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Author Topic: Microstock Earnings Thread Jan. 2013  (Read 11575 times)

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« on: February 01, 2013, 04:51 »
How was your January?

Here are a few stats from me
Dreamstime - 6.3%
iStock - 8%
the 'others'  - 12%
Shutterstock 44%
Bigstock - 2%
123RF - ?? I'm not sure, I haven't been able to see my earnings
Fotolia - 16%
DepositP - 3%

I love that Shutterstock is doing so well, but I'm not sure the contributer wins anything by having one agency so dominant.  It is almost like being exclusive.. without being exclusive.  Alamy had a few good sales this month.  I still really like them and love that they give the photographers a fair 50% of the sale.

Overall income was up about 20% from December 2012 (not surprising) and about about the same about from Jan 2012. The goal this year is to keep the income above 2012 levels.

As always, don't forget to vote in the monthly poll

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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 05:11 »
My figures are really similar to yours in terms of percentage.

SS figures are dominating with a BME  :)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 07:24 »
iS exclusive.
Compared to Dec 12: $$ up 4%, dls up 1%
But 1/8 of my month's $$ were from yesterday!
Compared to Jan 12: $$ down 15%; dls down 17%
No ELs since Sept. I'm pretty sure that's proportionately down compared to earlier years.

Alamy: 4 sales.

« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 07:47 »
Overall January was an impressive month with new BME's  :D

SS - very good month regarding revenue, my 2nd BME regarding sales  ;D

FT -  very good month, 3th BME regarding revenue  ;D

DT -  average month  :P

123RF - very good month 2nd BME regarding revenue , BME regarding sales  ;D

Canstock -  BME regarding sales and revenue (including my first $25 EL )  ;D

The pie slices:

SS - 60%
FT - 18%
DT - 8%
123RF - 6%
CS - 4%
Others - 4%

« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2013, 09:04 »
For me very solid.  BME on SS, 2nd BME on CS and FT, 3rd BME on BS and 123.  It was a BME for DLs at 123 and would have been a BME for $$ if not for the royalty cuts.  DT and Veer down, iS surprisingly strong.  Overall a 2nd BME and 76% higher than Jan 2012.  No complaints (except for the royalty cut at 123).

SS made 51% of the total, iS 12%, others less than 10% each.

« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2013, 10:01 »
January turned out to be a good month.  Up 15% over December, up 3% over January 2012, year over year up 10%.  SS was 42% of my total, 123RF was 22%, iStock was 10%, Deposit was 7%, Envato was 6%, Dreamstime was 4%, BigStock was 3%, Fotolia and Veer were 1% each, StockFresh and SignElements were .5% each.

« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 10:12 »
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 22:33 by tickstock »

« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 10:20 »
Not a good month at all.  Overall down 10% compared to Jan.2012.

Went down :   Fotolia (-24%, GLO -40%, BGS -24%, CAN -40%).
Went up :   SS (+10%), 123rf (+30%), DP (+50%) - and DST stayed the same.
Alamy sold 4 files for a total of 17$, so that's micro prices.
I had a very slow start of the year.  Normally sales go up after 15th January, this time I needed 3 weeks to wake up again.  Fingers crossed for February.

« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 10:36 »
Nice month. It made my top 10 coming in at 7th. January can be hit or miss, so it's nice to see the year start off good.

« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 10:37 »
All sites combined I had the best January since 2010 and I'm up 17% from 2012.

Disturbing news is that I made more on both Canstock and Depositphotos than I did on Fotolia  :o

« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2013, 11:46 »
Compared to December I was down by over 33%  in income - even though I was up in terms of Downloads on each site. This is in part due to the fact that I had 3 ELs  in December (at different agencies).

SS is my best agency, by a wide margin (contributing a bit more than half of my monthly income), FT and DT fight for 2nd spot and 123rf is trailing behind, though my portfolio is also smaller there. This is also not just based on income alone, but also on RPI. If I look at RPD, DT comes in best, 123rf is last.

Am curious what the next months bring.

« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2013, 11:53 »
about 1400 pictures online (Alamy 2200):

 SS 59% BME
 IS 6%
 IS PP 3% estimated
 DT 6%
 FT 9%
 123RF 3%
 BS 3%
 CS 1%
 VR 0%
 DPP 2%
 ALA 7%

« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2013, 12:02 »
I was only on Istock for 27 days this month but it was an utter disaster, falling slightly behind even Canstock and that's including December PP!! 

SS  39%
DT  23%
CS  10%
IS  10%
FT  7%
BS  4%
DP  2%

« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2013, 12:25 »
I am not impressed with January.

Not bad on SS and IS, BME on DT, but several mid stock sites provided earnings lower than in December. Overall only 8% more earnings than in December.

Comparing January 2012 and 2013:
16% growth in earnings, but with 26% growth of my portfolio

5 years in microstock. Time to hit the wall?


« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2013, 12:28 »
Overall, Jan is up 17% on December, and (unfortunately) down 19% on Jan 2012.  All sites performing on a par or slightly better than last year, except for Istock and Fotolia, which continue their steep slides into oblivion. 

« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2013, 12:33 »
I am not impressed with January.

Don't be like that. January has a lot of nice qualities once you get to know it better.  ;D


« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2013, 12:42 »
Shutter   59.54% - BME DLs
Fotolia   14.36% - BME $$
123RF   3.79%
Canstock   5.08%
Deposit   4.50%
Photodune   3.06% - BME $$
Nationale Beeldbank   4.29%
Direct Sales   3.44% -BME $$
Zazzle   1.33%
Fine Art America   0.00%
Alamy   0.62%

January down by 32% over December, I have no comparison with Jan 2012. I started in March 2012. 700 images online.

Very very disappointing month. Only positive was the BME of downloads on SS and BME $$ on FT and my first direct sales.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 12:45 by Poncke »

« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2013, 12:42 »
Shutterstock is like THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN with Fotolia a steady second place.
January was my worst month in 2012 but 2013 turned out fine.

47.8 % Shutterstock
26.8 % Fotolia
07.0 % Dreamstime
06.8 % 123RF
05.2 % Canstock
02.5 % Veer
02.2 % Bigstock
01.5 % DepositPhotos
00.2 % Stockfresh
00.0 % GLStockimages
00.0 % Alamy


« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2013, 12:50 »

5 years in microstock. Time to hit the wall?
I have hit the wall after 10 months.

« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2013, 13:00 »
Im the kind of guy that withdraw my port from agencies that underperform or annoy me.

SS, steady but slow raise during 2012. January up
FT: occational spikes, mostly on the low side. January down.
DT: Until mid 2012 acerage, then down.
Is: Down all the time, now almost zero due to deactivated images, Im happy to leave them.
123: No improvement. Decline after commisions were lowered. Im going to delete.
DP: Deleted my port.
CP: Deleted my port.
Zoonar: Deleted my port.
Bigstock: Have not been migrated.
Stock expert: Deleted many, miss 0.25 before I delete the rest.

So all in all, 2012 was not a good year in microstock with a level and average not climbing income flow. Things polarized and I took a few decisions.
January on Shutter was good suggest that I can continue the climb in income that was halted in 2012.

« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2013, 13:24 »
Im the kind of guy that withdraw my port from agencies that underperform or annoy me.

I have the same idea lately. I'm inches away from deleting a few ports at some agency's. My only concern is that Shutterstock will become too important for my monthly income. It's already 55-60% and as we all know it's not a good idea nowadays to be too dependant (or exclusive) on 1 agency. My goal is to find more outlets and bring SS back to about 30%.

« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2013, 13:32 »
I have the same idea lately. I'm inches away from deleting a few ports at some agency's. My only concern is that Shutterstock will become too important for my monthly income. It's already 55-60% and as we all know it's not a good idea nowadays to be too dependant (or exclusive) on 1 agency. My goal is to find more outlets and bring SS back to about 30%.

That seems like a decent idea. I'm shocked when I see how high some of these percentages are.

« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2013, 13:40 »
Excellent, BME (+41% on previous).

13 months of Microstock

Avg port 470 img (last month +16%)

SS 52% -> BME (2 EL)
FT 18% -> BME
IS 10%
DT 8% (1 EL)
123 5% -> BME
DP 4%
PD 3% -> BME
BS 1%

8 agencies, 4 BME.

« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2013, 13:41 »

yep, lol...... I remember 60%...I decided that in Nov 2011 after years of steady sales on SS ...and then over night (no joke) my SS sells dropped 35% and never came back. It took a year to recover that income and beyond. I'm happy to say SS is much much less then 60% of my MS income now. I'm free of fear and I never ever want something like that to happen again. I work very hard to keep my income balanced and steady.  Even if it takes promoting smaller dogs to keep balance. I do not want the Sith or the Jedi to control the market. There needs to be balance in the universe.


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« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2013, 13:47 »
Its nice to be a noob. BYE allready :)

SS 49.3%
FT 28.1%
123RF 10.6%
DT 7.9%
CS 1.8%
DP 1.0%
BS 0.9%
Veer 0.4%


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