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Author Topic: Is this happening (or happen anytime) to you?  (Read 5143 times)

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« on: October 09, 2018, 02:46 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.

I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...

But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.


« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2018, 02:54 »
My thought:

Don't worry, nothing special it's happening  :)
One year it's very little time to calculate the short and long periods fluctuations.
One important thing that you should have in mind is: you should not expect a continuos growing trend, it's normal that trend will slowly reach a point that you will find day by day more difficult to overdrive.
It's a statistic trend, nothing personal

But I would be happy if someone should give a different more optimistic answer :)

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 03:19 »
My thought:

Don't worry, nothing special it's happening  :)
One year it's very little time to calculate the short and long periods fluctuations.
One important thing that you should have in mind is: you should not expect a continuos growing trend, it's normal that trend will slowly reach a point that you will find day by day more difficult to overdrive.
It's a statistic trend, nothing personal

But I would be happy if someone should give a different more optimistic answer :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, yes, I can imagine that the normal is to get a flat point at getting harder to increae the earnings, but I think (I want to belive) that I am still in the growing period hehehe, Who knows, this is a changing bussines.

Thanks and good luck to you too


« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2018, 06:20 »
there is some luck in sales--- depending upon your subject material some months will be better than others. Remember in the 4th quarter the major holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be the major sellers...

« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2018, 13:03 »
I think it's a combination of things.

a) Trends.
b) Novelty.
c) Competition.
d) Other (newer) types of demands.

So. Maybe you had some new 'fresh' content, but now nobody cares. Or maybe it was trendy (i.e., say weddings in july) - but no one cares about that going into december. Or. Maybe you have a new competitor spamming 20,000 of what you have. Or. Maybe people want the 'newer' stuff (maybe yours is HD, and now 4K or VR is in demand).


« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2018, 15:41 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.

I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...

But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.


I looked your photos over and they are OK


"A beautiful woman using her laptop in the bedroom"

I would avoid these cliche titles and go for more description

Example " Young female teenager or student checking her course work on a lap top in her bedroom"

Try and make the descriptions less about how you see the girls (beautiful sexy etc) and more about what the girls are doing and why they are doing it etc.

Ladies are more than beautiful and sexy and buyers will prefer more about what the image is about.

That way it comes over better.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 15:44 by Sammy the Cat »

« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2018, 02:12 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.

I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...

But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.


I looked your photos over and they are OK


"A beautiful woman using her laptop in the bedroom"

I would avoid these cliche titles and go for more description

Example " Young female teenager or student checking her course work on a lap top in her bedroom"

Try and make the descriptions less about how you see the girls (beautiful sexy etc) and more about what the girls are doing and why they are doing it etc.

Ladies are more than beautiful and sexy and buyers will prefer more about what the image is about.

That way it comes over better.

Thanks for the advice, you are right I will name better my files pointing the matters more than the adjetives...

 I have just a few photos, I am pointed to video (2.000) I dont know why my profile of microstock dont link with the videos instead the photos...

Talking about the issue, since I wrote it I have sold 2 videos but only in Adobe Stock, nothing in shutter neither in P5, when especially in SS since 1 year ago I always do more than 100 $... Maybe it is bad luck or the impact of uploading new content is very high...

« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2018, 02:59 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.

I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...

But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.


I looked your photos over and they are OK


"A beautiful woman using her laptop in the bedroom"

I would avoid these cliche titles and go for more description

Example " Young female teenager or student checking her course work on a lap top in her bedroom"

Try and make the descriptions less about how you see the girls (beautiful sexy etc) and more about what the girls are doing and why they are doing it etc.

Ladies are more than beautiful and sexy and buyers will prefer more about what the image is about.

That way it comes over better.

Thanks for the advice, you are right I will name better my files pointing the matters more than the adjetives...

 I have just a few photos, I am pointed to video (2.000) I dont know why my profile of microstock dont link with the videos instead the photos...

Talking about the issue, since I wrote it I have sold 2 videos but only in Adobe Stock, nothing in shutter neither in P5, when especially in SS since 1 year ago I always do more than 100 $... Maybe it is bad luck or the impact of uploading new content is very high...
I wonder if someone or some people have been "inspired" by or even copied your best sellers and diluted your sales?

« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2018, 10:18 »
Hello, Finally today I get 1 sold in shutter of 1 vdeo... and was the same day that they aproved new video content (I uploaded yesterday) a coincidence??? Strange at least... but it was more than 3 weeks without selling, and the same time without uploading and just the same day boom!...

I dont like to think that when I leave of uploading stop the selling... I would like to think that there is a factor, but no so deteminated... Waht do you think?

« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2018, 11:36 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.

I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...

But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.


I looked your photos over and they are OK


"A beautiful woman using her laptop in the bedroom"

I would avoid these cliche titles and go for more description

Example " Young female teenager or student checking her course work on a lap top in her bedroom"

Try and make the descriptions less about how you see the girls (beautiful sexy etc) and more about what the girls are doing and why they are doing it etc.

Ladies are more than beautiful and sexy and buyers will prefer more about what the image is about.

That way it comes over better.

I can tell you as someone who has been 'buyer' working next to many others like me (graphic artist / art director) that the title / description is near meaningless. I don't think I ever bothered to read and/or comprehend any title or description as I was rushing through the pictures to find that special one, and I never met anyone in the business who gave the slightest care about them either. I knew quite a few ppl working like me who after even years of using shutter/similar didn't even realize there is "title", and that the pictures have owners with portfolios.

« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2018, 13:04 »
I can tell you as someone who has been 'buyer' working next to many others like me (graphic artist / art director) that the title / description is near meaningless.

They're not made for your reading pleasure. They are made to optimize the images for search.  ;)

The more relevant and spot on they are, the better. And the more unique they are, the better.


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