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How many images of a shoot do you select for submission - percentage to raw material

Less than 10% - I`m a editing fanatic!
18 (25.4%)
10% - 20%
22 (31%)
20% - 40%
13 (18.3%)
40% - 60%
11 (15.5%)
More than 60% - Volume counts!
7 (9.9%)

Total Members Voted: 66

Author Topic: How many images of a shoot do you submit?  (Read 8305 times)

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« on: June 05, 2016, 06:39 »
Hey guys,

This is another episode of the quantity vs. quality discussion I guess. I would be very curious of how many images you select, process and submit per shoot. The poll only asks the percentage of raw material you pick, but the other interesting aspect obviously is how much you get out of a shoot. If you want to reveal that please comment the amount of images :-) Both questions bring light to two entirely different aspects I assume. The first shows how strictly you edit the material, the second how much quantity you produce, how long you shoot etc.

Furthermore: A lot in the stock market has more to do with search ranking and database ranking than anything else. Do you think you get a better ranking due to submitting volume or do you think it is better to submit few, great shots which rise up in the search results?

Personally, I get about 400-600 shots in a shoot and select about 60, 70 for submission. In the past it was way more, but now I edit more tightly.

Thanks for participating!


« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 10:59 »
It depends what kind of a shoot. Peopleshooting should be less than 10% a studio still-life should be close to 100%


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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 11:33 »
Hey guys,

This is another episode of the quantity vs. quality discussion I guess. I would be very curious of how many images you select, process and submit per shoot. The poll only asks the percentage of raw material you pick, but the other interesting aspect obviously is how much you get out of a shoot. If you want to reveal that please comment the amount of images :-) Both questions bring light to two entirely different aspects I assume. The first shows how strictly you edit the material, the second how much quantity you produce, how long you shoot etc.

Furthermore: A lot in the stock market has more to do with search ranking and database ranking than anything else. Do you think you get a better ranking due to submitting volume or do you think it is better to submit few, great shots which rise up in the search results?

Personally, I get about 400-600 shots in a shoot and select about 60, 70 for submission. In the past it was way more, but now I edit more tightly.

Thanks for participating!

It's about 10-15% for me too. I used to do a lot higher percentage until I had to search for images and I literally skipped over contributors who posted what looked like twenty nearly identical versions of the same image.

« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 16:36 »
I'm a brutal editor, but fall in the 40-60 range of edit/submissions. But I'm also careful in what I shoot, so the only things I reject are near dupes and technical problems. On the other hand, I'll bet a lot of us have taken a great "single" shot and had it sell well. (Next door neighbors yard sale is one of my examples. )So, that would be 100%.

« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2016, 00:28 »
My finger slipped.  I'm on my tablet and meant to vote 20-40 but accidentally voted over 60%.  Can someone correct?


« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2016, 04:15 »
My finger slipped.  I'm on my tablet and meant to vote 20-40 but accidentally voted over 60%.  Can someone correct?

I cannot, but I think it is safe to assume it wont spoil all the results :-)


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« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2016, 05:24 »
Is there a way to see results if we don't vote? (I don't really qualify for doing 'shoots', but I'm still interested in seeing  the results).


« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2016, 04:54 »
Is there a way to see results if we don't vote? (I don't really qualify for doing 'shoots', but I'm still interested in seeing  the results).

I just changed the settings that everybody can see the results...


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2016, 04:57 »
Is there a way to see results if we don't vote? (I don't really qualify for doing 'shoots', but I'm still interested in seeing  the results).

I just changed the settings that everybody can see the results...
Thanks  ... but when I click View Results, I still only see the polling bit, not the results.


« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2016, 09:08 »
Is there a way to see results if we don't vote? (I don't really qualify for doing 'shoots', but I'm still interested in seeing  the results).

I just changed the settings that everybody can see the results...
Thanks  ... but when I click View Results, I still only see the polling bit, not the results.

Mmmm.....I just opted for "Show the poll results to anyone..." ... there is no other option i am afraid. Why not just vote for what is the most realistic in your case?

« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2016, 09:45 »
Results so far.

« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2016, 13:50 »
yes, i would definitely say i am an editing freak. esp for ss, as the placement favors dls per image.
i would not canabilize my port and have 20 images 1 dl vs  20 dl 1 image...
as the latter would find me on pg 1 top row and continue to get me daily (almost) dl through

if i were submitting to other sites, which i am not, as until i get another site having an earning close enough to ss, then i would give them either whatever ss rejects or other viewpoints of the same shoot.
but never the ones i give to ss.

« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2016, 21:27 »
yes, i would definitely say i am an editing freak. esp for ss, as the placement favors dls per image.
i would not canabilize my port and have 20 images 1 dl vs  20 dl 1 image...
as the latter would find me on pg 1 top row and continue to get me daily (almost) dl through

you're assuming that it would always be 1:20 and 20:1

if each image can sell on its own, it may be more like 40 downloads of 20 images, where 1 or 2 images get 5-10 dls and some get 1-3 and some get none (ie, bell curved)

by picking only 1 you're culling images that buyers may want - eg, bird's head turned up or down, horiz / vertical, etc, etc  plenty of reason for variety before becoming spam


« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2016, 02:42 »
yes, i would definitely say i am an editing freak. esp for ss, as the placement favors dls per image.
i would not canabilize my port and have 20 images 1 dl vs  20 dl 1 image...
as the latter would find me on pg 1 top row and continue to get me daily (almost) dl through

you're assuming that it would always be 1:20 and 20:1

if each image can sell on its own, it may be more like 40 downloads of 20 images, where 1 or 2 images get 5-10 dls and some get 1-3 and some get none (ie, bell curved)

by picking only 1 you're culling images that buyers may want - eg, bird's head turned up or down, horiz / vertical, etc, etc  plenty of reason for variety before becoming spam

That is my internal conflict. I usually would agree with estudiante rapido and SS definitely ranks by file/performance, but on the other hand it is sometimes unpredictable which image of a series becomes a bestseller and since I had many surprises in the past I am always afraid to lose sales as well.

Another aspect is time. If I chose twice the files I usually would I submit the other half about a year later and they get their own shot for sales / ranking in the database. Would you lose these sales when editing more tightly?

Furthermore: some sites do not only rank the file performance, but as well the activity (e.g. amount of new uploads) of the Portfolio. So, by submitting less we get a lower ranking for our whole portfolio? Or not? That is at least my impression.

« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2016, 08:27 »
yes, i would definitely say i am an editing freak. esp for ss, as the placement favors dls per image.
i would not canabilize my port and have 20 images 1 dl vs  20 dl 1 image...
as the latter would find me on pg 1 top row and continue to get me daily (almost) dl through

you're assuming that it would always be 1:20 and 20:1

if each image can sell on its own, it may be more like 40 downloads of 20 images, where 1 or 2 images get 5-10 dls and some get 1-3 and some get none (ie, bell curved)

by picking only 1 you're culling images that buyers may want - eg, bird's head turned up or down, horiz / vertical, etc, etc  plenty of reason for variety before becoming spam

That is my internal conflict. I usually would agree with estudiante rapido and SS definitely ranks by file/performance, but on the other hand it is sometimes unpredictable which image of a series becomes a bestseller and since I had many surprises in the past I am always afraid to lose sales as well.

Another aspect is time. If I chose twice the files I usually would I submit the other half about a year later and they get their own shot for sales / ranking in the database. Would you lose these sales when editing more tightly?

Furthermore: some sites do not only rank the file performance, but as well the activity (e.g. amount of new uploads) of the Portfolio. So, by submitting less we get a lower ranking for our whole portfolio? Or not? That is at least my impression.

good point by both of you.
yes, i do risk it by heavy editing and sometimes i lose. but there are times in the past where i spend more time submitting the whole bunch and find that none of them got any exposure nor dls.
so i decided to do it this way...
and as tror pointed out, which ones do i choose. from experience of my own work,
i would choose maybe two or three with different perspective viewpoints
and as you both said, something that i do not personally think is the best one.

you are both right in saying many times your best sellers are not your favorite work..or something like that, and mine too.
but i do not just forget the rest of my work. i stagger them so that if for one month i see none of my new images are selling at all, i wait a few months and submit some more from that shoot.
so in a way, at the end of it, i will have submitted all the shoot, but over a period stretched out
so i don't just get all my shoot receiving no exposure in one time.


« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2016, 10:02 »
The key point I still try to figure out how to reach optimal database performance and exposure of the material.

I do think the quality in terms of technique and composition has to be great in any case, but all the rest might be done by coincidence and database positioning of our material.

Since the Agencies (afaik) do not share the algorithms they use to calculate the positioning - at best we could try to sort of reverse engineer the objective attributes which influence the positioning (objective meaning the sales figures, portfolio performance, number of new uploads etc., not how "good" or stylish the material is since these aspects always vary and are subjective).

« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2016, 14:18 »
The key point I still try to figure out how to reach optimal database performance and exposure of the material.

I do think the quality in terms of technique and composition has to be great in any case, but all the rest might be done by coincidence and database positioning of our material.

Since the Agencies (afaik) do not share the algorithms they use to calculate the positioning - at best we could try to sort of reverse engineer the objective attributes which influence the positioning (objective meaning the sales figures, portfolio performance, number of new uploads etc., not how "good" or stylish the material is since these aspects always vary and are subjective).

now you're losing me. .. as i am old-school and really lacking in what you mentioned in your last para.
but i do think you would be right in paying more attention to those stuff you mentioned aside from style and composition .
many years ago at the start of the internet era, i was also told by some marketing ppl in the company i was working for, that knowing all those things like "algorithm" "search engine",etc.. as i said way over my head, can make a big difference in how successful a web business be.
a few brainiacs in my dept (maths majors) did try to explain me to how to do it, but like i said,
as an arts major, it all went way past my grey matter could handle.

yes, the success could well be something you can manage if you know all those things that go into making your sales and exposure better .  if you know what i mean, cos i don't even know what i just said, LOL


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