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Author Topic: If we work hard we can become successful like Justin Oringer :)  (Read 13197 times)

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« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2021, 09:15 »


Justin Bieber?
Nice for him! Enjoy his money and home! Nice home!
Working hard, some people say it would give you success. You should ask to the successful people like him. :)

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2021, 11:08 »
So for all you haters out there, looks like Jon has fallen on hard times and is selling his more expensive home in the Hamptons and moving to Florida to one that's about $10 million dollars less value?  :o Poor guy, what's he going to do next?

« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2021, 15:51 »
So for all you haters out there, looks like Jon has fallen on hard times and is selling his more expensive home in the Hamptons and moving to Florida to one that's about $10 million dollars less value?  :o Poor guy, what's he going to do next?
Poor rich guy, maybe he will sell his car and buy a cheap one. :)

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2021, 09:23 »
So for all you haters out there, looks like Jon has fallen on hard times and is selling his more expensive home in the Hamptons and moving to Florida to one that's about $10 million dollars less value?  :o Poor guy, what's he going to do next?
Poor rich guy, maybe he will sell his car and buy a cheap one. :)

Yeah I just feel so sorry for his downsizing. I did like the infinity pool and the nice view. I mean seriously for someone who can actually take the time, and has the money, that would be enjoyable. I'm not doing sour grapes, but I like living in the country, trees, plants, nature, much more than anything city or modern.

I've had more than a few successful friends who bought condos in the city, upscale, converted old building, with security guards at the door 24/7. They can walk to the downtown entertainment, arena, bars and restaurants. Nice of you want to be something like living in a hotel your whole existence?

We had a cabin, on a lake, last one on a road, so nice and secluded with nature. I didn't get there enough because I'm almost always working weekends and some 10 day weeks. What's the use of paying taxes and upkeep, to go vacation four weekends a year?

Yes, poor Jon. Hey maybe we should all get together and start mailing him dimes? That's what he gives us?


« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2021, 15:40 »
So for all you haters out there, looks like Jon has fallen on hard times and is selling his more expensive home in the Hamptons and moving to Florida to one that's about $10 million dollars less value?  :o Poor guy, what's he going to do next?
Poor rich guy, maybe he will sell his car and buy a cheap one. :)

Yeah I just feel so sorry for his downsizing. I did like the infinity pool and the nice view. I mean seriously for someone who can actually take the time, and has the money, that would be enjoyable. I'm not doing sour grapes, but I like living in the country, trees, plants, nature, much more than anything city or modern.

I've had more than a few successful friends who bought condos in the city, upscale, converted old building, with security guards at the door 24/7. They can walk to the downtown entertainment, arena, bars and restaurants. Nice of you want to be something like living in a hotel your whole existence?

We had a cabin, on a lake, last one on a road, so nice and secluded with nature. I didn't get there enough because I'm almost always working weekends and some 10 day weeks. What's the use of paying taxes and upkeep, to go vacation four weekends a year?

Yes, poor Jon. Hey maybe we should all get together and start mailing him dimes? That's what he gives us?
He has a Tesla an expensive car but not what you'd call realy high end

« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2021, 00:47 »
So for all you haters out there, looks like Jon has fallen on hard times and is selling his more expensive home in the Hamptons and moving to Florida to one that's about $10 million dollars less value?  :o Poor guy, what's he going to do next?
Poor rich guy, maybe he will sell his car and buy a cheap one. :)

Yeah I just feel so sorry for his downsizing. I did like the infinity pool and the nice view. I mean seriously for someone who can actually take the time, and has the money, that would be enjoyable. I'm not doing sour grapes, but I like living in the country, trees, plants, nature, much more than anything city or modern.

I've had more than a few successful friends who bought condos in the city, upscale, converted old building, with security guards at the door 24/7. They can walk to the downtown entertainment, arena, bars and restaurants. Nice of you want to be something like living in a hotel your whole existence?

We had a cabin, on a lake, last one on a road, so nice and secluded with nature. I didn't get there enough because I'm almost always working weekends and some 10 day weeks. What's the use of paying taxes and upkeep, to go vacation four weekends a year?

Yes, poor Jon. Hey maybe we should all get together and start mailing him dimes? That's what he gives us?
He has a Tesla an expensive car but not what you'd call realy high end
I doubt he has only one car........
« Last Edit: May 16, 2021, 05:58 by Pauws99 »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2021, 07:13 »
Oregon rocks! Made huge amount of money without being a thief, criminal, murderer, without using power politicians have, or rich parents children have. What else do you want? Making fun of someone capable to make wealth is pathetic. Don't please talk about low commissions, it is a take it or leave it proposal.

Not really? Making fun is humor which we need more of in this world. Big ears...

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2021, 22:14 »
Oregon rocks! Made huge amount of money without being a thief, criminal, murderer, without using power politicians have, or rich parents children have. What else do you want? Making fun of someone capable to make wealth is pathetic. Don't please talk about low commissions, it is a take it or leave it proposal.

Not really? Making fun is humor which we need more of in this world. Big ears...
I agree, we do need humor. But lets find humor where it is appropriate. Besides, making fun of someone is not humor it is, I don't know what, bullying?

Oh, sarcasm and making fun of someone who can buy us all, and then some, is bullying? Please? Are you worrying all day about plastic straws in the ocean (how do they get there?) and how the pollinators should be worshiped, because we will all die without them, or maybe the asteroid that could hit the planet? Jon can handle it, he's fine. Making fun of you or someone else on the forum is more serious than some billionaire who gets richer every day, by paying us 10c a download.

He's smart, he got into this at the right time, he did things the right way, he's an entrepreneur. My compliments for his wisdom and success. Piss on the corporate suits that find better ways to treat us with more poverty and less commissions, because they need more millions. There's a point where greed no longer gets protection from humor or mockery. We're there.

You go cry for poor Jon, and sympathize because some people make some fun of him. He doesn't need protection, does he? I mean from all of us bullies.  ;D Poor little Jon, so sad. We should be more sensitive to his plight. I bet the bugs, heat and humidity are terrible in Florida.

« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2021, 15:22 »
Shutterstock has 391 million images and clips in its collection. In the first quarter of 2021 they licensed rights to the use of 45.8 million videos and images. This means that the average image creator licenses right to the use a single image per quarter for about every 8.69 images they have in the collection. 

The average revenue per download was $3.96. But, Shutterstock only pays creators about 26% of the license fee so the average creator receives about $1.03 per image licensed. Based on the total images the average creator has in the collection each would receive about $0.12 per image per quarter, or $0.48 annually per image contributed to the collection.

If we assume it costs photographers absolutely nothing in terms of time and money to create images it would still take 2 to 3 years for them to earn $5 of less for the time they spend just keywording and uploading images.

Of course, creators dont need money. They are not supplying images to make money. They are happy with what they are receiving and keep shoveling more new images into the Shutterstock collection. Their goal is to insure that Oringer gets richer while many of then struggle.

If Oringer paid creators a little more for each image licensed, he wouldnt have been able to afford this $52 million home, or the $42 million new home he has just built in Miami's exclusive North Bay Road area and have still have assets currently valued at $1.3 billion. How many of his contributors are even able to afford a $1 million home on what they earn from Shutterstock.

Im not saying that he shouldnt earn a reasonable amount of money for what he has built. But is it reasonable for him to be so rich while the vast majority of the people who create and supply the images he licenses earn little of nothing for their contribution, Even the very small percentage of top contributors are lucky to earn as much as $40,000 a year.

Is it possible for there to be a little equity in business, or is it ordained that few billionaire should exploit those who produce the products that make them rich.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2021, 15:31 »
Oregon rocks! Made huge amount of money without being a thief, criminal, murderer, without using power politicians have, or rich parents children have. What else do you want? Making fun of someone capable to make wealth is pathetic. Don't please talk about low commissions, it is a take it or leave it proposal.

Not really? Making fun is humor which we need more of in this world. Big ears...
I agree, we do need humor. But lets find humor where it is appropriate. Besides, making fun of someone is not humor it is, I don't know what, bullying?

Says the person who can't even get his name right.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2021, 10:12 »
Oregon rocks! Made huge amount of money without being a thief, criminal, murderer, without using power politicians have, or rich parents children have. What else do you want? Making fun of someone capable to make wealth is pathetic. Don't please talk about low commissions, it is a take it or leave it proposal.

Not really? Making fun is humor which we need more of in this world. Big ears...
I agree, we do need humor. But lets find humor where it is appropriate. Besides, making fun of someone is not humor it is, I don't know what, bullying?

Says the person who can't even get his name right.

Oh thanks for the wake up. All this time I thought the Oregon was some kind of joke about the state. I never recognized... or maybe it is a joke. But wait, that came from someone who says "making fun of someone is not humor" well that's funny. Unintended spell checker humor.

Time to go do some physical work, like fix the roof, cut wood, or pull weeds.  8)

Thanks for deciphering the Oregon mystery that I completely missed.


« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2021, 04:12 »
This J. Origner and the likes of him don't work hard, Geeks like him have only found a clever & maybe unethical way to leech of everyone else.


« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2021, 04:39 »
Good point
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 05:53 by shutterview »

« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2021, 08:48 »
This J. Origner and the likes of him don't work hard, Geeks like him have only found a clever & maybe unethical way to leech of everyone else.

Says the guy who believes that pressing camera buttons is hard work. :)

« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2021, 11:17 »
Correction: if we work hard, Justin will become more successful.

« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2021, 18:28 »
Remember we are not rich like Justin because we are lazy, good-for-nothing, socialist, communist, Marxist bums.


« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2021, 05:14 »
Making fun and jokes about people that are successful, just to patheticaly try to show that you don't care about their succes and that your own success on some more spiritual level is where value is, is again pathetic. You guys are making fools of yourselves. All you can do is suck one of Oringers guitars


« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2021, 15:55 »
This J. Origner and the likes of him don't work hard, Geeks like him have only found a clever & maybe unethical way to leech of everyone else.

Says the guy who believes that pressing camera buttons is hard work. :)
What? It's not just pressing buttons on a camera. How about trying to upload hundreds if not 1000s of photos, keywording, then trying to pass finiky reviewers. You obviously don't do microstock or no anything about it.but another that likes to wind ppl. up on forums. By the way, your mate shutter view is banned.


« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2021, 16:00 »
Oregon rocks! Made huge amount of money without being a thief, criminal, murderer, without using power politicians have, or rich parents children have. What else do you want? Making fun of someone capable to make wealth is pathetic. Don't please talk about low commissions, it is a take it or leave it proposal.

Not really? Making fun is humor which we need more of in this world. Big ears...
I agree, we do need humor. But lets find humor where it is appropriate. Besides, making fun of someone is not humor it is, I don't know what, bullying?

Oh, sarcasm and making fun of someone who can buy us all, and then some, is bullying? Please? Are you worrying all day about plastic straws in the ocean (how do they get there?) and how the pollinators should be worshiped, because we will all die without them, or maybe the asteroid that could hit the planet? Jon can handle it, he's fine. Making fun of you or someone else on the forum is more serious than some billionaire who gets richer every day, by paying us 10c a download.

He's smart, he got into this at the right time, he did things the right way, he's an entrepreneur. My compliments for his wisdom and success. Piss on the corporate suits that find better ways to treat us with more poverty and less commissions, because they need more millions. There's a point where greed no longer gets protection from humor or mockery. We're there.

You go cry for poor Jon, and sympathize because some people make some fun of him. He doesn't need protection, does he? I mean from all of us bullies.  ;D Poor little Jon, so sad. We should be more sensitive to his plight. I bet the bugs, heat and humidity are terrible in Florida.
I agree. because SS turned into a merciless regime after J. O. left.


« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2021, 16:12 »


« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2021, 16:18 »
Oregon rocks! Made huge amount of money without being a thief, criminal, murderer, without using power politicians have, or rich parents children have. What else do you want? Making fun of someone capable to make wealth is pathetic. Don't please talk about low commissions, it is a take it or leave it proposal.

Not really? Making fun is humor which we need more of in this world. Big ears...
I agree, we do need humor. But lets find humor where it is appropriate. Besides, making fun of someone is not humor it is, I don't know what, bullying?

Says the person who can't even get his name right.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 16:35 by duns123 »

« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2021, 16:34 »
Yes Oringer is a thumb sucker and as soon as him and the other idiot that runs thr place run to other pastures the greener ours will be

Making fun and jokes about people that are successful, just to patheticaly try to show that you don't care about their succes and that your own success on some more spiritual level is where value is, is again pathetic. You guys are making fools of yourselves. All you can do is suck one of Oringers guitars


« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2021, 17:01 »
This J. Origner and the likes of him don't work hard, Geeks like him have only found a clever & maybe unethical way to leech of everyone else.

Says the guy who believes that pressing camera buttons is hard work. :)
What? It's not just pressing buttons on a camera. How about trying to upload hundreds if not 1000s of photos, keywording, then trying to pass finicky reviewers. You obviously don't do microstock or know anything about it. but another that likes to wind ppl. up on forums. By the way, your mate shutter view is banned.

« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2021, 20:30 »
What? It's not just pressing buttons on a camera. How about trying to upload hundreds if not 1000s of photos, keywording, then trying to pass finicky reviewers. You obviously don't do microstock or know anything about it. but another that likes to wind ppl. up on forums. By the way, your mate shutter view is banned.

Apologies! Not just pressing buttons on a camera, but also pressing some buttons on your keyboard!
Hard work indeed!  ::)

Go an tell that to a construction worker, a miner or to a strawberry picker, and wait for their reaction.

Anyway, rest assured that being responsible with the employment of thousands of people is much harder work than pressing your dear buttons and spamming the forum with your marxist ideology!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 23:09 by Zero Talent »


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