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Author Topic: Is Shutterstock replacing iStock as the agency everyone loves to hate?  (Read 16439 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2018, 11:51 »
I don't see any reason to hate SS since they haven't been reducing contributor royalties.

Well, considering that they haven't raise the contributor commissions for about 10 years, while raising the price of subscriptions, you may say that they have somewhat reduced the royalties.

In the past, when SS raised the price of the subscription plans, they usually raised the amount paid per download.

Plus, they seriously dropped the price of the Extended Licenses. A couple years back we would get $28 and now it's rare for them to get to the $20 mark.

I'm pretty sure that they also changed the requirements from which a buyer had to buy an EL, like the number of prints. Many sales that would have required an EL and for which you would receive $28, now you receive $0.38 or less depending on your rank because of the more permissive license.

So yes, they have been reducing the royalties.
I agree that returns have dropped by staying stagnant, because of inflation, but I haven't seen any drop in RPD over the years, actually the opposite (though not enough of an increase in recent years to offset inflation as mentioned).
I had forgotten about the EL thing though. I wonder how things will look re. RPD by the end of this year?


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« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2018, 13:11 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2018, 15:32 »
yes, shutterstock is replacing istock as an agency everyone loves to hate.

« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2018, 16:30 »
Some people were probably complaining here while they were uploading.  Many of us stopped uploading, deleted images and eventually closed our accounts.  That was the only way to hurt istock and at least make the other sites give us a bit more respect.

I understand what you are saying, but even in small companies people can't get a few dozen workers, who know and see each other every single day, united on a common goal.

How would you expect a mass organized action based on MSG alone where only a small fraction of photographers come, on a global scale, between people that have never met, have absolutely different goals (professional/amateurs), different income expectations where some nee 3000 to live and others are kings with 500, different points of view on the subject, etc.

The only way to change an agency politics on this type of business is to threaten their income through competition. Or have the means to launch a persistent major campaign worldwide. And have the money to fight the agency lawyers who will try to sue you for defamation.

I don't know ... there's quite a bit of power here on the MSG.

Anyone remember Dollar Photo Club?

« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2018, 11:30 »
i left istock 2 years ago , 15% was a joke , no wonder they get replaced

« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2018, 13:33 »
SS dead since July.1  :-X

« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2018, 15:31 »
I dont hate them. In fact, right now I am loving them. I got a request for an extended license yesterday. My royalty is $100+. It is showing in my earnings, my fingers are crossed that it makes it to payout. I havent seen an extended license for awhile. I am down to 2 sites...SS and Adobe. I am happy with both of them. Of course I would love it if I made a lot more $$, but thats partly on me. I could work harder.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 15:45 by cathyslife »


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« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2018, 15:33 »
I really dont know where or what SS sell anymore??  the place is just returning less and less! one guy in Germany said there must be a severe server problem since dozens of German contributors havent seen any movement for 16 hours, same in Norway no movement at all bar one guy wh had 11 subs.

For me today even DP have produced more. Got to be something wrong???

« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2018, 15:42 »
Yes, that is what I hate about people constantly complaining about a site. Their famous line is I am not going to be giving them any more of my images. So the stock sites business ethics are so disgusting that they will complain and complain and complain, but they will still let the site continue to stick it to them. They dont want to give up those pennies, because after all, a penny is better than nothing right? Even if they suck, right?
Which of the micros do you feel has overall good business ethics? (remembering that this is a microstock site, so don't name macros)
IMO, none of them.
And we all have shown that we each have different levels of what we are prepared to tolerate. Or different 'issues' make us more angry than others feel about that issue.

I think Adobe is doing a pretty decent job. Mat Hayward is always around to help, my royalties are mostly 3x more than any others have been (as in $.99 per image vs. say $.33.) Since Adobe bought Fotolia, there hasnt been any drama there, as far as I know.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 15:46 by cathyslife »


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« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2018, 00:15 »
Yes^Matt is a really nice guy known him for years and caring and the only one that comes here. However I doubt very much any Adobe admin or whatever is giving some elbow room!
Its quite clear that Fotolia is their sort of side-kick while they lay their concentration on much more "important" issues!

« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2018, 01:14 »
Adobe Stock is actually in the low earners for me. Next to ishitty and Dissolve. I don't understand how could this be with over 12 thousands of video footage.

« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2018, 05:57 »
We are talking about overall good business ethics, not sales.

« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2018, 10:10 »
I wish I could close my account again.

« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2018, 11:17 »
I've pretty much given up on uploading the rest of my archive of released images because they've gotten pretty ridiculous about minutia on the releases.

« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2018, 12:28 »
I wish I could close my account again.

Why cant you?

« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2018, 14:00 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

I have a friend also and he has many different day totals, all in the three figure, with hundreds a week.. How significant is someone getting two subs a day different, with 14 subs a day or 16 subs a day. Your old time friend needs to find something better to do with his time if he only makes 15 downloads a day at this point.

Maybe try construction workers with old style equipment or gears on a blue background? I hear those are best selling for some old timers.

« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2018, 00:17 »
Just had a perfect example of what I said earlier about SS and their absurd reviews.

Had a number of images rejected for similar, where each one was a variation of another image. I mean, different images where each one had a variation. Each variation not only has a different meaning it is also hard to make from the approved image by a designer.

So, I only got one approved of each and the variation rejected. At the same time I see tenths of images being approved that look like they are the exact same frame!

I really do not understand this.


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« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2018, 00:35 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

I have a friend also and he has many different day totals, all in the three figure, with hundreds a week.. How significant is someone getting two subs a day different, with 14 subs a day or 16 subs a day. Your old time friend needs to find something better to do with his time if he only makes 15 downloads a day at this point.

Maybe try construction workers with old style equipment or gears on a blue background? I hear those are best selling for some old timers.

What a non constructive remark you come up with!  that week he still made 200 bucks and 4x200 bucks is still 800 bucks in a month! which I am sure is more then you make!
May I suggest you go and turn burgers at some mac outlet you will earn more then you do here!


« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2018, 00:40 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

Precisely. But you've only shown us one week. So your case is rather weak.

« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2018, 01:25 »
Nice to see the old timers given a  boost to their earnings every now and again to keep them interested.


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« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2018, 02:10 »
Nice to see the old timers given a  boost to their earnings every now and again to keep them interested.

Why Paws!  youre an oldie yourself by now! dont knock it! ;D


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« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2018, 02:15 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

Precisely. But you've only shown us one week. So your case is rather weak.

On going thing month after month! hardly any difference on patterns at all. Same with me although I have a bit more luck. My sales-pattern have been the same for over a year.


« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2018, 03:03 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

Precisely. But you've only shown us one week. So your case is rather weak.

On going thing month after month! hardly any difference on patterns at all. Same with me although I have a bit more luck. My sales-pattern have been the same for over a year.

But you're not publishing the numbers, are you?


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« Reply #48 on: July 14, 2018, 07:24 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

Precisely. But you've only shown us one week. So your case is rather weak.

On going thing month after month! hardly any difference on patterns at all. Same with me although I have a bit more luck. My sales-pattern have been the same for over a year.

But you're not publishing the numbers, are you?

what numbers? I showed his numbers, my numbers are a bit higher but the same patters, one gigantic day in the week followed by four extremely similar low numbers. Been like it for over a year now, exactly the same pattern. Im not alone you know there are total of over 50 of us always comparing in the end of the month! and the same thing....capped earnings for some of us!


« Reply #49 on: July 14, 2018, 09:58 »
Could this be why they are disliked? showed to me by an old-timer friend!

Last week.  Monday:  172-00
                  Tuesday:     4.56
              Wednesday:    4.56
               Thursday:      5.32
               Friday:          5.32

Coincidence??  could be but not week after week after week!

Precisely. But you've only shown us one week. So your case is rather weak.

On going thing month after month! hardly any difference on patterns at all. Same with me although I have a bit more luck. My sales-pattern have been the same for over a year.

But you're not publishing the numbers, are you?

what numbers? I showed his numbers, my numbers are a bit higher but the same patters, one gigantic day in the week followed by four extremely similar low numbers. Been like it for over a year now, exactly the same pattern. Im not alone you know there are total of over 50 of us always comparing in the end of the month! and the same thing....capped earnings for some of us!

I concur with that


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