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Author Topic: Message from Tom W at Getty Images via Flickr  (Read 3896 times)

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« on: November 06, 2009, 13:09 »
It looks like you can submit 50 images per week:

"Tom W at Getty Images has invited you to be a member of
Getty Images Artist Picks.

To find out more about this group and to accept or decline
this invitation, click here:



« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 13:33 »
Private Page for accepted people only.

« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 13:39 »
"About Getty Images Artist Picks

Welcome to Getty Images Artist Picks
Artist Picks is a private Flickr group for all artists who have enrolled to participate in the Flickr collection on Getty Images. This is where we let you nominate your own images to be considered for invitation to the collection - up to 50 images per week. So choose your best photos or illustrations and let us take a look, or check out the discussions in this group where were talking about what our customers are asking for and go make some new pictures to nominate!

Please limit the discussion topics to those specifically related to the Artist Picks program. For all other discussions about the Flickr Collection please continue to use the Getty Images Contributors group. www.flickr.com/groups/gettyimagescontributors/.

How does Artist Picks work?
It's simple, all you need to do is post your selection of pictures into this group and our Creative team will take a look and invite everything we think our customers could be interested in. Please be sure that all similar images (from the same shoot/situation/scenario, etc.) are submitted at the same time. This makes it easier for our Creative team to see them all at once and review them.

Given the volume of submissions, we will not be able to email you individually with the reasons for not inviting images. In many cases it will be technical or legal issues, but we are also going to be factoring in saleability and the amount of images of a given subject we already have available.

* Tip: Once you've joined the group, use this Organizr link for the easiest way to submit up to 50 images at once.

Legal and technical criteria
At least three megapixels in size for the originals.

Model or property releases available where needed. Check out the threads and FAQs on the Getty Images Contributors group for more information.

No currently active licenses to any other users or through any other agency or distributor (Can I sell my Creative Commons-licensed content?)

You are the creator and copyright holder of the image.

The photos must be set as public. Even though you are able to post "private" images to the pool, please make sure the photos you submit are set as "public", as only those can be selected by us.

We will decide the licensing model (RF or RM) for the images based on our knowledge of the market and how each image fits into that -- just like with our other selections.

We are still working through the sets you've emailed us as well, so please DON'T post any images to the pool that you've already submitted via the sets!"


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