MicrostockGroup Sponsors


POLL: Please vote which "FAIR TRADE AGENCY" will be the first in our "Joint promotion and marketing campaign"!

80 (18.3%)
12 (2.7%)
7 (1.6%)
34 (7.8%)
19 (4.3%)
18 (4.1%)
61 (14%)
33 (7.6%)
21 (4.8%)
2 (0.5%)
5 (1.1%)
7 (1.6%)
15 (3.4%)
65 (14.9%)
5 (1.1%)
0 (0%)
5 (1.1%)
0 (0%)
5 (1.1%)
43 (9.8%)

Total Members Voted: 169

Voting closed: April 03, 2013, 08:54

Author Topic: POLL: Let's promote together "The best contributor friendly agency"! First time!  (Read 48341 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #150 on: April 06, 2013, 06:42 »
I know I'm going to get jumped on from a high height, but I can't see under which criteria SS would qualify as a 'fair trade' site for contributors, even though I realise that many here seem to earn well there.

« Reply #151 on: April 06, 2013, 07:57 »
38 cent is the full cut not 19 cent

Not talking SS. There was a discussion recently (I think it was Veer) where they sold images for 38 cents and the contributor got 50% (.19 cents).


« Reply #152 on: April 06, 2013, 08:36 »
What we should do now!?
Suggestions please!

So this is the Big Plan?


« Reply #153 on: April 07, 2013, 00:17 »
I wasn't thinking that the poll results would also pathetic.
I naively hoped that if we were a few thousand of the same opinion we could make an offer to 2/3 of the best survey. I wasn't thinking that could Shutterstock win. It's a non sense.

I have no idea of the amount needed to effectively promote a website. Here are some ideas:

- In the first example pay for the elected $ 20 each / every month for 1 year to make his promotion and magnification, magnification ... If 5000 (I know I'm dreaming) of us do it = $ 100,000 / month, it may not be negligible.
- In 2 nd each of us could put link and articles to promote elected in his blog or other website.

It would of course to conclude a contract with the elected, one year payement, renewable, no drop %, no subscription too cheap, no partnership without our agreement, report every month on what is being done with our money ... etc.
It would not matter to leave the other microstocks for now, just put its portfolio on the elect and perhaps a minimum of 10% of exclusivity for new photos.
I do not know about you, but I'd be willing to give $ 100 every month if it would work. It might not be needed by 5000 to be like that.
Thank you to those who have other ideas to share, after we should maybe start a new post / survey with the best ideas to know how many people would be on, to define what we want from the elected, prices, conditions. ..

For now it is very messy ideas but more we share more it will become clear, do not drop for the moment, and even if it goes no further, from time to time it's good to dream a little.

My English is awful, I hope that what I write is understandable.

« Reply #154 on: April 07, 2013, 03:52 »
What we should do now!?
Suggestions please!

So this is the Big Plan?

With who?

My conclusion is that there is no "moving force" among contributor population,many of us think completely different...
This clearly shows that all agencies have "clean hands" to do everything what they want!

"Agencies are everything, contributor is nothing!"
 Funny is that contributor confirms this conclusion every day!

I can open another poll to just separate all contributors who think similar, so they start promote true "fair trade"...
But how many of contributors will participate in action, 50 or 80?
Maybe I will these days..

Also, old thought is coming on my mind! New Agency, but contributors are owners!
We should start to collect money!  :D :D ;)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 15:35 by borg »


« Reply #155 on: April 07, 2013, 04:00 »
Paying money to promote an agency? They take 50 procent from you and you want to pay money to fund marketing for them. That is nuts. Sorry.

« Reply #156 on: April 07, 2013, 14:02 »
I am talking about collecting money for a new agency not for promoting an old one... ;)


« Reply #157 on: April 07, 2013, 14:48 »
Its nuts regardless of the agency. You already pay them through royalties. They need to get their act together and market themselves. Its not your job to do that. Its so ridiculous I cant even take it serious, I wont even consider it for a second. Sorry.


« Reply #158 on: April 07, 2013, 15:30 »
Considering how things begin, I think it is even more complicated to start from 0 wanting to create another microstock. It would be easier with an existing one that has seemed to know what he does but maybe did not have the money to do a lot of advertising. Hence my idea of ​​promoting with our money. If the agency has no money because it does not sell a lot of pictures because is unknown, it can not invest in advertising. the cat chases his tail. There would probably have a way to get more than 50% at the beginning and once the machine is running well get back to 50% because they too must eat well.
Or what? We'll end up having only 15% of the royalty in each big agencies.
So is it better to put a little of his pocket now or do like everyone bitching, especially not to think, enjoy the moment and let the world go to ruin?


« Reply #159 on: April 07, 2013, 16:10 »
Its ridiculous, if they struggle with their start up, and dont have the money for marketing they shouldnt be starting up an agency in the first place. And if they are struggling from the start, you can just as well set your money on fire and take a few good stock shots. You will probably get more ROI that way.

Even considering dumping 1000 dollar or 10k on an agency for marketing is stupid, that little money is getting you no where.

« Reply #160 on: April 08, 2013, 10:49 »
If I am going to invest time, effort and money into marketing micro-stock I want to be able to get a return on my investment.

Right now, the only site I see as being worth this effort is my own Symbiostock network site.

I am still not sure about the way it is being implemented, and it is months away from being really useful, but the idea and thoughts behind it could be the freedom we are all looking for....

« Reply #161 on: April 08, 2013, 11:07 »
Its nuts regardless of the agency. You already pay them through royalties. They need to get their act together and market themselves. Its not your job to do that. Its so ridiculous I cant even take it serious, I wont even consider it for a second. Sorry.

In theory, I don't see anything wrong with it. If I was guaranteed my sales would go up a significant amount by investing x amount of dollars in certain agencies, I'd definitely do it. You could never get that guarantee though, so I don't see much point at throwing money at it.

That said, there are many other ways to promote agencies that don't cost anything.


« Reply #162 on: April 08, 2013, 11:14 »
Its nuts regardless of the agency. You already pay them through royalties. They need to get their act together and market themselves. Its not your job to do that. Its so ridiculous I cant even take it serious, I wont even consider it for a second. Sorry.

In theory, I don't see anything wrong with it. If I was guaranteed my sales would go up a significant amount by investing x amount of dollars in certain agencies, I'd definitely do it. You could never get that guarantee though, so I don't see much point at throwing money at it.

That said, there are many other ways to promote agencies that don't cost anything.
Thats it, if it was a guaranteed ROI I wouldnt mind either, but there isnt. And I also agree the marketing can be done free of cost. Look at the Google Drive issue, I think hundreds of blogs and articles were written. How about doing the same but then focus on these agencies. Use our blogs, twitter and FB accounts. Spread the word about the same agency. But I am not throwing money at an agency that cant sustain itself.

« Reply #163 on: April 08, 2013, 13:13 »
Poncke has reason. Blogs and social can be a way to promote, but I never will spend to promote one agency. An agency start with a business plan and know that they must promoting the new startup and that need money. If they can't promote themselves they are dead.


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