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Author Topic: January 2012 earnings  (Read 33745 times)

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« Reply #100 on: February 02, 2012, 23:55 »
IS, nice and stable, right on last years average even with no ELs.  I will take stable for as long as it comes.


« Reply #101 on: February 03, 2012, 02:07 »
IS, nice and stable, right on last years average even with no ELs.  I will take stable for as long as it comes.

Well, in spite of being an IS Diamond, non exclusive, my sales are way down there BUT!  youre right, stabillity is the name of the game, I hold that before money, anytime. Stabillity in my books are, SS, FT, DT, DP,  thats it.

« Reply #102 on: February 03, 2012, 04:05 »
Well, Yuri claims to sell a photo every 8 seconds.

Theres 86,400 seconds in a day - so he sells 10,800 photos each day x 365 days = 3,942,000 sales per year.

Say his RPI is $1.5 (did I imagine that, or did someone say it above?)  = $5,913,0000/year

50 employees x $50K (big guess here, isn't cost of living quite high in Denmark) = $250K salaries, likely more.

I'd say he's doing pretty well  ;)


The video says he sells 4,400,000 licenses a year.  I don't know what his average $/download would be.. but probably somewhere between $1.00-$2.00 given Shutterstock is probably a large percentage of those sales (less than $1.00). 

50 employees x $50K is $2,500,000 (you missed a 0 :))

but I doubt all those employees are full time and I really doubt they are all in Denmark.  He works a lot in South Africa and also has people working in India... Meaning I doubt all his 'employees' get 50K/year.. but would bet that his Danish employees cost him more than $50k/year

« Reply #103 on: February 03, 2012, 05:02 »
Well, Yuri claims to sell a photo every 8 seconds.

Theres 86,400 seconds in a day - so he sells 10,800 photos each day x 365 days = 3,942,000 sales per year.

Say his RPI is $1.5 (did I imagine that, or did someone say it above?)  = $5,913,0000/year

50 employees x $50K (big guess here, isn't cost of living quite high in Denmark) = $250K salaries, likely more.

I'd say he's doing pretty well  ;)


The video says he sells 4,400,000 licenses a year.  I don't know what his average $/download would be.. but probably somewhere between $1.00-$2.00 given Shutterstock is probably a large percentage of those sales (less than $1.00). 

50 employees x $50K is $2,500,000 (you missed a 0 :))

but I doubt all those employees are full time and I really doubt they are all in Denmark.  He works a lot in South Africa and also has people working in India... Meaning I doubt all his 'employees' get 50K/year.. but would bet that his Danish employees cost him more than $50k/year

wow,50k what? us or euro?its really a good price for me,the average incoming here is about 1.6k us...i will be rich here if i got those pay, lol ;D
so Yuri hire me , please LOL


« Reply #104 on: February 03, 2012, 05:16 »
I for one would be satisfied with earning 2,3k/month...

Wait until you get there, then you'll want more. Or you can get all weird like me and realize that everyone is ripping you off.  ;D

I'm not saying I wouldn't like more, probably more as an achievement (and knowing I'm competent enough to do even better), than earning money from that point on, but I would be more than satisfied earning that and there's no chance on earth I'd be disappointed hitting the plateau at that point.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #105 on: February 03, 2012, 06:37 »
.. but would bet that his Danish employees cost him more than $50k/year
I'll do his keywording for >$50k per year!


« Reply #106 on: February 03, 2012, 06:45 »
.. but would bet that his Danish employees cost him more than $50k/year
I'll do his keywording for >$50k per year!

I bet Sean would do it for free: So he'd get rid of his fiercest rival ;D

« Reply #107 on: February 03, 2012, 12:41 »
I am up 42% compared to last month. My 4 top agencies are: Shutterstock, Alamy, Depositphotos, Veer
More at http://microstockinfos.blogspot.com/2012/02/stock-photography-sales-statistic.html

« Reply #108 on: February 03, 2012, 12:54 »
it includes referrals right Henrik?


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