite thing to do, and I don't necessarily want to lug equipment around either.  That, and that most places already have people that live there shooting stock all the time pretty much keeps me away from shooting "travel photos".  JMO.

« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2013, 09:04 »
Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos.

I like to use my vacations to vacation.  Stressing everyone out to try and get some stocky shots isn't my favorite thing to do, and I don't necessarily want to lug equipment around either.  That, and that most places already have people that live there shooting stock all the time pretty much keeps me away from shooting "travel photos".  JMO.

I agree with Sean, long gone are the days when you could travel to exotic destinations and make a decent return from your efforts. Unless they are avid photographers, family doesn't want to hear about getting up at 5 am or constantly or crossing a street to get a better angle. Otherwise you'll soon be getting great photo ops of lawyers offices, with people signing Separation Agreements etc. Which in reality are much better earners.

« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2013, 10:00 »
Nice pics and good sales. I am surprised they accepted the Sydney Opera house though. I thought that wasn't allowed.

« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2013, 10:02 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 09:33 by Audi 5000 »

« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2013, 10:42 »
Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos.

I like to use my vacations to vacation.  Stressing everyone out to try and get some stocky shots isn't my favorite thing to do, and I don't necessarily want to lug equipment around either.  That, and that most places already have people that live there shooting stock all the time pretty much keeps me away from shooting "travel photos".  JMO.

not mine but I agree, leave it folks, same goes for all other subjects ;D

Uncle Pete

« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2013, 11:33 »
It also helps to start with a collection, instead of building one. Many people starting have few images and it's very difficult to build a foundation and then add later.

No criticism, nice work and I hope you continue to succeed.

ps 400 good photos will always outperform, 4000 duplicates and common photos. Some people just think numbers, not quality.

« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2013, 11:46 »
Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos.

I like to use my vacations to vacation.  Stressing everyone out to try and get some stocky shots isn't my favorite thing to do, and I don't necessarily want to lug equipment around either.  That, and that most places already have people that live there shooting stock all the time pretty much keeps me away from shooting "travel photos".  JMO.

I agree with Sean, long gone are the days when you could travel to exotic destinations and make a decent return from your efforts. Unless they are avid photographers, family doesn't want to hear about getting up at 5 am or constantly or crossing a street to get a better angle. Otherwise you'll soon be getting great photo ops of lawyers offices, with people signing Separation Agreements etc. Which in reality are much better earners.

those days likely never existed -- but it's still viable -- we're finishing a 3 week trip thru Utah & Arizona in which i've shot over 3000 images, a few already online & selling.   since it's a business, I can expense some of my costs, and it's a trip we would have taken anyway.  if travel is a big part of your life then stock can be a good way to extend your resources.  not everyone is looking for a full time income - there's a huge continuum between the hobbyists dabbler and yuri and room for many strategies

« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2013, 12:03 »
Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos.

I like to use my vacations to vacation.  Stressing everyone out to try and get some stocky shots isn't my favorite thing to do, and I don't necessarily want to lug equipment around either.  That, and that most places already have people that live there shooting stock all the time pretty much keeps me away from shooting "travel photos".  JMO.

I agree with Sean, long gone are the days when you could travel to exotic destinations and make a decent return from your efforts. Unless they are avid photographers, family doesn't want to hear about getting up at 5 am or constantly or crossing a street to get a better angle. Otherwise you'll soon be getting great photo ops of lawyers offices, with people signing Separation Agreements etc. Which in reality are much better earners.

those days likely never existed -- but it's still viable -- we're finishing a 3 week trip thru Utah & Arizona in which i've shot over 3000 images, a few already online & selling.   since it's a business, I can expense some of my costs, and it's a trip we would have taken anyway.  if travel is a big part of your life then stock can be a good way to extend your resources.  not everyone is looking for a full time income - there's a huge continuum between the hobbyists dabbler and yuri and room for many strategies

Agreed, i am an illustrator, no photographer, but i travel a lot and like taking videos, my videos pay off half of my vacations within a few years, and it's good for tax purposes too.

« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2013, 12:34 »
shooting while in holiday only makes sense if you sell Travel images in my opinion.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2013, 13:18 »
shooting while in holiday only makes sense if you sell Travel images in my opinion.
Secondary editorial is good and interesting to shoot.
Not all of us are saddled with family when we travel.  8) And we don't all go places where lots of locals are shooting stock; at least, not all the time.

« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2013, 15:47 »
And some of us, strangely, just enjoy taking pictures anyway...


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2013, 15:59 »
And some of us, strangely, just enjoy taking pictures anyway...
Shock! Horror! Disbelief!

« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2013, 17:06 »
shooting while in holiday only makes sense if you sell Travel images in my opinion.
Secondary editorial is good and interesting to shoot.
Not all of us are saddled with family when we travel.  8) And we don't all go places where lots of locals are shooting stock; at least, not all the time.

there are many ways to do it...

my wife & I hike at different speeds anyway, so if I stop to take pictures along the way, it doesn't matter;  when we visit markets or archaeological sites we also usually split up and just wander back together

on tours with guides I just drift to the back, keeping the guide in view, and have time for more pix than if I wait for the guide to specifically give time for pix

at sound and light shows I don't take a seat, but wander around, setting up my tripod in pre-scouted positions I found when we had the tour earlier in the day


« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2013, 17:35 »
Probably one of the best outcomes is turning my wife around to the idea and being able to structure family holidays towards awesome travel photos.

I like to use my vacations to vacation.  Stressing everyone out to try and get some stocky shots isn't my favorite thing to do, and I don't necessarily want to lug equipment around either.  That, and that most places already have people that live there shooting stock all the time pretty much keeps me away from shooting "travel photos".  JMO.

I agree with Sean, long gone are the days when you could travel to exotic destinations and make a decent return from your efforts. Unless they are avid photographers, family doesn't want to hear about getting up at 5 am or constantly or crossing a street to get a better angle. Otherwise you'll soon be getting great photo ops of lawyers offices, with people signing Separation Agreements etc. Which in reality are much better earners.

did sean say the days are long gone? i read he did not shoot stocky images while on vacation, which makes sense when you shoot the work that he does and for his reasoning.
but i do disagree with you, the days of travel to exotic destinations is still ripe, that is, if you travel to exotic and work it. no tour groups. travel as a FIT. up early to bed early - no fun :).
more often than not, i am on the road somewhere 'exotic' then back home for a month of 'edit' and 'upload' and trust me, it more than pays off. have been doing this for many years. on average i/we are on the road 6-7 months of the year, and we love it!
perhaps the difference is when i/we are on the road, that is my 9-5 job with lots of overtime, and when i/we get back home that is our vacation, where we can just chill out without any pressing schedules, apart from whittling my day away editing and uploading - no alarm clocks.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 17:41 by shudderstok »


« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2013, 19:47 »
The OP is giving a nice report on his first 6 months in stock and no one even seems to care, discussing shoot or not shoot on holidays.

I have to say, I am impressed with the results after 6 months. I only made 500 dollar in my first 6 months.


  • Freelance Photgrapher based in Melbourne Australia

« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2013, 04:48 »
Haha thanks guys. All good discussion and I dont mind if it went off topic:)

I suppose I meant that it gives my photo taking added 'credibility' with the family. For example I got to go to Grand Canyon this year on our roadtrip from New Orleans to San Fran (from Australia). It allowed me to better validate getting up early and more of an excuse. But yes photos will never be the be all and end all with a young family. It just helps a bit. Plus it can also be used for tax reasons to a point. In my eyes of the family gets to travel a bit on photography (finances can add up), then I will take photos obviously:)

Thus far most of my images are fairly standard travel ones. Not that I think one can make money from that more than anything else, but more because images are sitting on my PC from the last 6 years doing nothing. At least now Im actively doing something about this and putting them out there. If they make $10 or $1000 over 5 years then so be it. I am fully aware I need to switch my mindset to more conceptual stuff to actually be successful. I however shoot weddings, portraits, music ( so time is of the essence. I know that travel photography is what I love, as well as landscape and this is a good avenue of earning. My next step is making prints for local cafes etc. But thats just more time required...

« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2013, 04:59 »
You have some very nice work - keep it up!


  • Freelance Photgrapher based in Melbourne Australia

« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2013, 05:17 »
Thanks FotoVoyager. I just checked out your sites. Holy moly. Amazing stuff. If you make it to Oz send us a PM. Your work is amazing.


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