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Author Topic: Is SAA membership worth it?  (Read 5002 times)

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« on: June 25, 2010, 07:33 »

Is anyone a member. Are the fees worth it? any worthwhile info about the industry (including macro) to be gleamed by becoming a member?

« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 07:54 »
Not for me. I simply don't see how they can make any impact or practical influence in today's market. They've always been dismissive of microstock anyway.

I'm sure it works very well for those who get to live off the membership fees though.


« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 08:30 »
I think it is a great idea in theory.  They have successfully negotiated better deal for their members that sell through the macro sites. 

Unfortunately, my understanding is they don't really have anything to offer microstock artists.   Probably for the reasons Gostwyck stated, or perhaps just because they have no interest in representing a business model they blame for the decline of their livelihood.  Either way, until they offer some benefit for microstock artists there's no point belonging, IMO. 


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« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2010, 08:39 »
Their stance on micro may be changing. Shannon Fagan their President is now submitting to micro.

I'm guessing tens of thousands of micro contributors represent a lot of potential membership money.


« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 08:42 »
I'm guessing tens of thousands of micro contributors represent a lot of potential membership money.

Well, if they were willing to do something to earn that money - like negotiate with the sites to halt the royalty cuts, and better yet raise prices - then I would consider that membership fee to be money very well spent. 


« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2010, 08:54 »
They have successfully negotiated better deal for their members that sell through the macro sites. 

Have they? I know they claim to have been instrumental in the Getty instance when they tried to drop all the prices, but I tend to think it was the members themselves and the amount of personal emails to Getty HQ that settled that negotiation rather than the SAA.

They have no power over any of the agencies other than a central voice for their members, however as most of the potential members are self employed who in turn would voice their own opinions when they feel the desire I really can't see what use the SAA is.

« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2010, 10:28 »
They may indeed be more relevant in today's market but historically they have always been behind the times. Spending more time arguing against the evolution of markets than trying to attain highest possible prices. There is little historical reason for agencies to have set 20% as the standard RF payment to photographers. Or images in micro could just have easily attained pricing 5 times their current levels. They just needed to be guided there. When this was all happening SAA was issuing a white paper on why RM was so much better and why it should prevail blah, blah. I love RM, I've seen some great sales lately, some nearing the 5 figure level but RF is, well, like Paul Simon said "slip sliden' away".


« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2010, 12:32 »
Thanks for adding some historical context Zeus. 

I still think SAA, or something like it, could be a great resource for microstock contributors, but doesn't sound like it's there yet...

« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2010, 17:15 »
One of the benefits of organizations like the SAA is also in access to resources, training and discounts on things related to the profession. I haven't looked into the SAA benefits in a while (since as was noted, they historically had a pretty hostile view of microstock), but their current president actually seems much more open to micro. I saw him speak at a PPA event earlier this year, and he seemed like a very knowledgeable, down to earth, hard working guy, and reminded me a lot of all the microstock contributors I've met over the years.


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